Friends of the HWC Patreon account (monthly autodraft crowdfunding option)


HR All-American
Oct 11, 2008

I whipped this together tonight and would like to brainstorm on the reward tiers and how the money should be allocated. I have reward tiers set up for monthly donations of $1, $5, $10, $25, $50, $100, $250, $500, but don't have anything to offer.

If we can collectively raise $1000/month pledge, we deserve a night of all the beers we can drink because in Heaven there is none.
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I whipped this together tonight and would like to brainstorm on the reward tiers and prize for the goal. I have reward tiers set up for monthly donations of $1, $5, $10, $25, $50, $100, $250, $500, but don't have anything to offer.

If we can collectively raise $1000/month pledge to give to HWC, we deserve a night of all the beers we can drink because in Heaven there is none.

Seems to me that we should be able to far exceed $1000/month --- that would be only 20 people pledging just $50/month --- based on what's taken place the past few days, I'm optimistic we'll have a lot more than 20 people pledging to give monthly, and quite a few at $100. We'll see...
Absolutely. This can be whatever you guys want to make it - It's our own little Iowa wrestling forum slush fund. We could do a straight donation, but this would allow us the freedom to flex our collective messageboard muscle in interesting and innovative ways to springboard what we can spare into far more money than we can come up with on our own. I'll provide open accounting of every dollar. Any ideas/help are welcomed, appreciated, and encouraged.

With enough support, we could put on youth tournaments with special exhibition matches, bring in top instructors for a camp, speaking events, golf outings, etc. to double-down and raise more. We could also rent a billboard in PA to let 'em know we're comin to retake the throne or radio spots in Stillwater to tell them to stop stalling.
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That is definitely the best option! There are fees associated with the crowdfunding and a leap of faith of trusting me as middleman. I do not want to take any steam from this movement, but there was a demonstrated need for a monthly autopay option and I went ahead and filled it.

The last thing I want is a state full of angry former wrestlers after me. Just trying to do what I can to help the sport, the HWC, and my alma mater.

I've sent Mr. Novak the login information and would be more than willing to have him take it over entirely if he so wishes. In fact, I would prefer that, but I don't want to speak for him if he doesn't want to be directly involved and wanted to present an option if we want to try to get creative and put our money to work.
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Great work, greenelite! Glad you've contacted Randy, and it makes sense to me that the HWC could take full advantage of the work you've done. Of course, they're in charge, and it's up to them. Very cool that you stepped up and addressed a need.

It is important to keep the effort cohesive and overseen by the HWC board and the coaching staff. That said, I love the initiative you've taken, greenelite! Keep up the good work!
I know your heart is in the right place but I won't be donating to anything other than the HWC directly.

I am in this boat. Randy already mentioned that the autopay option was something they were working on. I am sure they were trying to work it in to the HWC website. At the very least you should include a disclaimer that you are not associated with the HWC in any official capacity.
That is definitely the best option! There are fees associated with the crowdfunding and a leap of faith of trusting me as middleman. I do not want to take any steam from this movement, but there was a demonstrated need for a monthly autopay option and I went ahead and filled it.

The last thing I want is a state full of angry former wrestlers after me. Just trying to do what I can to help the sport, the HWC, and my alma mater.

I've sent Mr. Novak the login information and would be more than willing to have him take it over entirely if he so wishes. In fact, I would prefer that, but I don't want to speak for him if he doesn't want to be directly involved and wanted to present an option if we want to try to get creative and put our money to work.
I don't want to be negative here about a great idea and all your hard work. Super job and idea, however, there may be a problem with the donations being deductible as it appears they will not be going directly to a 503C organization. No doubt this is needed just have to be sure it's structured properly. Perhaps the HWC can better address this.
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Stay a bit patient on the auto pay... We will get it done. There are many "platforms" out there.. we are working on it.

I will update as soon as I have something solid!

You input,suggestions , donations, attitude,help are all VERY much appreciated!
I don't want to be negative here about a great idea and all your hard work. Super job and idea, however, there may be a problem with the donations being deductible as it appears they will not be going directly to a 503C organization. No doubt this is needed just have to be sure it's structured properly. Perhaps the HWC can better address this.

This. Love the effort and passion but anything done without the explicit blessing of the HWC is ill conceived.
Really respect the effort by greenelite! Also agree that the effort needs to be orderly and overseen by the HWC.
Mr. Novak,

Would it be OK to still keep this up to see if I can drum up some support from non-traditional avenues? Not lookin to step on any toes... I just want to find a way to give the HWC a stack of cash!
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I dont have any issue with people raising money for the club in ANY legal way :) --traditional/non traditional etc.

The only downside is that the people would not get the 503C donation form -- some dont care about that--- most do.

If someone presents us with a check--we can give a tax support form to the person that wrote the check as an example.
Mr. Novak,

Would it be OK to still keep this up to see if I can drum up some support from non-traditional avenues? Not lookin to step on any toes... I just want to find a way to give the HWC a stack of cash!

Just curious what would be non-traditional if the HWC plans to implement the same service soon? Just seems like you would be creating competition for their autopay service.
Just curious what would be non-traditional if the HWC plans to implement the same service soon? Just seems like you would be creating competition for their autopay service.

That's certainly not what I'm trying to do. I'm going to be marketing to people that never would have given in the first place.
That's certainly not what I'm trying to do. I'm going to be marketing to people that never would have given in the first place.

But why not market those pepople to the HWC autopay and those new people might get the 503c receipt?

I'm not faulting you for wanting to help, but efforts would be better off directly going to the HWC rather than involving a middle man if said service is already offered by the club.
But why not market those pepople to the HWC autopay and those new people might get the 503c receipt?

I'm not faulting you for wanting to help, but efforts would be better off directly going to the HWC rather than involving a middle man if said service is already offered by the club.

I can't market for an HWC autopay because it doesn't exist at the moment, but no argument here. It is definitely better to donate directly to the HWC. My goal is to raise enough money to put on an event to raise more. If we don't quite make it to that point, I'll send all received donations directly to the HWC in-full.
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With enough support, we could put on youth tournaments with special exhibition matches, bring in top instructors for a camp, speaking events, golf outings, etc. to double-down and raise more.

Hi Folks - just wanted to chime in on the bolded part. The HWC actually already does put on a youth tournament - the Conflict at Carver - which also has special exhibition matches taking place the night before - Night of Conflict. Many of you on this board already do support these two events, but just wanted to take the opportunity to bring more awareness to those two events, which all proceeds go to the HWC.

Hoping to include a few new options this year for VIP ticket holders to our event, but we would welcome ideas and/or feedback on how to make our event, Night of Conflict, better.

Feel free to reach out to us with any ideas:

Hi Folks - just wanted to chime in on the bolded part. The HWC actually already does put on a youth tournament - the Conflict at Carver - which also has special exhibition matches taking place the night before - Night of Conflict. Many of you on this board already do support these two events, but just wanted to take the opportunity to bring more awareness to those two events, which all proceeds go to the HWC.

Hoping to include a few new options this year for VIP ticket holders to our event, but we would welcome ideas and/or feedback on how to make our event, Night of Conflict, better.

Feel free to reach out to us with any ideas:

And here's another great opportunity for Hawk fans to make a difference. How about quadrupling the attendance this year? I'll be there, if at all possible, and I'll bring some folks. If those who are able attend and bring others, we have a great crowd, an even better event, and a good deal more revenue for the HWC. Boom.
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And here's another great opportunity for Hawk fans to make a difference. How about quadrupling the attendance this year? I'll be there, if at all possible, and I'll bring some folks. If those who are able attend and bring others, we have a great crowd, an even better event, and a good deal more revenue for the HWC. Boom.
Azchief and I have a table with room so if you would like to join us just let me know. If we need more seating we will get another table...or 2 or 3 more tables. Let me know here and I will get back to you and confirm.
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I dont have any issue with people raising money for the club in ANY legal way :) --traditional/non traditional etc.

The only downside is that the people would not get the 503C donation form -- some dont care about that--- most do.

If someone presents us with a check--we can give a tax support form to the person that wrote the check as an example.

As long as they donate $250 or less, they don't need a receipt.
U of I Credit Union can do an auto pay monthly. I set one up years ago. Monthly deduct from my checking account. If you want recognition from HWC or a donor gift you might go a different route. I don't think they get that info. Otherwise it's easy to setup.