Era and city you’d live in?


HR Heisman
Gold Member
Jan 5, 2006
You’re given several million dollars and can put your current life on hold for one year, guaranteed to return to it as it is today. Meaning, everything and everyone is frozen in time for that year. What era and city (or country) would you choose to live in?

Personally, I’d go with Los Angeles in the late 70s to 80s and experience the Playboy lifestyle, if you know what I mean.
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I am not sure all things considered I would want to live in any day other than today. Plenty of psst events I would love to see firsthand. But for a full year? I would have to give up my smartphone, streaming, and potentially Climate control?

As to place I would have a hard time deciding between a cabin in the woods or some home on a beach. Smoky mountains in Tennessee or maybe some house on the beach in California.

And only of my family could come with me. If I didn't have my family I would fall into a depression in about a week.
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I'd go back to the 90s and go to a shitload of concerts. City doesn't really matter
You’re given several million dollars and can put your current life on hold for one year, guaranteed to return to it as it is today. Meaning, everything and everyone is frozen in time for that year. What era and city (or country) would you choose to live in?

Personally, I’d go with Los Angeles in the late 70s to 80s and experience the Playboy lifestyle, if you know what I mean.
Houston and Dallas during the oil boom of the 70's/80's were crazy. Lots of $$ flowing, divorces, etc.
I’d love to go back and see this country as it was before European settlers ruined it. Live with the Native Americans and learn as much about their culture as possible. Find out about their knowledge of the plants and how to use them.
Chances are high that culture may lead to you being slaughtered or enslaved by a rival tribe of native Americans lol
Too many places and eras I’d love to see. Since I’ve been reading about the Punic Wars recently, I’m going with Carthage in the 220’s BC.
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Germany in the 1940s their views were so progressive at the time I’d like to experience
I thought the "progressive time" in Germany was the 20s and early 30s prior to hitlers assent to power in the mid 30s?
It’s a fuking joke.
Fair lol though there may be a case to be made that the actual "progressive" time (that mimics the current progressive movement in the west) was one of the large reasons that Hitler and the nazi party came to power in the first place.
Good grief...

Chances are high that culture may lead to you being slaughtered or enslaved by a rival tribe of native Americans lol

White guilt plus a gross ignorance of history.. it's like these people are unaware that Indian tribes murdered and enslaved each other long before the Europeans arrived to "ruin everything".
Hate to interrupt your white nationalist circle jerk here, but the practice of enslavement was rare and almost exclusively done on war captives. The practice exploded in every facet only after European colonialism. I guess Scruddy is ignorant of any actual history that he didn’t find from his Neo Nazi friends online. But continue your Kim Reynolds-approved whitewash of history for us. ;)
Hate to interrupt your white nationalist circle jerk here, but the practice of enslavement was rare and almost exclusively done on war captives. The practice exploded in every facet only after European colonialism. I guess Scruddy is ignorant of any actual history that he didn’t find from his Neo Nazi friends online. But continue your Kim Reynolds-approved whitewash of history for us. ;)

Except you're completely wrong (per usual). Nice attempted flex though, doofus
…As for my answer: 1977 in London and the “Summer of Punk”. See the Sex Pistols, The Ramones, The Damned, The Jam, Blondie, The Clash, Talking Heads, etc.

Second choice: Chicago 1990. Final season of Old Comiskey, when they were first place late but were second best in the AL to a ‘roided up A’s team. Be in the epicenter of alternative and industrial music with Wax Trax Records and The Metro: Ministry, NIN, early Smashing Pumpkins. See grunge in the earliest stages with Nirvana etc. all coming to town.
Did you even bother reading your own link, Nazi? It corroborated exactly what he and I said. The egregious examples of enslavement that typified the European conquest occurred in South and Central America, rarely in the United States region. They then note this:

“These practices of bondage were embedded in specific cultural contexts. Europeans tapped into them and went on to commodify and expand them in ways that would have been unimaginable in earlier times.”
Did you even bother reading your own link, Nazi? It corroborated exactly what he and I said. The egregious examples of enslavement that typified the European conquest occurred in South and Central America, rarely in the United States region. They then note this:

“These practices of bondage were embedded in specific cultural contexts. Europeans tapped into them and went on to commodify and expand them in ways that would have been unimaginable in earlier times.”
"Indigenous slavery long predated the arrival of Europeans in the Americas. As far back as we can peer into pre-Contact monuments, codices, and archaeological evidence as well as the earliest European accounts, we learn about Indigenous Americans enslaving one another."

Clearly you didn't, dip shit.
"Indigenous slavery long predated the arrival of Europeans in the Americas. As far back as we can peer into pre-Contact monuments, codices, and archaeological evidence as well as the earliest European accounts, we learn about Indigenous Americans enslaving one another."

Clearly you didn't, dip shit.
Do you know the difference between the United States and “the Americas”, you illiterate fascist? 😂
Houston and Dallas during the oil boom of the 70's/80's were crazy. Lots of $$ flowing, divorces, etc.
We moved to D in 1985. Definitely at the end of that oil boom but it is still a town where people can grab success.