Fellas excuse me but I'm confused...

Benjamin Jealous is of mixed race. Why are you so obsessed with race? Just asking why it's such a big part of your current persona? You got a little black in you?
I'm no more concerned with race than your boy Obama...or the NAACP...or white folk who actually are stupid enough to think they can solve "black problems"...
I'm no more concerned with race than your boy Obama...or the NAACP...or white folk who actually are stupid enough to think they can solve "black problems"...
My boy, huh. I think you got some black in you and that's why you are so angry. You seem like someone filled with self loathing.
I'm no more concerned with race than your boy Obama...or the NAACP...or white folk who actually are stupid enough to think they can solve "black problems"...

Jake, I'm white and I know how to solve black's problems. And white's problems. And for that matter, any problem.

Guns. There is no problem a gun can't solve.
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I'm still trying to figure out why someone can't change their race which seems to be entirely based on society's opinion of you based on how much melanin is in your skin and how much melanin is in your parent's skin but your gender which is based upon the reproductive organs you where born with and the role those organs have in reproduction and to a lesser extent genetics can be changed.

That's something that makes no sense to me. Gender is a physical reality. Most people have either a Penis or a Vagina. Race on the other hand isn't. The child of a white person and a black person is considered black. . . not because there is some physical reason but because society decided a long long time ago most likely when slavery was still kosher that if you where not completely 100% lilly white of European decent then you where something else. Also that this mattered a lot and one could not be of mulitple races. . . because those kind of people make the whole discriminating and enslaving thing we are doing hard. We have to know who it's ok to discriminate against and enslave darn it!!!

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