Every season except summer is getting shorter, a sign of trouble for people and the environment


You perceive a constraint that doesn't permit unlimited growth.
I don't.
So I'm asking you, what is the constraint you see?
Of course now maybe growth can be defined. Maybe I just fear extremes, while I think you gravitate towards them, to understand the world.
Of course now maybe growth can be defined.
Economic value is subjective.
Copper has value as a germ killing brass door handle, it has value as an electrical component. But the value is defined by the use more than the amount.

Economic value doesn’t even require a corporeal entity.
There is nothing about the size of the earth that puts a hard limit on the amount of software that can be created.
But some software is very valuable, and some you couldn’t force people to use.

Can we produce and consume too much art? What is the limit to creativity?

The answer ‘Earth’ doesn’t seem to grasp the real fount of wealth.