GA Election Board May Force Hand-Counting Of Ballots


HB Legend
Gold Member
Jul 11, 2007
could delay reporting of results by weeks if not months

The Washington Post reports:

The Georgia State Election Board is expected to vote on a measure to force counties to hand-count all ballots this year, a requirement that could delay reporting of results by weeks if not months and that critics say is designed to inject chaos and uncertainty into the presidential contest in a vitally important swing state. The board will take up the proposal, which would require the hand count in addition to the customary machine count, Friday morning at the state Capitol in Atlanta.
The flurry of rulemaking is the work of a new right-wing majority that took control of the board in May with an avowed mission of preventing fraud and other irregularities from tainting the presidential result this year. All three are supporters of former president Donald Trump, and the rules they are pushing have been promoted by the state’s leading proponents of the false claim that President Joe Biden stole the Georgia election in 2020.
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They are petrified of Harris winning.
I hope those persuadable moderates who think Libs like me are overwrought at what might happen in November - January read this. This is the plan. Overthrow the election if Trump loses, but make it look a little more legal this time. Drag everything out.
I’m fine with hand counting every ballot cast in Georgia but it should be done immediately after the machine tabulated counts are all in and reported. Anything short of that will be a complete shitshow.
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There were just short of 5 million votes cast for president in Georgia in 2020. It would take weeks to count them by hand. Counting by hand is more expensive and less accurate. But since it’s controlled by partisan boards who can manipulate things it sounds like something you’d support.
More than likely it will just make Georgia irrelevant.
That's why they're doing this dude. JFC.

I wrote off Georgia long ago because I figured the Republican fascists who control the state will never let Harris win it this year. Probably same thing with Florida if Harris is close there. Democracy is dying in this country, effing fascists.
Supposedly Maine will do the same thing in response if Nebraska removes the blue dot so it will hopefully end up being a wash.
I thought so too but ME’s legislature adjourned yesterday (coincidence right?) and apparently their constitution prevents new laws going into effect for 90 days and they’re now under that for certification. The R’s played them like a fiddle unfortunately.

They are still machine counting. Pretty sure the state will force the certification on that and leave the hand counting exercise as a novelty to get the results of the following April.
There were just short of 5 million votes cast for president in Georgia in 2020. It would take weeks to count them by hand. Counting by hand is more expensive and less accurate. But since it’s controlled by partisan boards who can manipulate things it sounds like something you’d support.
One counter one rep from each side x (X) should have it done in no time.
They are still machine counting. Pretty sure the state will force the certification on that and leave the hand counting exercise as a novelty to get the results of the following April.
My prediction is the legislature will try to force certification of the white, rural, areas who are able to complete the hand counting within a couple weeks and exclude the totals from the urban areas where it will take months. Trump wins in a landslide.

GA and AZ have spent four years trying to find ways to ensure the GOP wins regardless of who the voters pick.
Google is your friend. It was tried in Arizona in a county and the process was riddled with errors. It would costs hundreds of thousands of dollars. For absolutely no benefit.
I watched our location, count, dispute, recount, confirm, and announce, a thousand votes in a couple minutes with like 5-6 old ladies doing the counting with a rep from each side watching the tables.

scale that.

It can be done.
I watched our location, count, dispute, recount, confirm, and announce, a thousand votes in a couple minutes with like 5-6 old ladies doing the counting with a rep from each side watching the tables.

scale that.

It can be done.
With millions of ballots. That’s just stupid.
Blame it on the dimpled Chad's.
If voting is close. Hand recounts get triggered anyway. Machine and hand recounts rarely vary by more than a tenth of a percent. Considering that’s involving the process of millions of votes. Starting with hand counting is a waste.
If voting is close. Hand recounts get triggered anyway. Machine and hand recounts rarely vary by more than a tenth of a percent. Considering that’s involving the process of millions of votes. Starting with hand counting is a waste.
He have a country whose entire election is realistically going to come down to thousands of votes in a handful of counties across 7, but it could be as little as 3, states, and this is one of the "3" I'm good with it.
Really it just comes down to PA. It's insanely unlikely that the person who wins PA doesn't win the election.

Harris probably isn't going to win GA or NC or AZ but lose PA.

Trump is probably not going to lose PA but win Michigan or Wisconsin. Although I consider this a slightly higher possibility than the former.
He have a country whose entire election is realistically going to come down to thousands of votes in a handful of counties across 7, but it could be as little as 3, states, and this is one of the "3" I'm good with it.
Ok, then if it’s hand counted no reporting of results until all counties have gotten through their totals. Every vote in the state must be counted before anything can be shared.
And there is your problem. People talk. Especially about hot gossip. Absolutely no chance it won’t leak or have fake leaks etc etc.
Call me old fashioned but if one person sitting at a table with a rep from each side watching them count, and then having some table talk change the ways math works, is your fear over a machine that can be controlled from anywhere in the world...... we can just agree to disagree.
Call me old fashioned but if one person sitting at a table with a rep from each side watching them count, and then having some table talk change the ways math works, is your fear over a machine that can be controlled from anywhere in the world...... we can just agree to disagree.
An optic machine can not be controlled from anywhere. You’re watching too much Jason Bourne. Totals and batches are matched and rematched.
Someone can’t just flip some key strokes and go unnoticed.
If voting is close. Hand recounts get triggered anyway. Machine and hand recounts rarely vary by more than a tenth of a percent. Considering that’s involving the process of millions of votes. Starting with hand counting is a waste.

Studies also reveal serious concerns about hand count accuracy. Rice University conducted a study in which participants hand counted just two races on 120 ballots. The participants accurately counted the results of the two races only 58% of the time. An MIT study in New Hampshire found that poll workers who counted ballots by hand were off by 8%. The error rate for machine counting was about 0.5%.
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Studies also reveal serious concerns about hand count accuracy. Rice University conducted a study in which participants hand counted just two races on 120 ballots. The participants accurately counted the results of the two races only 58% of the time. An MIT study in New Hampshire found that poll workers who counted ballots by hand were off by 8%. The error rate for machine counting was about 0.5%.
My issue is not on thousands of ballots. But when you’re processing hundreds of thousands. More people involved the greater chance for error.