Every time we play Penn State

It's sad that you let the actions of few reflect your entire outlook on a University. You're smarter than that..
Originally posted by PSU2K6:
It's sad that you let the actions of few reflect your entire outlook on a University. You're smarter than that..
Actually, it is sad that an entire athletic dept. covered up a child molester and you are still a fan of said athletic dept.
Actually, you do not know what you are talking about.

The actions of one man and an incompetent Board of Trustees have cost this proud University millions. As investigations are now showing the ESPN and NYT writers took the easy way out and blamed the man with the biggest name Joe Paterno who was totally innocent. Joe was a lot of things, but he was not an enabler, in fact he let Sandusky go, the year before all this started(fact).

As in all large organizations Politics plays a big part, Penn State was no exception. One BOT member has a "hate" against Joe and did everything in his power to insure that the "blame" was directed against Joe, and on and on total baloney.
Originally posted by Arizona_Hawks:
I feel like i need a shower. The child molesters are out and taking charge.
The people that work near you agree that you need a shower and some strong deodorant.
Originally posted by pap17754:

Actually, you do not know what you are talking about.

The actions of one man and an incompetent Board of Trustees have cost this proud University millions. As investigations are now showing the ESPN and NYT writers took the easy way out and blamed the man with the biggest name Joe Paterno who was totally innocent. Joe was a lot of things, but he was not an enabler, in fact he let Sandusky go, the year before all this started(fact).

As in all large organizations Politics plays a big part, Penn State was no exception. One BOT member has a "hate" against Joe and did everything in his power to insure that the "blame" was directed against Joe, and on and on total baloney.
Not sure why this needed to be brought up, but Joe Pa was either senile for many years or he conveniently tuned out what was going on a LONG time. He was in charge, and he needed to take some blame.
I may need a shower but you are in complete denial with your program. Please stop violating those children sicko.