Florida travel

In the blood

Feb 6, 2014
Im looking at traveling to clearwater beach florida around labor day. Im seeing that this is prime hurricane season. Dates are flexible, so i could move it later if needed. What would be the latest dates to travel to clearwater and have temps still be nice out? Should i worry about blowing away if i come around labor day?
I wouldn't base my planning of a trip to Clearwater around the possibility of a hurricane. Tampa Bay hasn't been hit by a major hurricane in over 100 years. You might get a tropical storm, but nothing severe.

I also wouldn't go around Labor Day. It will still be way too hot and humid. October and November has much more pleasant weather and less likelihood of rain.
In all the excitement I can’t remember if I’ve been through five hurricanes, or six.
Question you have to ask yourself is, do I feel lucky?
Well do you, punk?
We have usually gone in early October, which is about perfect. Last year we had to push it back to mid-November and it was fine because the air temperature was above normal, but you could tell the water wasn't as warm as usual. God forbid if you get normal to slightly below normal temperatures though - which is also the case in March when we have been there.

Oh, and we DGAF about potential hurricanes. YOLO!
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Co-worker went to Florida a couple weeks ago. Came back with teh Coco. Good luck.
It’s actually pretty interesting how we do the bulk of our travel in late spring or summer… Which is a horrible time to visit most places.

When we lived in San Diego, it was often hilarious to see all of the tourists come piling in late May or early June as soon as school was out. That is literally the worst time of the year to visit San Diego. They would obviously act surprised that there was no sunshine and the water at the beach was freezing cold.
It’s actually pretty interesting how we do the bulk of our travel in late spring or summer… Which is a horrible time to visit most places.

When we lived in San Diego, it was often hilarious to see all of the tourists come piling in late May or early June as soon as school was out. That is literally the worst time of the year to visit San Diego. They would obviously act surprised that there was no sunshine and the water at the beach was freezing cold.
It is stunning to me the number of people who think that Florida and Southern California are sunny and 80 year round.
I think you'd better pick another time to travel to Florida. During seasonal hurricanes, people stay home most of the time and don't go outside. It would be a shame to spend the whole vacation in a hotel. Do you already know what places you want to visit? I suggest you visit the Salvador Dali Museum and the Gulf of Mexico. Those two places impressed me the most. For me, traveling is an opportunity to get new emotions and impressions, learn about other people's culture, and feel the country's atmosphere. Sometimes it is so important to have a change of scenery to gain strength, reboot, and start doing great things. If you like traveling as much as I do, I can recommend an interesting blog
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In all the excitement I can’t remember if I’ve been through five hurricanes, or six.
Question you have to ask yourself is, do I feel lucky?
Well do you, punk?
Awesome post.

We always go the last week of October/first week of November.