Face it you heathens... the Bible is VERIFIABLE HISTORY

FWIW, about 30-40% of the Old Testament’s historical claims, particularly in books like Kings, Chronicles, and parts of the Torah, are supported by archaeology or external records from Assyrian, Babylonian, and Egyptian sources. For the New Testament, around 50-60% of its historical claims, especially in the Gospels and Acts, are backed by external sources like the writings of Josephus and Tacitus, as well as archaeological findings. Events such as Jesus' trial, crucifixion, and figures like Herod and Pontius Pilate are historically confirmed, but miracles and theological elements remain unverifiable. Gotta have faith, my friends!

2 things:

Much of the Bible is verified.

Mel Gibson is a weird dude. I just wrote that he is one of my favorite actors but listening to the snippets of this interview I have I'm surprised he didn't say he has had a brain worm.
Um, people in the bible lived to be 600 years old, survived a global flood that was so massive that it somehow covered the entire earth, could be turned into salt, regularly talked to snakes, could create new people from ribs, and could be killed and be brought back to life with supernatural powers. Safe to assume that the bible is about as believable as Lord of the Rings.
Um, people in the bible lived to be 600 years old, survived a global flood that was so massive that it somehow covered the entire earth, could be turned into salt, regularly talked to snakes, could create new people from ribs, and could be killed and be brought back to life with supernatural powers. Safe to assume that the bible is about as believable as Lord of the Rings.

The Bible is filled with metaphors. It's important to remember that when reading.
Key word here is "believed". Having been to the holy land I also believe he was a person who existed, was crucified because he was like a con man and he wasn't resurrected. It's quite an interesting trip that I recommend for everyone.
I don’t think you necessarily have to go to the holy land to figure this out. I had this one pegged when I was 10. When I figured out there was no magic, which means no Santa, which also means for Jesus magic.

Spoiler alert: Mary wasn’t a virgin
I think Jefferson got it right, focus on the man and philosophy and not the miracles. Early Christians had to shoehorn Jesus into a lot of existing prophesy and match up with claims from other religions.

If you take away Jesus’s divinity then His life, teaching, death, & resurrection are meaningless.

Put into historical context, following Jesus just because he’s a “good teacher/rabbi” is criminal insanity.
Key word here is "believed". Having been to the holy land I also believe he was a person who existed, was crucified because he was like a con man and he wasn't resurrected. It's quite an interesting trip that I recommend for everyone.

What year did you go to the Holy Land?!

Any details of your trip? My Mom went (no pics) in 2011.
If you take away Jesus’s divinity then His life, teaching, death, & resurrection are meaningless.

Put into historical context, following Jesus just because he’s a “good teacher/rabbi” is criminal insanity.
That's just complete nonsense. First, if you take away his "divinity" there is no resurrection. Most importantly, do you ONLY listen to people who can perform miracles? Your parents? Your teachers? All of them were "divine"?
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That's just complete nonsense. First, if you take away his "divinity" there is no resurrection. Most importantly, do you ONLY listen to people who can perform miracles? Your parents? Your teachers? All of them were "divine"?
His divinity by itself is critical. The resurrection is also critical.

Do not be so obtuse Tar! I listen to a lot of people but fair to say the more divine you are, the more importance I assign to you. Sorta like the following:

Tarheel < Paul Krugman < Kanye < Bazooka Joe & Jughead < Sofia from the Golden Girls < my father < my pastor < Jesus Christ
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And you know the stories ABOUT him aren't metaphorical because....

That's what the scholarship says...

Read Professor Bart Ehrman. He's an atheist and teaches that Jesus lived, was crucified and His followers believed Jesus rose from the dead.

His divinity by itself is critical. The resurrection is also critical.

Do not be so obtuse Tar! I listen to a lot of people but fair to say the more divine you are, the more importance I assign to you. Sorta like the following:

Tarheel < Paul Krugman < Kanye < Bazooka Joe & Jughead < Sofia from the Golden Girls < my father < my pastor < Jesus Christ
LOL...changing the story said without his "divinity" his life and teachings were "meaningless" - totally devoid of meaning. Now you seem to be claiming that the life and teachings of a fictional character from a sitcom is meaningful. Sofia has some level of divinity in your mind? Bazooka Joe and Jughead have more relevance to your life than the teaching of a non-divine Jesus?

You might want to think for a few minutes before you post again. You're sounding like a nut.
That's what the scholarship says...

Read Professor Bart Ehrman. He's an atheist and teaches that Jesus lived, was crucified and His followers believed Jesus rose from the dead.

None of that has any impact on my post. They also claim he walked on water. The probable historical evidence supporting his existence and death has absolutely zero relevance on that story.
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Another thread on HBORT about a celebrity we should/ should not agree with that draws lines on political/religious views. ✅
LOL...changing the story said without his "divinity" his life and teachings were "meaningless" - totally devoid of meaning. Now you seem to be claiming that the life and teachings of a fictional character from a sitcom is meaningful. Sofia has some level of divinity in your mind? Bazooka Joe and Jughead have more relevance to your life than the teaching of a non-divine Jesus?

You might want to think for a few minutes before you post again. You're sounding like a nut.
I know I’m always under your skin so you have to attack me. You like to take everything I say ultra-literally in an effort to find something to attack and ignore context (which in fairness is usually comical directed towards you of course) because you do not care for what I have to say (yet oddly always engage in an argument). But let’s keep the debate lighthearted shall we?

If Jesus was just a teacher and not divine, what separates Him from Buddha, Ghandi, Oprah?
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The Bible is filled with metaphors. It's important to remember that when reading.

I understand that. But when I want to learn about something in an encylpedia or history book.....I'm not looking for metaphors. To me the metaphor argument is kind of b.s. That is like saying The Hobbit is true but metaphors. So I should believe in the Hobbit?

Before some nerd says yes....GTFO