Fans of old movies

Donovan's Reef arrived via Netflix yesterday. I plan on watching it Sunday night.
During his grade school years, Lone Clone enjoyed many
of the "Silent Films" which starred Buster Keaton and
Charlie Chaplin.
During his grade school years, Lone Clone enjoyed many
of the "Silent Films" which starred Buster Keaton and
Charlie Chaplin.
This is incorrect. I enjoyed the Keaton and Chaplin films as a young adult. Where I grew up in grade school years, there was no movie theater. I remember attending three movies as a grade schooler.

"Love Me Tender," the debut of Elvis Presley. I was 10. My older sister and I were big Elvis fans, and my mother took us to a nearby town to see a matinee. I remember at the end, when the camera shows the grave stone of the Elvis character, a girl behind us wailed "He died on my birthday!!!!"

"The Merry Widow." Don't remember a thing about it except I didn't like it. I was 7 or 8, tops. Dad was having some work done on the tractor in a (different) nearby town, and Mom wanted to see the movie. He didn't, so she went and took me. Dad was right. I would rather have watched the work on the tractor.

"Rodan." I went to this one myself, in Woodbine. Scared the CRAP out of me. Couldn't get home soon enough afterward. I was 10.
Love The Best Years of Our Lives. TCM will be showing it again with some other great war films Memorial Day weekend.
LC - the ending of Rodan always made me sad. (It does not end well for the loyal monsters.)
Love The Best Years of Our Lives. TCM will be showing it again with some other great war films Memorial Day weekend.
LC - the ending of Rodan always made me sad. (It does not end well for the loyal monsters.)
I wouldn't feel to sorry for him. He made at least 9 more films, which is more than you can say for a lot of actors.
Very, very good movie. Oscar for Harold Russell. Two Oscars, actually, but that's another story. He wasn't in another movie for more than 40 years, and then he was in another really, really good movie, but one that not many people saw: "Inside Moves."

Inside Moves was a good movie.
"Treasure of the Sierra Madre" is scheduled on TCM Tuesday. An absolute "must" for anybody who claims to have an interest in film. It has been said that Walter Huston's performance is the best of any American actor, ever.

And, all together now: “Badges? We ain’t got no badges! We don’t need no badges!
I don’t have to show you any stinking badges!”
Just not enough nudity or explosions in old movies for me.
Depends upon how old you want to go. Back before the Hayes Commission there was a fair amount of nudity. "Tarzan and his Mate" has some nice scenes (although the best are a body double for Maureen O'Sullivan); Claudette Colbert bathes in milk in "Cleopatra"; there are some pretty hot shots of Fay Wray in "King Kong" if you can find an uncut original print. And although the explosions weren't as spectacular as they are in movies today, people actually were killed occasionally during the filming back then, so there's that.
More old movie trivia - The Charge of the Light Brigade is notorious for their wanton destruction of horses. The fallout from dozens of horses being killed by the use of trip wires forced the Congress to actually ban the use of wires in future films.

Some great old movies with good explosions (but alas no nudity) are All Quiet on the Western Front, The Big Parade and Westfront 1918. The latter two are silent but considered classic and so good most people don't mind.

As LC said, find an unedited copy of the original King Kong. Even more that the nudity, the Kong sniffing finger scene will astonish you with what the film makers could do in the pre-code days.
"Treasure of the Sierra Madre" is scheduled on TCM Tuesday. An absolute "must" for anybody who claims to have an interest in film. It has been said that Walter Huston's performance is the best of any American actor, ever.

And, all together now: “Badges? We ain’t got no badges! We don’t need no badges!
I don’t have to show you any stinking badges!”

I watched that last week. An excellent progression by the characters.
If you've never seen it before, pay attention to the little boy selling the lottery tickets and try and guess who he grew up to be.
I watched that last week. An excellent progression by the characters.
If you've never seen it before, pay attention to the little boy selling the lottery tickets and try and guess who he grew up to be.
That's not bad trivia, although it's pretty well known. He previously was a member of "Our Gang" and subsequently played Little Beaver in the Red Ryder movies. He had several major motion picture roles and starred in a TV series based on a true character. A lot of people think he got away with murdering his wife.
That's not bad trivia, although it's pretty well known. He previously was a member of "Our Gang" and subsequently played Little Beaver in the Red Ryder movies. He had several major motion picture roles and starred in a TV series based on a true character. A lot of people think he got away with murdering his wife.
So, you are saying it's a great trivia question for anyone over 65. ;)
His career was over by the time I was old enough to watch TV. Saw his old stuff on weekend when re-runs of The Little Rascals were cheap filler.
So, you are saying it's a great trivia question for anyone over 65. ;)
His career was over by the time I was old enough to watch TV. Saw his old stuff on weekend when re-runs of The Little Rascals were cheap filler.
Well, not really, but on the other hand, it isn't trivia if you don't know who the guy is. That is, if somebody told me something trivial about, say, the bass player for Green Day, it wouldn't be good trivia for me because I am pretty sure I've never heard a note the band played, let alone know who the members are/were. Do you have to be over 65 to know who Bobby Blake is? mean Robert Blake of "Our Gang" fame? Robert Blake who was afraid of pooping his pants "In Cold Blood" fame? You mean Robert Blake who didn't kill his wife fame? You mean Robert Blake who later paid the State of Cally for killing her ? You mean THAT Robert Blake? I have heard of him....and yes, I am of 65. mean Robert Blake of "Our Gang" fame? Robert Blake who was afraid of pooping his pants "In Cold Blood" fame? You mean Robert Blake who didn't kill his wife fame? You mean Robert Blake who later paid the State of Cally for killing her ? You mean THAT Robert Blake? I have heard of him....and yes, I am of 65.
That's the one. "Baretta" himself. Also the star of "Electraglide in Blue," a pretty decent cult film.
Well, not really, but on the other hand, it isn't trivia if you don't know who the guy is. That is, if somebody told me something trivial about, say, the bass player for Green Day, it wouldn't be good trivia for me because I am pretty sure I've never heard a note the band played, let alone know who the members are/were. Do you have to be over 65 to know who Bobby Blake is?

It really helps. Yes.
Just finished up with Donovan's Reef. Pretty solid movie for a comedy attempt by John Wayne. A little too much of the drunken Irish stuff. That was kind of a go to move in a lot of John Wayne and John Ford collaborations. Nice little morality back story about the racial make up of the kids.
I thought it was a rather effective scene where Doc Dedham explains to Amelia why he'd never taken a role in her life.

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