For the, "Kamala never gives interviews", people

She is good at saying a lot of big, important sounding words.
She reminds me of the low tier ivory tower folks that go out of their way to insert unnecessary buzz words in corporate communications where they're not needed. "Cascade" this messaging to your team. "Harmony" is our #1 goal. Holistically speaking we need to be holistic..
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Says the cult member of the twice impeached convicted of 34 felonies.

Did you just learn a new word or two from fox news that has nothing to do with the interview you never watched?
2/10 trolling. Do better if you want my attention.
What on earth has she done that could possibly “persuade” someone into thinking she’s an acceptable candidate for POTUS?

Seriously. Name something she’s done where someone who didn’t like her two months ago would see it and say, “Man, she’s really changed my mind. I like her now.” Because that’s what “persuade” means.
If you can’t be persuaded to vote for a competent candidate over a rapist with 34 felony convictions who rambles incoherently about every subject he attempt to discuss, well that’s a you problem.
If you can’t be persuaded to vote for a competent candidate over a rapist with 34 felony convictions who rambles incoherently about every subject he attempt to discuss, well that’s a you problem.
She’s fvcking awful and will be a complete train wreck in the White House and doesn’t deserve to be anywhere near it. Neither does he. Fvck that shit.

Just because you’re fine with voting for someone completely goddamned unqualified and awful doesn’t mean everyone else should be so accepting of it.

At least have the common decency to admit she’s fvcking awful and the Dems completely screwed us by crowning that ****ing disaster while telling us all how she’s the logical choice.
She’s fvcking awful and will be a complete train wreck in the White House and doesn’t deserve to be anywhere near it. Neither does he. Fvck that shit.

Just because you’re fine with voting for someone completely goddamned unqualified and awful doesn’t mean everyone else should be so accepting of it.

At least have the common decency to admit she’s fvcking awful and the Dems completely screwed us by crowning that ****ing disaster while telling us all how she’s the logical choice.
You’re being dramatic as usual. She’s not awful by any metric. She may not be my favorite but she’s totally competent and will do a fine to good job.
She’s fvcking awful and will be a complete train wreck in the White House and doesn’t deserve to be anywhere near it. Neither does he. Fvck that shit.

Just because you’re fine with voting for someone completely goddamned unqualified and awful doesn’t mean everyone else should be so accepting of it.

At least have the common decency to admit she’s fvcking awful and the Dems completely screwed us by crowning that ****ing disaster while telling us all how she’s the logical choice.
You trying to make a joke of yourself?
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She’s fvcking awful and will be a complete train wreck in the White House and doesn’t deserve to be anywhere near it. Neither does he. Fvck that shit.

Just because you’re fine with voting for someone completely goddamned unqualified and awful doesn’t mean everyone else should be so accepting of it.

At least have the common decency to admit she’s fvcking awful and the Dems completely screwed us by crowning that ****ing disaster while telling us all how she’s the logical choice.
Oh FFS, just vote for Trump and drop the bleeping charade. She's a standard issue, replacement level politician (at worst) running against a criminal Large Marge freak show. It's an easy choice.

"Disaster", LOL.
She’s fvcking awful and will be a complete train wreck in the White House and doesn’t deserve to be anywhere near it. Neither does he. Fvck that shit.

Just because you’re fine with voting for someone completely goddamned unqualified and awful doesn’t mean everyone else should be so accepting of it.

At least have the common decency to admit she’s fvcking awful and the Dems completely screwed us by crowning that ****ing disaster while telling us all how she’s the logical choice.
God you’re getting more insane by the month.
God you’re getting more insane by the month.
So…you got nothing. Of course you don’t. Because she has nothing to offer other than “She’s not Trump.” Which is fine for many to cast a vote for her. But isn’t remotely good enough to gain confidence that she can do the most important job on earth.

So, again…name something she has done that would persuade someone she will be a competent President. She hides from the ****ing press for fvcks sake. Boy, that fills us all up with great confidence in her.

But hey, I guess stealing “no taxes on tips”, growing up where people liked their lawns and being kinda almost for fracking are super strong qualities in a world leader for you. Congrats.
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Oh FFS, just vote for Trump and drop the bleeping charade. She's a standard issue, replacement level politician (at worst) running against a criminal Large Marge freak show. It's an easy choice.

"Disaster", LOL.
You want so badly for me to like Trump. But I fvcking hate him. He’s awful. Want him nowhere near the WH.

AND Kamala is such a weak pathetic candidate.

Both are true. Sorry.
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You want so badly for me to like Trump. But I fvcking hate him. He’s awful. Want him nowhere near the WH.

AND Kamala is such a weak pathetic candidate.

Both are true. Sorry.
You're total MAGA, totally full of shit. Your guy is gonna try to milk every cent he can out of the last month of this campaign.

But Kamala doesn't do interviews!

Just because you’re fine with voting for someone completely goddamned unqualified and awful doesn’t mean everyone else should be so accepting of it.
Oh phuck off. She's got a resume that is as standard issue as any major Presidential nominee in history. What the hell is "awful" about her, unless you just hate women, particularly women of color? She kicked the shit out of Trump in the one Presidential debate. Again, just vote for Trump, stop trying to convince everyone that Harris is just as bad.
Kill Me Now Neil Patrick Harris GIF

If she is trying to be profound, it's not working.

If she is trying to sound down to earth, that ain't working either.

It’s all a show.

It’s a production.

Dumbass voters are the marks.
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You're total MAGA,
Prove it. Should be easy. Find me supporting Trump. Or MAGA. I voted for Biden. I’ve never voted for Trump and never will. And I hate him and all the bullshit he represents. That’s all you’ll find me ever saying about him since he began to run for office back in 2015.

Just like I said. You want that to be reality so badly so you can toss out your lazy “MAGA” quip because it’s YOU who supports insane candidates and policies. You lie. All the time. You’re delusional. All the time. Sad and pathetic. Post the proof, or eat shit and STFU.
Prove it. Should be easy. Find me supporting Trump. Or MAGA. I voted for Biden. I’ve never voted for Trump and never will. And I hate him and all the bullshit he represents. That’s all you’ll find me ever saying about him since he began to run for office back in 2015.

Just like I said. You want that to be reality so badly so you can toss out your lazy “MAGA” quip because it’s YOU who supports insane candidates and policies. You lie. All the time. You’re delusional. All the time. Sad and pathetic. Post the proof, or eat shit and STFU.
You're a huge concern troll. That's my proof. And it's all over this board and in your posting history. You're one of the most annoying of the MAGA varieties. There isn't a Democratic candidate out there that would EVER be anything other than awful or too old or what the hell ever to a type like you.

You think you're actually fooling anyone around here with your act?
Oh phuck off. She's got a resume that is as standard issue as any major Presidential nominee in history. What the hell is "awful" about her, unless you just hate women, particularly women of color? She kicked the shit out of Trump in the one Presidential debate. Again, just vote for Trump, stop trying to convince everyone that Harris is just as bad.
You’re proving my point. Again and again. It should be easy to point to something about her that qualifies her to be president. You’ve got nothing other than “she’s been in office for a while”, therefore she’s qualified. She stands for nothing. She can’t piece together non-rambling, coherent sentences when asked about her policies. Ever. She was asked about her plan to stem inflation and she talked about going up where people liked their lawns. She’s. Awful.
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You’re proving my point. Again and again. It should be easy to point to something about her that qualifies her to be president. You’ve got nothing other than “she’s been in office for a while”, therefore she’s qualified. She stands for nothing. She can’t piece together non-rambling, coherent sentences when asked about her policies. Ever. She was asked about her plan to stem inflation and she talked about going up where people liked their lawns. She’s. Awful.
Oh FFS. What qualifies anyone to be President? She's got the resume and she's got the gravitas and bearing and chops for the job. She turned in perhaps the best debate performance in the history of the Presidential debates, no-one else has kicked Trump's ass that thoroughly.

I guess I could go through all her professional accomplishments and rise through the ranks to the Vice-Presidency but who gives a phuck? I don't have any praises to sing about her. Again, she's standard issue politician, which should be all that's necessary when it comes to running against Trump, by far the worst President in the history of the country.

The real question here is why you're trying to pretend that she's like this horrible, totally unqualified Trump level candidate. But I know the answer to that question. Again, you're Concern Troll MAGA, any Democrat running against Trump is automatically horrible and unacceptable.
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Man if Harris would just do the right type of interview mouth breathers like Rifler would FINALLY come around. Alas, they have no choice but to vote for the geriatric rapist with 34 felony convictions.
I'd like to see a Trump Harris townhall where the audience asks questions.
Did you just learn a new word or two from fox news that has nothing to do with the interview you never watched?
Well the interview I watched showed Kamalas answers having nothing to do with the question so I did learn something from it yes.
You want so badly for me to like Trump. But I fvcking hate him. He’s awful. Want him nowhere near the WH.

AND Kamala is such a weak pathetic candidate.

Both are true. Sorry.
Then make the choice on which Party most aligns with your beliefs!

Not a difficult decision for many.