Forbes: Denmark now #1 Best Business Country in the World

Menace Sockeyes

HB Legend
Sep 2, 2010
That bastion of liberal, democratic socialism ranks #1 on yet another world index. This time from none other than Forbe's Magazine. Particularly intriguing to me was the idea of "felixisecurity", basically that it is extremely to fire and hire employees in Denmark due to the social safety net and training programs for the unemployed. And the red tape in Denmark is far less, and bureaucracy far more efficient. Hence, workers are fired and hired more easily, making businesses more productive. The efficient regulatory climate also encourages far more entrepreneurship than is present in America. Fascinating read actually...
Denmark only has around 5-and-a-half million people. If we only had to worry about Wisconsin, we could do this, too.
But but giving people healthcare and paid maternity leave making sure they make enough money to live on is a JOB KILLER!!!

Not that the people in Denmark are taking much advantage of that paid maternity leave.
But but giving people healthcare and paid maternity leave making sure they make enough money to live on is a JOB KILLER!!!

Not that the people in Denmark are taking much advantage of that paid maternity leave.

That is what I don't understand. How isn't it good for jobs to get HC costs off the back of the employers and in particular, small businesses???
That is what I don't understand. How isn't it good for jobs to get HC costs off the back of the employers and in particular, small businesses???

Small business aren't subject to ObamaCare and large businesses get fined if they don't provide "affordable" care.
Wal Mart had over $480 billion in sales last year. Denmark's GDP is $342 billion. We're supposed to fret about the results of some silly study that supposedly analyzes the business environment of a tiny country that's getting its azz kicked by Wal Mart?
Denmark only has around 5-and-a-half million people. If we only had to worry about Wisconsin, we could do this, too.
Why does this argument make sense to people? If it held water, WI should already be so great. And economies of scale say being big is an advantage. The problem with WI is that it has Scott Walker policies and not Denmark policies.
Wal Mart had over $480 billion in sales last year. Denmark's GDP is $342 billion. We're supposed to fret about the results of some silly study that supposedly analyzes the business environment of a tiny country that's getting its azz kicked by Wal Mart?

A huge multi-national corporation vs. one European county's GDP...are THAT dumb or do you just suck at analogies?
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Look Xenophobes are happier and wealthier!

While xenophobia is more prevalent in Danish culture, this has virtually NOTHING to do with their business climate or economy. I am not advocating cultural change, rather systematic change.Your statement is like saying "America's representative democracy sucks because Americans are overweight." Nothing to do with one another. And o even imply that illegal immigration harms the economy has been proven time and time again to be incorrect. A robust economy actually ENCOURAGES illegal labor due to lack of demand for employment.
I must question the awareness of any poster who fails to grasp the obvious light-hearted nature of the post in question...

Aren't you our resident "hey, it dropped below 50 in April one time so global warming is a hoax" climate change denier? I wouldn't put anything past you.
That bastion of liberal, democratic socialism ranks #1 on yet another world index. This time from none other than Forbe's Magazine. Particularly intriguing to me was the idea of "felixisecurity", basically that it is extremely to fire and hire employees in Denmark due to the social safety net and training programs for the unemployed. And the red tape in Denmark is far less, and bureaucracy far more efficient. Hence, workers are fired and hired more easily, making businesses more productive. The efficient regulatory climate also encourages far more entrepreneurship than is present in America. Fascinating read actually...

Holy #$#$ Matthew. Did you even read the article?
Wal Mart had over $480 billion in sales last year. Denmark's GDP is $342 billion. We're supposed to fret about the results of some silly study that supposedly analyzes the business environment of a tiny country that's getting its azz kicked by Wal Mart?

Just imagine....if we could scale up Denmark's land area to that of the USA.....they'd probably have 1000x that GDP!!!
Can I get a What? What?

You didn't read the article either did you Huey? You guys will never live this down, I promise you that. I'll remind of this failure, every chance I get.

"Denmark is one of the most entrepreneurial countries in the world. The government streamlines the startup process with only four procedures needed to start a new business and at minimal costs. The regulatory climate is also one of the most efficient.

We determined the Best Countries for Business by grading 146 nations on 11 different factors: property rights, innovation, taxes, technology, corruption, freedom (personal, trade and monetary), red tape, investor protection and stock market performance. Each category was equally weighted. The data came from published reports from the following organizations: Freedom House, Heritage Foundation, Property Rights Alliance, Transparency International, World Bank and World Economic Forum (click here for more details on the methodology)."
The U.S. ranks 18th in Forbes’ ninth annual ranking of the Best Countries for Business, down four spots from last year. It marks the fifth straight year of declines since 2009, when the U.S. ranked second.

Blame an expanded government, as well as expensive new regulations in finance and health care. The U.S. is the only country to record a loss of economic freedom seven straight years in the Heritage Foundation’s Index of Economic Freedom. More than 130 major new federal regulations on starting a business have been added since 2009 at an annual cost of $60 billion, according to the Heritage Foundation. The U.S. ranks 81st out of 146 countries for monetary freedom, according to Heritage, with only the U.K. and Turkey faring worse among OECD nations."
Just imagine....if we could scale up Denmark's land area to that of the USA.....they'd probably have 1000x that GDP!!!
You guys may want to read the article......I've never quite seen such a fail on here like this before. It's beautiful. I even quoted some of the best parts of the article.
You didn't read the article either did you Huey? You guys will never live this down, I promise you that. I'll remind of this failure, every chance I get.

"Denmark is one of the most entrepreneurial countries in the world. The government streamlines the startup process with only four procedures needed to start a new business and at minimal costs. The regulatory climate is also one of the most efficient.

We determined the Best Countries for Business by grading 146 nations on 11 different factors: property rights, innovation, taxes, technology, corruption, freedom (personal, trade and monetary), red tape, investor protection and stock market performance. Each category was equally weighted. The data came from published reports from the following organizations: Freedom House, Heritage Foundation, Property Rights Alliance, Transparency International, World Bank and World Economic Forum (click here for more details on the methodology)."
The U.S. ranks 18th in Forbes’ ninth annual ranking of the Best Countries for Business, down four spots from last year. It marks the fifth straight year of declines since 2009, when the U.S. ranked second.

Blame an expanded government, as well as expensive new regulations in finance and health care. The U.S. is the only country to record a loss of economic freedom seven straight years in the Heritage Foundation’s Index of Economic Freedom. More than 130 major new federal regulations on starting a business have been added since 2009 at an annual cost of $60 billion, according to the Heritage Foundation. The U.S. ranks 81st out of 146 countries for monetary freedom, according to Heritage, with only the U.K. and Turkey faring worse among OECD nations."
What do you think you uncovered? Do you think possessing an efficient government is a mark against liberal democratic socialism? I'm not sure you will ever live this down.
He's pointing out that our bureaucracy is too inefficient to handle added regulations during Obama's presidency. He thinks he has a smoking gun on the POTUS but he's too dumb to factor the GOP and House of Representatives power the last 4 years. Poor Hawky can't see the forest for the trees. He's also working on his 3rd handle (at least) and is about to have the banhammer lowered again on his pencil neck. :-D
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He's pointing out that our bureaucracy is too inefficient to handle added regulations during Obama's presidency. He thinks he has a smoking gun on the POTUS but he's too dumb to factor the GOP and House of Representatives power the last 4 years. Poor Hawky can't see the forest for the trees. He's also working on his 3rd handle (at least) and is about to have the banhammer lowered again on his pencil neck. :-D

Denmark has FAR more 'socialized' policies than the US. And MUCH higher tax rates.

They offset that by using govt money to spark entrepreneurship; socialism funding capitalism!
No, as in lack of demand from legal residents for employment. Basically they take jobs no one else want, and our low minimum wage encourages the few long term unemployed not to seek it.
He's pointing out that our bureaucracy is too inefficient to handle added regulations during Obama's presidency. He thinks he has a smoking gun on the POTUS but he's too dumb to factor the GOP and House of Representatives power the last 4 years. Poor Hawky can't see the forest for the trees. He's also working on his 3rd handle (at least) and is about to have the banhammer lowered again on his pencil neck. :-D
No actually I pointed out that we have too many regulations pushed forth by your government. And since 2009, as stated by your article, we have fallen from 2nd place because of ACA.

Or are you just going to ignore that YOUR article pointed that out.
No actually I pointed out that we have too many regulations pushed forth by your government. And since 2009, as stated by your article, we have fallen from 2nd place because of ACA.

Or are you just going to ignore that YOUR article pointed that out.

You are incorrectly assuming I think the ACA is a panacea. It's not. It's a compromise that was sorely needed in the face of a fast breaking health care system. I'd actually prefer single back to the point Joe's Place so eloquently made? Care to refute?
Denmark has FAR more 'socialized' policies than the US. And MUCH higher tax rates.

They offset that by using govt money to spark entrepreneurship; socialism funding capitalism!
From the article:
"Blame an expanded government, as well as expensive new regulations in finance and health care. The U.S. is the only country to record a loss of economic freedom seven straight years in the Heritage Foundation’s Index of Economic Freedom."

Also from the article:
"The U.S. ranks 18th in Forbes’ ninth annual ranking of the Best Countries for Business, down four spots from last year. It marks the fifth straight year of declines since 2009, when the U.S. ranked second."

So basically Obama has dropped us from 2nd to 18th, because of ACA, and Government expansion.
Awesome find Menace!! Thank you.
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You are incorrectly assuming I think the ACA is a panacea. It's not. It's a compromise that was sorely needed in the face of a fast breaking health care system. I'd actually prefer single back to the point Joe's Place so eloquently made? Care to refute?
You're correct, it's not a pancea, it's a an obstacle that helped create more Corporate profiteering. Something you guys aren't fond of.
You are incorrectly assuming I think the ACA is a panacea. It's not. It's a compromise that was sorely needed in the face of a fast breaking health care system. I'd actually prefer single back to the point Joe's Place so eloquently made? Care to refute?
Who did the Democrats compromise with?
No actually I pointed out that we have too many regulations pushed forth by your government. And since 2009, as stated by your article, we have fallen from 2nd place because of ACA.

Or are you just going to ignore that YOUR article pointed that out.
So you would prefer a Danish healthcare system? You think that would be better for business? Be careful here, this could be a trap.
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That bastion of liberal, democratic socialism ranks #1 on yet another world index. This time from none other than Forbe's Magazine. Particularly intriguing to me was the idea of "felixisecurity", basically that it is extremely to fire and hire employees in Denmark due to the social safety net and training programs for the unemployed. And the red tape in Denmark is far less, and bureaucracy far more efficient. Hence, workers are fired and hired more easily, making businesses more productive. The efficient regulatory climate also encourages far more entrepreneurship than is present in America. Fascinating read actually...

But...but...but isn't Denmark as socialists dream come true? I bet they'd be better if Terry Branstad was in charge there! He could show them all the beauty and advantages of how effective crony capitalism! (Maybe he'd take half of Iowa with him.)
Hmmmmm, let's think of where the US economy of 2009 was vs. the US economy now. You want to give all the credit to him now? Awesome! All you've proven is we had been TOO business friendly and not enough "citizen friendly".
Why isn't all of this Socialism not bringing jobs to Illinois, New York and Detroit?

They are all closer in size comparison than the whole of the US.