England has Fallen

They need subtitles. Sounded like a Python skit. The crime apparently was there were witnesses who heard him saying “Why do we allowed other countries flags flying on our streets.” Arrested for that. WTF?
They need subtitles. Sounded like a Python skit. The crime apparently was there were witnesses who heard him saying “Why do we allowed other countries flags flying on our streets.” Arrested for that. WTF?
Just another liberal paradise.

Mike Banning would clean that ish up in about 5 minutes.
Clearly you haven’t. The removal of free speech? C’mon…
Free speech has its responsibilities Jim. Today, more and more folks are removing their filters...that is not “free speech” but that is anarchy or hate speech. Years ago a famous SC Justice said you do have free speech but “free speech protection” does not protect those who choose to yell “Fire!” Into a crowded theater.
If the shoe fits, wear it.
Free speech has its responsibilities Jim. Today, more and more folks are removing their filters...that is not “free speech” but that is anarchy or hate speech. Years ago a famous SC Justice said you do have free speech but “free speech protection” does not protect those who choose to yell “Fire!” Into a crowded theater.
If the shoe fits, wear it
But what if there is a fire?
I can't really hear anything either, too many people talking.

Would like to see an actual news report from a legitimate source backing this up. Because a lot of times these things are mis-labeled or things are left out.
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Does anyone know what the man did to express his disapproval? That obviously matters.

That was my concern. They often leave out important information on this stuff. So did he just say "That's disgusting" or did he go rip them down and burn them?

If it's just the first than his free speech rights have been violated and a magistrate should release him immediately and punish those who charged him.

If he tore them down or something than he is violating the free speech rights of others and he deserves to go to jail for a little while.
Can't be the whole story...I'm not believing this on its face.

A question came to mind though, and I had to Google it. Does the UK have free speech? The answer is NO, or 'yeah kinda but...'. They have "freedom of expression" but that is subject to many things that are subject to interpretation and can be punishable by law. It's not as free as our speech.

Now...when it comes down to it, if I'm choosing a group to protect here, I'm leaving someone alone who says 'we should only fly UK flags here,' and I'm detaining and questioning anyone who is flying a Palestinian flag as terror sympathizers/potential terrorists.
Can't be the whole story...I'm not believing this on its face.

A question came to mind though, and I had to Google it. Does the UK have free speech? The answer is NO, or 'yeah kinda but...'. They have "freedom of expression" but that is subject to many things that are subject to interpretation and can be punishable by law. It's not as free as our speech.

Now...when it comes down to it, if I'm choosing a group to protect here, I'm leaving someone alone who says 'we should only fly UK flags here,' and I'm detaining and questioning anyone who is flying a Palestinian flag as terror sympathizers/potential terrorists.

I think they don't allow blatant hate speech but that's about it. I don't think disapproving of Palestinian flags would qualify as blatant hate speech.
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Free speech has its responsibilities Jim. Today, more and more folks are removing their filters...that is not “free speech” but that is anarchy or hate speech. Years ago a famous SC Justice said you do have free speech but “free speech protection” does not protect those who choose to yell “Fire!” Into a crowded theater.
If the shoe fits, wear it.
Define "hate speech."
Free speech has its responsibilities Jim. Today, more and more folks are removing their filters...that is not “free speech” but that is anarchy or hate speech. Years ago a famous SC Justice said you do have free speech but “free speech protection” does not protect those who choose to yell “Fire!” Into a crowded theater.
If the shoe fits, wear it.
Go on record then. You’re totally fine with a person being arrested for being witnessed asking why foreign flags were allowed to be flying on public poles on the city streets. Because according to the cop that’s what he did and why he’s being arrested.

And you’re equating that to yelling “fire” in a crowded theatre. Lol
Go on record then. You’re totally fine with a person being arrested for being witnessed asking why foreign flags were allowed to be flying on public poles on the city streets. Because according to the cop that’s what he did and why he’s being arrested.

And you’re equating that to yelling “fire” in a crowded theatre. Lol
It happened in England! Jeeeeebus keeeeeerist...I live in Iowa...that is in the United States!
Free speech has its responsibilities Jim. Today, more and more folks are removing their filters...that is not “free speech” but that is anarchy or hate speech. Years ago a famous SC Justice said you do have free speech but “free speech protection” does not protect those who choose to yell “Fire!” Into a crowded theater.
If the shoe fits, wear it.
Define "hate speech."
Hard to understand, and being my typical American self, I do not care for using the day/month/year format for dates.

Cops in the UK must have a ton of free time to arrest people for this BS ( assuming the story is accurate) and not be fearful at all of the people they arrest with the cuffs in front crazy.

Interestingly, the police are arresting people on both sides for the same kind of comments/actions. I googled trying to find more on this story there is an entire Google search page of similar "crimes", the charge in a few articles is labeled as suspicion of inciting racial hatred, crazy.
Free speech has its responsibilities Jim. Today, more and more folks are removing their filters...that is not “free speech” but that is anarchy or hate speech. Years ago a famous SC Justice said you do have free speech but “free speech protection” does not protect those who choose to yell “Fire!” Into a crowded theater.
If the shoe fits, wear it.
What's "hate speech," Joely-Jo-Jo?