FBI Escalates Hillary/E-mail Investigation


HB Legend
Nov 23, 2008
Even as Hillary Clinton tries to put questions about her private email server behind her, the FBI has stepped up inquiries into the security of the former secretary of state's home-made email system and how aides communicated over email, POLITICO has learned.

The FBI’s recent moves suggest that its inquiry could have evolved from the preliminary fact-finding stage that the agency launches when it receives a credible referral, according to former FBI and Justice Department officials.

Confirmation of the interview and document requests is the first public indication that the agency is moving ahead with its inquiry – and possibly expanding it.

The former State official interviewed by the FBI, for example, had little to do with the Clinton server set-up or any approval process allowing her to use personal email for work — suggesting the FBI’s initial inquiry about the actual physical security of Clinton’s home-made server now also includes looking at the content of messages shared by staff.

Former FBI and Justice officials familiar with the investigative procedures on such matters said the agency must determine two main things: whether the use of an outside email system posed any risks to national security secrets and, if so, whether anyone was responsible for exposing classified information.

FBI Director James Comey acknowledged in October that his agency was probing the server matter generally and believed it had the resources to look into the issues, though he didn't give specifics.

Over the summer, the Department of Justice said it received a referral from the Intelligence Community Inspector General about potentially exposed classified information on Clinton’s home-made email server. The referral, Justice said at the time, was not criminal in nature but focused on the counterintelligence law governing national security secrets.

The matter at the time was considered a “preliminary” inquiry.

Clinton’s campaign and lawyers have said they are cooperating, turning over her server and a thumb drive backup of her messages to the FBI. They’ve also said they’re encouraging everyone who worked on the server issue to do the same. Platte River Networks, the Denver-based company that housed her server since she left State in 2013, for example, has said it’s cooperating; so has Datto, another tech company that provided a cloud backup of Clinton’s messages.

But exactly who they’re talking to at the staff level has been unclear. For example: Cheryl Mills, Clinton’s former chief of staff at State and lawyer who helped determine which of her emails were personal and work related, wouldn’t say in a recent Washington Post interview whether she had been contacted due to confidentiality surrounding the FBI’s work.

The FBI ultimately decides whether to take a preliminary inquiry to a full-fledged investigation — and if it does so, it is under no obligation to say so publicly. The classification level of any compromised information "may be a factor in determining whether an FBI investigation is warranted," reads an overview of FBI procedures.
I can't wait until the witch is dead!

There is a cure for Clinton Derangement Syndrome, you know. A few weeks away from the wingnut echo chamber of hatred and lies would do wonders to return you to reality, although I know it will be tough after 20 years of brainwashing about the Clintons.
There is a cure for Clinton Derangement Syndrome, you know. A few weeks away from the wingnut echo chamber of hatred and lies would do wonders to return you to reality, although I know it will be tough after 20 years of brainwashing about the Clintons.

I'm not exactly sure how CDS works, however at the very minimum she's incompetent. I think that has been on full display. As to if she's a criminal....

Well I'll let you copy and paste an article absolving her!
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There is a cure for Clinton Derangement Syndrome, you know. A few weeks away from the wingnut echo chamber of hatred and lies would do wonders to return you to reality, although I know it will be tough after 20 years of brainwashing about the Clintons.

Nothing to copy and past from the echo chamber????
As long as the Republicans run Rubio or Kasich they will take her down.

The rest will lose to her.
I agree that either Rubio or Kasich would be far preferable to Trump or Cruz. But it would still be tough even then.
As long as the Republicans run Rubio or Kasich they will take her down.

The rest will lose to her.
Well, at this point, I think it would take an act from God to have Kasich at the top of the ticket. He's been wallowing and has not had a "signature" moment. He needs a book tour, plus he's one of the few "normal" people left, which means he has no chance.
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There is a cure for Clinton Derangement Syndrome, you know. A few weeks away from the wingnut echo chamber of hatred and lies would do wonders to return you to reality, although I know it will be tough after 20 years of brainwashing about the Clintons.

ciggy...lets just call a spade a spade. She is pretty awful.
And yet, better than anything the Republicans have to offer.

I am not saying the Rs are throwing up any winners, Trump actually looks like the best choice, which I never thought I would have said a few months back. However that doesn't change the fact that Hillary is an awful candidate and person.
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I am not saying the Rs are throwing up any winners, Trump actually looks like the best choice, which I never thought I would have said a few months back. However that doesn't change the fact that Hillary is an awful candidate and person.
I stopped reading after the Trump comment.
Hillary sucks. I wish we had someone who was more viable, but we don't. But she is still waaaaay better than any of the Republicans. Every last Republican wants to do less for the poor and more for the rich and every last Republican doesn't believe in equal rights for all citizens. Hillary may be conniving and vindictive. She may even be incompetent in some ways. But the fact that she doesn't support BS like this makes her way more qualified for the job.
That tells me all I need to know.

I am not a Trump supporter by any stretch, but he has a couple redeeming stances. He opposes the TPP, and understands our current trade deals are bad. He doesn't seem to be for Citizen's United, and has stated that giving money to politicians is buying favors.

He is awful on most everything else.
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I am not a Trump supporter by any stretch, but he has a couple redeeming stances. He opposes the TPP, and understands our current trade deals are bad. He doesn't seem to be for Citizen's United, and has stated that giving money to politicians is buying favors.

He is awful on most everything else.
Agreed on most of this. The GOP field is so bad that it takes clowns like Trump and the Good Doctor to get any publicity. Trump is what our GOPers call a "rino". If you are a Dem, to me, he would be the Best "non Republican" to vote for. Obnoxious? Hell yes. But he's somewhat sane on the social issues that have plagued the Republican Party recently.

Stay tuned to tonite's debate. I think Carson and Jeb have the most to lose tonite.
I am not a Trump supporter by any stretch, but he has a couple redeeming stances. He opposes the TPP, and understands our current trade deals are bad. He doesn't seem to be for Citizen's United, and has stated that giving money to politicians is buying favors.

He is awful on most everything else.

Then it's a good thing we're voting on more than four issues. If you put a gun to my head and said I had to vote for Trump or get shot, but everyone would know I voted for him, I'd have a serious dilemma.
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I am not a Trump supporter by any stretch, but he has a couple redeeming stances. He opposes the TPP, and understands our current trade deals are bad. He doesn't seem to be for Citizen's United, and has stated that giving money to politicians is buying favors.

He is awful on most everything else.

He was against the Iraq war from the beginning. I don't think he is a big racist like the Ds want to make him out to be. He just has a hard stance on ILLEGAL immigration, like most of our 1st world nation counterparts do.

Due to his nationalism stance he is more liberal than most think just like Hillary is more conservative than most thinking. Hell he may be more liberal than Hillary when you really look at things.
He was against the Iraq war from the beginning. I don't think he is a big racist like the Ds want to make him out to be. He just has a hard stance on ILLEGAL immigration, like most of our 1st world nation counterparts do.

Due to his nationalism stance he is more liberal than most think just like Hillary is more conservative than most thinking. Hell he may be more liberal than Hillary when you really look at things.

He may not personally be racist, but he sure is using race baiting to rile up the crazies of the GOP.
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He may not personally be racist, but he sure is using race baiting to rile up the crazies of the GOP.

And the Ds use it to rile up the social justice warriors. Unfortunately our political process has become this sort of childish form of culture wars. Each side claims innocents or that they are "right" but both look like spoiled little a-holes bc they use these types of things to drowned out the important business of actual governing.
And the Ds use it to rile up the social justice warriors. Unfortunately our political process has become this sort of childish form of culture wars. Each side claims innocents or that they are "right" but both look like spoiled little a-holes bc they use these types of things to drowned out the important business of actual governing.

And you believe that Trump would "actually govern" and not just use his office for a constant attention grab? Can you imagine if he was president and a week went by without him being in the headlines?

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And you believe that Trump would "actually govern" and not just use his office for a constant attention grab? Can you imagine if he was president and a week went by without him being in the headlines?

This kind of sounds like the current president and his Marie Antoinette wife.
You better go caucus for Bernie then. No way he would win in the general right? ;)
No way is a strong term but a Dem ticket with Bernie at the top is every Republicans wet dream. That's why it would never happen . If Hillary is indicted Uncle joe will ride to the rescue