Ferguson hands whitey his butt!

Unless voters were prevented from getting to the polls or there was verified voter fraud in previous elections the people of Ferguson have had the city council they deserve in recent years.

I'm glad more qualified blacks ran for office and won election. That's stepping up.

Only time will tell if this new council will be an improvement over the old one.

Will the new city council drive poverty, drugs, criminals out of Ferguson or bring in new jobs? Or will they focus on crucifying any white cop who draws his gun in the coming months?

How this is a win for America can only be forged in the warped minds of some libs. It may be a win for jscott78 America, but I think that's a private country.
Glad to see new people step up and get involved in their communities.

Too bad it took a circus to make it happen.
There could be a mass exodus of whites from
Ferguson. Property values are plummeting as
whites put their homes up for sale. With the
race-baiting of Al Sharpton and Eric Holder
what did you expect?
It took for their city to be burned down and cops to line the streets in riot gear every night for the citizens of that town to take part in the electing of their policy makers. Good to see them finally getting around to doing it. Now, let's hope that they didn't elect piss poor leaders solely the color of their skin and not the content of their character. I guess we will see.

Not to mention...don't we need a recount? I thought voting democrats have been suppressed. How did this happen? I guess all of the GOPers voted Democrat this time around. Crazy.
Yes because Africans have such a long standing history of running clean and effective governments. The whole town is one big pile of gibs me dat. I do applaud the people who stepped up and ran and I hope their intentions are pure.
The racial makeup of the council there in past years leads me to think that the white voters of Fergie were concerned mainly with the color of the council member's skin. Imagine that.
Originally posted by INXS83:
Unless voters were prevented from getting to the polls or there was verified voter fraud in previous elections the people of Ferguson have had the city council they deserve in recent years.

I'm glad more qualified blacks ran for office and won election. That's stepping up.

Only time will tell if this new council will be an improvement over the old one.

Will the new city council drive poverty, drugs, criminals out of Ferguson or bring in new jobs? Or will they focus on crucifying any white cop who draws his gun in the coming months?

How this is a win for America can only be forged in the warped minds of some libs. It may be a win for jscott78 America, but I think that's a private country.
+1, but I think you list several reasons why this is a win for America.
Originally posted by naturalmwa:

Originally posted by INXS83:
Unless voters were prevented from getting to the polls or there was verified voter fraud in previous elections the people of Ferguson have had the city council they deserve in recent years.

I'm glad more qualified blacks ran for office and won election. That's stepping up.

Only time will tell if this new council will be an improvement over the old one.

Will the new city council drive poverty, drugs, criminals out of Ferguson or bring in new jobs? Or will they focus on crucifying any white cop who draws his gun in the coming months?

How this is a win for America can only be forged in the warped minds of some libs. It may be a win for jscott78 America, but I think that's a private country.
+1, but I think you list several reasons why this is a win for America.
I agree. Local government politics is a lot easier to change than national so the city council and other things were up to the local community.
Originally posted by jscott78:
The racial makeup of the council there in past years leads me to think that the white voters of Fergie were concerned mainly with the color of the council member's skin. Imagine that.
Ferguson is 70% African American.

The racial make-up of the council in past years leads me to think that Blacks didn't get out and vote.
Originally posted by jscott78:
Fruits of conservatism's voter suppression tactics, most likely!
So, you're saying that in the racial makeup of Ferguson......the minority population has been suppressing the majority population?

Can you list examples....or provide a link?
Originally posted by jscott78:
Fruits of conservatism's voter suppression tactics, most likely!
Fruits of irresponsible, unaccountable, disengaged, Liberal victimhood mentality, most likely.

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