Exercise Routine


HB Legend
Feb 14, 2016
What do you do to try and stay moving and in shape?

I push to get 7500 steps a day by walking during lunch and anything after that is golden so I’m usually around 9-10k steps a day. Then I lift 2-3 times a week dependent on my schedule. I mainly work on my shoulders and arms since walking takes care of my calf muscles.

I’m a pretty sexy burly man with this routine.
What do you do to try and stay moving and in shape?

I push to get 7500 steps a day by walking during lunch and anything after that is golden so I’m usually around 9-10k steps a day. Then I lift 2-3 times a week dependent on my schedule. I mainly work on my shoulders and arms since walking takes care of my calf muscles.

I’m a pretty sexy burly man with this routine.
To me there is no better calorie burner than the elliptical trainer. Easy on the knees, and you can dial in the resistance and speed to keep in step with music at your target heart rate.
I try each week to average at least 900 calories burned/day (according to my apple watch).

I do this by some combination of walking, jogging, walking on a treadmill at a very steep incline, and playing tennis (pickleball).
Walking 4-5 miles at least 2-3 times a week and then lift 4 times a week (Push movements 2 days, pull movements 2 days). To break up the walking, I've started going out to Hartman where there's a steep, large area with a bunch of stairs and running stairs for about 20ish mins. That gets the ol heart rate up pretty good. Burn a lot of calories in a much shorter time than just plain walking.
Ride bike, a lot of bike. At least 12,000 mikes a year the past several years.

Of course I have no kids at home at this point in my life otherwise no way.

Need to mix in some upper body weight training but I will worry about that after I retire.

I also walk the dog a lot.
I almost always eclipse 10,000 steps a day - except Sunday - either through brisk walking or jogging. In sept I have went 142 total miles.

I weight train 4-5 times a week. Push, pull, legs is my typical routine. I am not putting up record numbers but I am stronger now than I have ever been. Plus it feels good after work and I look good naked (no pics)
1) Wake up, get ready for work, drink coffee on the way to work. No breakfast.

2) More times than not, no lunch

3) Eat too much for supper after fasting all day.

4) Go for a walk with the No-Pic in the evening.

5) Have a little whiskey before bed

****oh and I almost forgot, don't drink enough water during the day.

I like to think of it as continuous intermittent fasting with poor exercise habits.
Four days a week of cycling, generally around 100-150 miles a week, with one long one at tempo and at least one short one attacking the hills

Other days, generally get about 10k steps naturally for the most part.

In the fall/winter/spring, I usually subtract a day of riding, and add two days of lifting (one 'standard' and one 'pyramids')
Walking 4-5 miles at least 2-3 times a week and then lift 4 times a week (Push movements 2 days, pull movements 2 days). To break up the walking, I've started going out to Hartman where there's a steep, large area with a bunch of stairs and running stairs for about 20ish mins. That gets the ol heart rate up pretty good. Burn a lot of calories in a much shorter time than just plain walking.
pushing farts and pulling dong
pushing farts and pulling dong