Five Days since a Former President was nearly Assassinated

Will the Biden Administration hold anyone in the Secret Service accountable?

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Mistake Oops GIF by Dead Meat James
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Five days since you laughed at me
Saying, "Get that together, come back and see me"

BTW, anyone ever read the theory that One Week is about a guy who kills his GF and then slowly looses his mind over the next couple of days?

The Secret Service has blamed the local police. I know that much.

Some sham internal investigation explaining why it wasn’t their fault forthcoming. I’m not interested in the official coverup. I’m asking will anyone be held accountable?
And you say that the local police might not have screwed the pooch here? Based on what? Your experience as a security expert? Again, the SS will take the heat BUT apparently the local police were designated as responsible for securing this building and obviously they did not. What do you want to happen, Mr. Security Expert? How many do you want fired? Maybe you and yours will have to make sure the SS has adequate personnel to cover these events in their own and not rely on local police for assistance. You like to complain about a lot of shit don’t you?
And you say that the local police might not have screwed the pooch here? Based on what?

Based on the fact that the Secret Service left a rooftop with a direct line of sight to the podium completely unsecured.

One doesn’t need a degree in Security Operations Management to know that. Unless you think one does? Well then, you’re an idiot Joel.
The Secret Service has blamed the local police. I know that much.

Some sham internal investigation explaining why it wasn’t their fault forthcoming. I’m not interested in the official coverup. I’m asking will anyone be held accountable?
Odd, I thought I heard the SS director take 100% responsibility for the security breach.
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Come on. The “president” in question was a PINO.

A bunch of dumbasses came together and elected a schlub who had no clue about what he was doing and no interest in figuring it out. But still managed to scam a shit ton of people out of a shit ton of money in the process.
And you say that the local police might not have screwed the pooch here? Based on what? Your experience as a security expert? Again, the SS will take the heat BUT apparently the local police were designated as responsible for securing this building and obviously they did not. What do you want to happen, Mr. Security Expert? How many do you want fired? Maybe you and yours will have to make sure the SS has adequate personnel to cover these events in their own and not rely on local police for assistance. You like to complain about a lot of shit don’t you?
It's the Secret Service's job to oversee security. Period. They don't farm out decisions to locals who aren't trained for it. It is their job to know what has to be done and to see that it gets done. They may use local personnel in certain areas, but those people are still doing what the Secret Service tell them to do. Just saying that local authorities were responsible for the outer perimeter is a joke and dereliction of duty. And 150 yards is not the outer perimeter.
This was either a monumental error by the Secret Service or a planned op intended to take out the former and potentially next president. Gross incompetence or treason. Take your pick, but someone has to see the inside of a courtroom for it. At the very least, Director Cheatle has to go.
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It's the Secret Service's job to oversee security. Period. They don't farm out decisions to locals who aren't trained for it. It is their job to know what has to be done and to see that it gets done. They may use local personnel in certain areas, but those people are still doing what the Secret Service tell them to do. Just saying that local authorities were responsible for the outer perimeter is a joke and dereliction of duty. And 150 yards is not the outer perimeter.
This was either a monumental error by the Secret Service or a planned op intended to take out the former and potentially next president. Gross incompetence or treason. Take your pick, but someone has to see the inside of a courtroom for it. At the very least, Director Cheatle has to go.
Sure, but we can complete an investigation first before assigning blame, right?

At the moment, we don’t know who made the critical errors that created the opportunity for the shooter.

While the director quite likely will be made a sacrificial lamb here, what exactly was her involvement? Presumably, Trumps detail would have had the lead on most or all security arrangements right? How involved would the director have been? Was there a breakdown in communications between cops and secret service? And so on.
OP, I see this topic is VERY important to you. Can you list for us the desired outcomes from your HBOT onslaught? What exactly is it you are trying to convey?

- inside job
- incompetence
- hit
- other

You have a side, and clearly you want to reel people to it. Please clarify it.
Sure, but we can complete an investigation first before assigning blame, right?

At the moment, we don’t know who made the critical errors that created the opportunity for the shooter.

While the director quite likely will be made a sacrificial lamb here, what exactly was her involvement? Presumably, Trumps detail would have had the lead on most or all security arrangements right? How involved would the director have been? Was there a breakdown in communications between cops and secret service? And so on.
By all means, and investigation must occur. But the level of the director's involvement is irrelevant. Either she was directly involved and she blew it, or she wasn't directly involved and the incompetent people she chose to put in charge blew it. No matter what, she needs to go.
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It's the Secret Service's job to oversee security. Period. They don't farm out decisions to locals who aren't trained for it. It is their job to know what has to be done and to see that it gets done. They may use local personnel in certain areas, but those people are still doing what the Secret Service tell them to do. Just saying that local authorities were responsible for the outer perimeter is a joke and dereliction of duty. And 150 yards is not the outer perimeter.
This was either a monumental error by the Secret Service or a planned op intended to take out the former and potentially next president. Gross incompetence or treason. Take your pick, but someone has to see the inside of a courtroom for it. At the very least, Director Cheatle has to go.
Who was fired after the attempt on Reagan? I don't seem to remember.
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By all means, and investigation must occur. But the level of the director's involvement is irrelevant. Either she was directly involved and she blew it, or she wasn't directly involved and the incompetent people she chose to put in charge blew it. No matter what, she needs to go.
Without knowing details from start to finish I can’t agree that the outcome should be predetermined.
Without knowing details from start to finish I can’t agree that the outcome should be predetermined.
The director losing her job is a jumping off point. The investigation is to determine if she or someone else needs to be in prison or not. The investigation is to determine if this was incompetence or a coordinated attempt to remove Trump.
The director losing her job is a jumping off point. The investigation is to determine if she or someone else needs to be in prison or not. The investigation is to determine if this was incompetence or a coordinated attempt to remove Trump.
So you’re starting with a predetermined outcome without knowing what she did or did not do.

At this point, we don’t know all the facts. What if it turns out that the SS had a proper plan in place, but local PD are the ones who screwed up? She should be fired for something that isn’t on her? She wasn’t on-site, not personally in charge of Trumps detail, etc., but she gets fired regardless?

I’m not even saying she shouldn’t ultimately be fired; but stating that it doesn’t matter at all what happened, her ass is fired regardless is not a good way to run any organization.
So you’re starting with a predetermined outcome without knowing what she did or did not do.

At this point, we don’t know all the facts. What if it turns out that the SS had a proper plan in place, but local PD are the ones who screwed up? She should be fired for something that isn’t on her? She wasn’t on-site, not personally in charge of Trumps detail, etc., but she gets fired regardless?

I’m not even saying she shouldn’t ultimately be fired; but stating that it doesn’t matter at all what happened, her ass is fired regardless is not a good way to run any organization.
You're right, we don't know all the facts. But the facts we do know mean she should be fired.
Local PD should not be in a position to screw up. The Secret Service should never have let Trump get out of the vehicle unless they were 100% sure the area was secure. They knew they had a suspicious person unaccounted for, but still let him walk into danger. Regardless of the failure of local PD, this was still a failure of the Secret Service and as Director she's responsible.
She had the audacity to blame the failure on the fact that she didn't think it was safe for her personnel to be on a slanted roof as if it was an OSHA concern. Isn't it the entire point of the Secret Service to put themselves in danger? Isn't that exactly what they're expected to do?
Her excuses are empty words.
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You're right, we don't know all the facts. But the facts we do know mean she should be fired.
Local PD should not be in a position to screw up. The Secret Service should never have let Trump get out of the vehicle unless they were 100% sure the area was secure. They knew they had a suspicious person unaccounted for, but still let him walk into danger. Regardless of the failure of local PD, this was still a failure of the Secret Service and as Director she's responsible.
She had the audacity to blame the failure on the fact that she didn't think it was safe for her personnel to be on a slanted roof as if it was an OSHA concern. Isn't it the entire point of the Secret Service to put themselves in danger? Isn't that exactly what they're expected to do?
Her excuses are empty words.
Now, I'm not going to go all tin-foil hat, BUT I feel pretty confident if this had happened to Clinton or Bush, there'd be more universal outrage.
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“Bullet Trace, and interesting matters

It’s nearly 0400 here in Japan. So this is a mind-dump, sans edit:

Interesting on bullet trace — scratching my memories, I do not recall seeing any bullet trace photos from close to 90 degrees from bullet’s flight path. Am not saying it cannot be done. It probably can be done with modern cameras and high shutter speeds.

Now keep in mind I am pretty handy with weapons and with cameras. I was a Special Forces weapons specialist. As a photographer, I shot some of the most famous photos in Iraq and in Afghanistan. Substantial crossover knowledge.

My first thought was — I’d never seen a trace shot from that angle. Second thought was it should be possible. Third thought was that would be a fast shutter speed.

I was preparing to reach out to the photographer. Hunting and pecking online, I found New York Times quoting the shutter speed at 1/8000th of second.

It happens that I have sitting on table here the top three DSLRs Sony makes. The cameras most people salivate over, I have three here. Because I know how important serious gear is.

I use only the very best cameras and lenses. Top gear helped make some of the most interesting and often intense photos in two wars. Unfortunately I often broke lenses while jumping on the ground or hitting against a wall or doorway. No camera ever broke.

I use the cameras regularly though rarely publish photos from them these days. The maximum shutter speed on all three of these cameras in 1/8000.

The the New York Times photographer, Doug Mills, is quoted as shooting at 30fps 1/8000.

Those are settings I would choose if I were trying to catch extremely fast action. Such as a head exploding.

Am not suggesting anything at all. Just as a war correspondent…I never cranked shutter that high even for anything. I wanted to keep ISO lower. Other professionals choose other settings.…
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“Everyone should read this…

🚨 The NYT Reporter who Captured the Bullet Flying Past Trumps Head, was using the Kind of Camera & Settings you’d Use to Capture Live-Fire Action, Such as a Head Exploding!

@Michael_Yon , one of the most experienced combat war correspondents living today, made a Compelling assessment.

I put together his assessment in a more understandable breakdown, provided additional details, and my analysis.

🔴 Quoted from the NYT

• Who was the Photographer?
—— A famous veteran NYT photographer named Doug Mills.

• What Kind of Equipment & Settings were used?
—— Mr. Mills was using a Sony A1 and 24mm f/1.4 GM, capable of capturing images at up to 30 frames per second. Priced at $6,499.
—— He took these photos with a shutter speed of 1/8,000th of a second. Extremely Fast by industry standards.

The above is quoted from NYT themselves.

Source: (…)

🔴 The Perfect “Shot”

• If the gunman was firing an AR-15-style rifle, the .223-caliber or 5.56-millimeter bullets they use travel at roughly 3,200 feet per second when they leave the weapon’s muzzle.
—— “And with a 1/8,000th of a second shutter speed, this would allow the bullet to travel approximately four-tenths of a foot while the shutter is open.”

• Most cameras used to capture images of bullets in flight are using extremely high speed specialty cameras not normally utilized for regular photography, so catching a bullet on a side trajectory as seen in that photo would be a one in a million shot and nearly impossible to catch even if one knew the bullet was coming.

At that distance and trajectory, had any bullet hit Trump, that type of camera and settings would have easily captured his head frankly exploding.

Were they there for the “Perfect Pulitzer Prize Head Shot”…?


• “Some journalists argue Its usage by the NYT photographers is not unusual.”
—— Only professional photographers can answer this question.

• “Shooting at 1/8000 at f1.6 in daylight is also not unusual, but necessary for proper exposure.”
—— again, only Professional and unbiased photographers can answer that question.


• Examine any and all Video footage of the Photographer, Doug Mills, at least 1-2 minutes before the shot.
—— check body language.
—— how many images did he capture leading up to THAT moment?
—— was he ultra focused in the moments leading up to the shots?

• How many times has Doug Mills photographed at a Trump rally?
—— apply that same question to other cameramen & photographers.

• Who made the decision to send Doug Mills there?
—— climb the ladder.

• How common is it for these kinds of cameras and these settings used to capture rally speeches, where the “object” being photographed is standing still?
—— Trump campaign photographers can weigh in easily on this, or maybe even Gene Ho.

• Why were all legacy media outlets showing THIS rally Live?
—— they rarely do that…
—— CNN, MSNBC, FOX, and others decided to show THIS rally?
—— Find out who gave those outlets the green light to show this rally live. Climb the ladder.

These questions can lead the Trump campaign to answers.”
OP broke the case!!!

The SS was working with a 20 year old republican on orders from Biden in collusion with a photographer from the Post to kill trump and document it!
Thank god we have these twitter geniuses to solve this mystery for us! When JFK returns he will set all this straight W1GWAG!!!!!!!