FAA air traffic control system

I appreciate Musk’s ability to innovate, hell I spent over $100K on one of his cars 10 years ago. But while I’m an early technology adopter, there are some things that have a literal ZERO tolerance for failure and the FAA is one of them.

Musk should stay in his lane and leave those absolutely cannot fail systems to others more inclined to making them as fool proof as possible. We can’t learn by blowing up rockets when it comes to aviation safety,
I will say as someone who has long been a proponent of air travel….the cuts and fact that Musk is getting his hands into the FAA is giving me pause before stepping on a plane for the first time ever.
You have never flown on an airplane?

I appreciate Musk’s ability to innovate, hell I spent over $100K on one of his cars 10 years ago. But while I’m an early technology adopter, there are some things that have a literal ZERO tolerance for failure and the FAA is one of them.

Musk should stay in his lane and leave those absolutely cannot fail systems to others more inclined to making them as fool proof as possible. We can’t learn by blowing up rockets when it comes to aviation safety,
Agreed. "Hey, nobody bats 1.000" isn't going to work for the FAA. Airlines should be hugely concerned by this as well. If it becomes a crapshoot on whether or not your plane will make it to its destination people will stop flying.