Some of you may know that last fall Wrestling for Life began giving shoes and other wrestling gear to financially challenged schools and clubs. Since November we've helped middle schools from Davenport, Cedar Rapids and CCA in Iowa and schools and clubs in Oklahoma, New Jersey and North Carolina.
We were notified yesterday that we have received a $3,000 equipment grant from the Brute R.E.A.C.H.E.S. program. If you know of a middle school that really needs help please email me at No kid should be prevented from wrestling due to a lack of adequate gear.
Jim Brown
Wrestling for Life
We were notified yesterday that we have received a $3,000 equipment grant from the Brute R.E.A.C.H.E.S. program. If you know of a middle school that really needs help please email me at No kid should be prevented from wrestling due to a lack of adequate gear.
Jim Brown
Wrestling for Life