For the, "Kamala never gives interviews", people

Oh phuck off. She's got a resume that is as standard issue as any major Presidential nominee in history. What the hell is "awful" about her, unless you just hate women, particularly women of color? She kicked the shit out of Trump in the one Presidential debate. Again, just vote for Trump, stop trying to convince everyone that Harris is just as bad.
Yeah, but Biden. So there.
She’s fvcking awful and will be a complete train wreck in the White House and doesn’t deserve to be anywhere near it. Neither does he. Fvck that shit.

Just because you’re fine with voting for someone completely goddamned unqualified and awful doesn’t mean everyone else should be so accepting of it.

At least have the common decency to admit she’s fvcking awful and the Dems completely screwed us by crowning that ****ing disaster while telling us all how she’s the logical choice.
Specifically, what makes you think she's "awful," a "trainwreck" and "unqualified"? Just because you say those things doesn't make them true. Provide evidence to back up your claim.
You’re proving my point. Again and again. It should be easy to point to something about her that qualifies her to be president. You’ve got nothing other than “she’s been in office for a while”, therefore she’s qualified. She stands for nothing. She can’t piece together non-rambling, coherent sentences when asked about her policies. Ever. She was asked about her plan to stem inflation and she talked about going up where people liked their lawns. She’s. Awful.
She has run the most flawless campaign I've ever seen raising the most money ever, the most volunteers ever, returned arguably the best debate performance ever, and took an election that the Dems were losing badly and completely flipped it to a winner.

And she did this in mere weeks.

That's the kind of woman I want running the country.
I saw an interesting debate format described the other day,.. Both candidates at separate locations, with each selecting their opponent's media source, simulcast split screen,.. So Trump on say MSNBC vs Kamala on FOX, at the same time.
I'd throw a bag of popcorn in the microwave for that set up.
Just like president Obama and Biden. They will have no problem declaring Day One of their presidencies that they are the worst president ever.

Obviously. The USA will become China. All of our worst dreams will come true. All guns taken. Babies being killed at 100 weeks all the time, every day.

It is known.
The border is the perfect example. Republicans DECIDED that the border, 2 weeks into Biden's presidency, was going to be what they attacked him on, and it's been never ending crying about it from board Republicans since. TED CRUZ went down there in his little safari outfit and these guys fell for his BS from the git go. He manipulated them, and he knew he'd be able to.

My question is, what are the board Republicans going to say, if Trump wins, when grocery prices don't go down? When prices of NOTHING go down to help the American people?
My question is, what are the board Republicans going to say, if Trump wins, when grocery prices don't go down? When prices of NOTHING go down to help the American people?

Prices aren't going down, because historically that rarely ever happens after an inflationary episode,.. The only way forward at this point is continued low inflation combined with controlled wage growth...
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Prices aren't going down, because historically that rarely ever happens after an inflationary episode,.. The only way forward at this point is continued low inflation combined with controlled wage growth...
We have low inflation right now. If that's your goal then you should want Harris in office.
You clowns are unbelievable. It really doesn't matter what Harris does or doesn't do. You won't be persuaded away from your rapist felon.

Which is why it is silly for her to try and appease and give interviews. 2 groups were pushing..... 1) die hard trump voters so they could find more to pick at 2) media folks who could use it for talking points and have the exclusive. Most voters don't really care about an interview.
Prices aren't going down, because historically that rarely ever happens after an inflationary episode,.. The only way forward at this point is continued low inflation combined with controlled wage growth...
So, in other words, what the current administration has provided. Got it.
My debate preference would be a three hour debate on podcast style format. Find someone as non-partisan as possible to host. Allow ample time to explore the topics, instead of 30 second answers with no challenges to their answers, have fact checkers and hosts willing to challenge those answers. My opinion is both candidates would fail miserably. Which is exactly where I think we are at with who is running for president.
According to your standards she has already completed the task.

No, she has not,.. Inflation needs to be lower, and it needs to be held in that low position while wages are allowed to grow slowly over a protracted period of time,.. This will take 5-6 years of healing.
No, she has not,.. Inflation needs to be lower, and it needs to be held in that low position while wages are allowed to grow slowly over a protracted period of time,.. This will take 5-6 years of healing.
What level does it need to be? It's 2.5% now and low enough that the Fed in reducing interest rates. Wages have been outpacing inflation for 18+ months.

What do you imagine Trump's proposed tariffs will do to inflation? How about mass deportations?