Friend of mine is thinking of supporting Scott Walker in caucuses

Lone Clone

HB King
May 29, 2001
Not a big fan of Walker, although my friend has nothing against him. But he (the friend) thinks that Walker is most likely to knock Huckabee and Santorum out of the race, which is important.
Originally posted by Lone Clone:
Not a big fan of Walker, although my friend has nothing against him. But he (the friend) thinks that Walker is most likely to knock Huckabee and Santorum out of the race, which is important. 
I could easily vote for Walker but I believe Rubio is the better candidate. Why the hesitation on Walker?
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by Hawk in SEC Country:
As soon as the GOP stops kowtowing the Conservative Christing Right.....they will move to the center and actually have a message that is more palatable.

Why they cater to those loons, is head shaking.
Who shows up for the primaries? The conservative christing right. If you can't win the nomination how are you suppose to win the general? It's quite the catch 22
All the wingnuts out there will have several to choose from. In a way I am a bit jealous.....not over the quality by any means but by the quantity.
I don't think a Hilary "coronation" will do anyone any good. Either Democrat or Republican.
I like Walker a lot. He is #6 on my list right now.

I don't think my #1 is going to run.
Originally posted by joelbc1:
All the wingnuts out there will have several to choose from. In a way I am a bit jealous.....not over the quality by any means but by the quantity.
I don't think a Hilary "coronation" will do anyone any good. Either Democrat or Republican.
+1, I want more options.
Odds of Americans (and Iowans) getting someone actually worth voting for?

1 million to one against.

The way its set up now, we will never get anyone who isn't aligned and/or beholden to some type of horrifying special interest group or groups to vote for. And that goes for the left and the right. Just a bunch of career politicians. The fact some people are still duped into thinking their positions are genuine and not based solely on how that politician feels they are best-served to get elected and re-elected is amazing.
Originally posted by torbee:
Odds of Americans (and Iowans) getting someone actually worth voting for?

1 million to one against.

The way its set up now, we will never get anyone who isn't aligned and/or beholden to some type of horrifying special interest group or groups to vote for. And that goes for the left and the right. Just a bunch of career politicians. The fact some people are still duped into thinking their positions are genuine and not based solely on how that politician feels they are best-served to get elected and re-elected is amazing.
I don't know about you, personally, but by the standards used by most people who express the view you just expressed, the answer is never, because no one is pure enough by those standards.

Joe Candidate believes in the second amendment, so he supports legislation that protects it. The NRA sees that he's on their side, so they give him some money. Critics immediately point and wave and shout that he's "bought and paid for" by the NRA.

Or you could substitute "unions" or "teachers" or "big business" or any other special interest for "NRA" and get the same result.
Originally posted by torbee:
Odds of Americans (and Iowans) getting someone actually worth voting for?

1 million to one against.

The way its set up now, we will never get anyone who isn't aligned and/or beholden to some type of horrifying special interest group or groups to vote for. And that goes for the left and the right. Just a bunch of career politicians. The fact some people are still duped into thinking their positions are genuine and not based solely on how that politician feels they are best-served to get elected and re-elected is amazing.
Frankly I dont cRe if they actually believe in the things they vote for. I just care that they vote the way I want them to. I want to be represented, I see nothing wrong with voting the way your constituents tell you to vote even if you think differently.
Originally posted by naturalmwa:

Originally posted by joelbc1:
All the wingnuts out there will have several to choose from. In a way I am a bit jealous.....not over the quality by any means but by the quantity.
I don't think a Hilary "coronation" will do anyone any good. Either Democrat or Republican.
+1, I want more options.
Have you noticed that a lot of Dems of the lefty persuasion are calling for Elizabeth Warren to run - even though she has said she won't - whereas almost none of them are calling for Bernie Sanders to run, even though he is seriously weighing it.

Why is that?

The only thing I've noticed that they disagree on in a meaningful way is America's uncritical support of Israel. Is there something else I've missed? Why is he getting the cold shoulder?
Originally posted by What Would Jesus Do?:
Originally posted by naturalmwa:

Originally posted by joelbc1:
All the wingnuts out there will have several to choose from. In a way I am a bit jealous.....not over the quality by any means but by the quantity.
I don't think a Hilary "coronation" will do anyone any good. Either Democrat or Republican.
+1, I want more options.
Have you noticed that a lot of Dems of the lefty persuasion are calling for Elizabeth Warren to run - even though she has said she won't - whereas almost none of them are calling for Bernie Sanders to run, even though he is seriously weighing it.

Why is that?

The only thing I've noticed that they disagree on in a meaningful way is America's uncritical support of Israel. Is there something else I've missed? Why is he getting the cold shoulder?
Because Bernie Sanders is unelectable, not only as president but as a senator in any state other than Vermont. Lefties are dumb, but not dumb enough that they don't realize this.

The obsession with Warren -- which includes the lefty news media -- is a sort of desperation thing. They do not want Hillary, but they feel obligated to have a woman at the top of the ticket.
Originally posted by Lone Clone:

Because Bernie Sanders is unelectable, not only as president but as a senator in any state other than Vermont. Lefties are dumb, but not dumb enough that they don't realize this.

The obsession with Warren -- which includes the lefty news media -- is a sort of desperation thing. They do not want Hillary, but they feel obligated to have a woman at the top of the ticket.
Bernie Sanders is "unelectable" he is not a Democrat. I think Ms. Warren might be the smartest Senator this nation has seen in 20 years. Plus....her thoughts on banking and finance are pretty much on the nail head, IF you want to avoid the mess we had a few years ago. But....she isn't electable and I don't think she wants to be POTUS.
Sen. Jim Webb intrigues me to no end. I would like to see his profile raised on a national basis. I know he has all candidates do. I like him because, he like me, understands that the #1 problem in America today is the disparity of wealth in this nation.
Dems need to go after the "middle class/working man" vote like FDR did. That is how the Democrats are most successful. When Democrats allow themselves to play "Republican politics" they court disaster. Right now, the GOP has them doing this. The GOP has no ideas except to shrink tax liabilities on the rich and wealthy and to allow corporations to rape and pollute the environment.
The Dems better wake up and make plans or the nation will find itself a slave to the "libertarian" dogma of the ultra conservatives in this nation.
I fear the future is not bright. And it has nothing to do with ISIL, the MidEast, Putin or any of that crap.
Originally posted by Hawk i...ountry:
As soon as the GOP stops kowtowing the Conservative Christing Right.....they will move to the center and actually have a message that is more palatable.

Why they cater to those loons, is head shaking.
So you point is to win you have to piss off a pretty good percentage of your base. Let the dems do it first and cut them selves off from the big part of the base that thinks infanticide is OK
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by joelbc1:

Originally posted by Lone Clone:

Because Bernie Sanders is unelectable, not only as president but as a senator in any state other than Vermont. Lefties are dumb, but not dumb enough that they don't realize this.

The obsession with Warren -- which includes the lefty news media -- is a sort of desperation thing. They do not want Hillary, but they feel obligated to have a woman at the top of the ticket.
Bernie Sanders is "unelectable" he is not a Democrat. I think Ms. Warren might be the smartest Senator this nation has seen in 20 years. Plus....her thoughts on banking and finance are pretty much on the nail head, IF you want to avoid the mess we had a few years ago. But....she isn't electable and I don't think she wants to be POTUS.
Sen. Jim Webb intrigues me to no end. I would like to see his profile raised on a national basis. I know he has all candidates do. I like him because, he like me, understands that the #1 problem in America today is the disparity of wealth in this nation.
Dems need to go after the "middle class/working man" vote like FDR did. That is how the Democrats are most successful. When Democrats allow themselves to play "Republican politics" they court disaster. Right now, the GOP has them doing this. The GOP has no ideas except to shrink tax liabilities on the rich and wealthy and to allow corporations to rape and pollute the environment.
The Dems better wake up and make plans or the nation will find itself a slave to the "libertarian" dogma of the ultra conservatives in this nation.
I fear the future is not bright. And it has nothing to do with ISIL, the MidEast, Putin or any of that crap.
She was stupid enough to lie on a resume and think she would never get caught. She is the whitest person I have ever seen and she thinks shes a Native American princess.? In addition, if she does not run, she is putting party over principle. That does not make her dumb but it does make her an opportunistic politician. At least when BHO saw the chance he took it. She is afraid of the Clinton's. Maybe they have dirt on her.
Originally posted by What Would Jesus Do?:
Originally posted by naturalmwa:

Originally posted by joelbc1:
All the wingnuts out there will have several to choose from. In a way I am a bit jealous.....not over the quality by any means but by the quantity.
I don't think a Hilary "coronation" will do anyone any good. Either Democrat or Republican.
+1, I want more options.
Have you noticed that a lot of Dems of the lefty persuasion are calling for Elizabeth Warren to run - even though she has said she won't - whereas almost none of them are calling for Bernie Sanders to run, even though he is seriously weighing it.

Why is that?

The only thing I've noticed that they disagree on in a meaningful way is America's uncritical support of Israel. Is there something else I've missed? Why is he getting the cold shoulder?
Bernie doesn't pass the eye test. He seems more like Dr. Emmett Brown from Back to the Future than a President. Like Brown, he's brilliant, but he's weird. Americans don't like weird.

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