Fontana pays nearly $900,000 for ‘psychological torture’ inflicted by police to get false confession

At one point during the interrogation, the investigators even threatened to have his pet Labrador Retriever, Margosha, euthanized as a stray, and brought the dog into the room so he could say goodbye. “OK? Your dog’s now gone, forget about it,” said an investigator.

The fact that these cops probably still have jobs is why I loathe all the "Back the Blue" assholes. F*ck those guys. They need to be held to a higher standard and need to start weeding out the worst of their own.
Qualified Immunity needs to end.
Police need to be held accountable for the damage they do. Make them carry malpractice insurance like doctors. When they pull crap like this, their insurance companies will have to pay out and their premiums will get so high they can't afford them. This will start to weed out the bad ones.