Game thoughts

Gotta hand it to the naysayers on this board. Even after an Iowa win that was generally applauded by the basketball world, they find a way to only concentrate on the negative. No credit for blitzing the Wahoos in the first half and holding them to 30 points. No credit for shooting 54% for the game and 48% from three. No credit for outrebounding them. No credit for FOUR turnovers against a supposedly sound Virginia defense. No credit for not folding when they lost the lead. No credit for winning the game on a court that rarely gives up one to the visitors.

I will say once again. McCaffery has a call-in show tonight. The call is free. Please give him a ring and straighten him out with your defensive brilliance. After all, you believe he needs the help and you claim to be Iowa fans. Give the man a hand!
Gotta hand it to the naysayers on this board. Even after an Iowa win that was generally applauded by the basketball world, they find a way to only concentrate on the negative. No credit for blitzing the Wahoos in the first half and holding them to 30 points. No credit for shooting 54% for the game and 48% from three. No credit for outrebounding them. No credit for FOUR turnovers against a supposedly sound Virginia defense. No credit for not folding when they lost the lead. No credit for winning the game on a court that rarely gives up one to the visitors.

I will say once again. McCaffery has a call-in show tonight. The call is free. Please give him a ring and straighten him out with your defensive brilliance. After all, you believe he needs the help and you claim to be Iowa fans. Give the man a hand!
Exactly! Beating a traditional basketball powerhouse on the road (and the first true college road game with fans for our younger players) is a tribute to our players and coaches. Some have moaned about pissing away a big lead to an offensively-challenged team. I don't think VA's players are offensively-challenged; they play in a system that focuses on defense and making their opponents play D for the full 30 seconds. Did you notice the difference in VA's offensive possessions from 1st to 2nd half? First half they typically shot it in the last 5 seconds of the shot clock. At halftime, I'm betting their coaching staff realized they had to have more offensive possessions second half to have a chance to win and changed the game plan to take more risks on offense, such as taking shots earlier in the shot clock if they had them. Those kids can score when they need to.

I think someone criticized Rebraca for only getting 3 rebounds. Keep in mind, he's averaging 7 in only 20 minutes per game.

Others criticized Fran for lack of minutes for Sandfort and Perkins. Subbing isn't an exact science. As a former college coach myself, you go with what you think is best given the situation and the knowledge you have of your players. Sometimes it works and other times it doesn't. Monday night, it worked. And over Fran's career in coaching four different D-I teams, it's worked a helluva lot more than it hasn't. I'm damn happy he's our coach, especially after the Todd Lackluster train wreck and the Alford sinking ship.
Credit to Fran for seeing something in the Murray’s where many other high major coaches didn’t. As far as Wieskamp goes, Fran turning the Iowa program around after Lickliter had a lot to do with rejuvenating Iowa in-state fandom. With a coach like Lick still running the show, I’m not sure a high major recruit like Weezy considers Iowa
Agree, its definitely not a given that any other coach would have offered the Murrays in the first place.

Got to give Fran credit on that one for sure.
Serious question - do you really believe they spend essentially NO time practicing defense? Do you actually believe they spend all their practice time only on offense? Do you truly think they did NOT communicate and play d in the 1H or was that an illusion?

The hyperbole is, well, a little thick, dude, and takes away from your potentially legit points.
Yes its hyperbole but it really looked like they had spent little to no time on that zone and no, I didn't see great communication in the first half either but Virginia missed allot of shots which allowed Iowa to run.

The things that are lacking on Iowas D come with practice and repetition and have usually been lacking except for the Adam Woodbury years where he would direct traffic for the rest of the team.

This group has excellent defensive pieces and if they can't put it together im ready to move on because you're never going to win anything of significance in college basketball without defense.
I'd rather see Joe fight through the screens.... he seems to want to tussle and then gets hung up. He should have been able to get through that screen where instead Rebraca was forced to switch and gave up a 3 because he had to respect the drive.

Our ball screen defense is the beginning of our breakdowns.... we were slow on switching and then forces help and poor rotations and closeouts.

We are not anticipating the pass and thus react after pass is made and then you are late to the closeout.

If you watch good teams.... the defense is flowing with the ball so you're there on the catch.

But I think we can improve on D because we are more athletic.... we just need to be more connected.
The only guy who looked like he knew what was going on on the front line was Perkins.

Keegan had probably his worst defensive game of his career, he looked totally lost in the zone.

We all know he's much better than that but it was odd.
After re-watch of game I think part of the issues with the 3 ball was the scout.

The really own known was Clark... and he's never been known to be a high percentage shooter so going under the screens is often how he's defended.

The other 2 guys that went 6-8 from 3 are new guys. Gardner starts but hadn't even attempted a 3 till going 2 for 2 vs Iowa. Murray played sparingly and was 1-4 from the field in spot minutes as a freshman.

Only complaint would be our in-game adjustments on those 3 when they got hot.... but I think our 2nd half adjustments was to close off the paint and that back fired a bit.
Going under the screen was the scout on Clark. He's not a shooter, that was luck.

But the corner 3s were mostly misscommunications by Iowa.

Part of that was probably not paying real close attention to their Murray. I can buy that.
Where did I say that?

There you go again.
In the game thread.

Here's you're exact quote.

PMac was in a suit and unable to play for most of the previous TWO years. This season just started so wtf are you counting it???

You lied there and now your lying again.

You're not someone who is taken seriously in any capacity.
Like Patrick sitting out all of the last two years?

Those type of hyperbole and facts?
Here is what I actually posted:
PMac was in a suit and unable to play for most of the previous TWO years. This season just started so wtf are you counting it???

Keegan is not being considered for POTY because of his experience, it's his potential. He is not experienced by any measure.

I won't begin to talk to you about CMac. You are clueless there if you can't see his worth to the team.

And your view is yours. Good luck with that because it's not based in reality. Experience is relative. And Iowa is relatively inexperienced.
As you can see, I said most of the previous 2 years. I was wrong about last year, yes, as he did play in 31 games, but he wasn't playing starters minutes, only averaging less than 15 mpg. And in 2019-2020 he was in a suit for all but 2 games. He wasn't even able to practice for most of that. To count it as "experience" is stupid.
In the game thread.

Here's you're exact quote.

PMac was in a suit and unable to play for most of the previous TWO years. This season just started so wtf are you counting it???

You lied there and now your lying again.

You're not someone who is taken seriously in any capacity.
See my response above. Unlike you, I can admit when I make a mistake.
Here is what I actually posted:

As you can see, I said most of the previous 2 years. I was wrong about last year, yes, as he did play in 31 games, but he wasn't playing starters minutes, only averaging less than 15 mpg. And in 2019-2020 he was in a suit for all but 2 games. He wasn't even able to practice for most of that. To count it as "experience" is stupid.
Shut up liar.
  • Haha
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Here is what I actually posted:

As you can see, I said most of the previous 2 years. I was wrong about last year, yes, as he did play in 31 games, but he wasn't playing starters minutes, only averaging less than 15 mpg. And in 2019-2020 he was in a suit for all but 2 games. He wasn't even able to practice for most of that. To count it as "experience" is stupid.

Well you apparently dont follow Iowa basketball if you thought Pat M. hadn't played last year. He backed up Joe Weiskamp and often was paired with JoeT. At college level, PMAC is not high experience guy but he is 21 years old going on 22 in March, so he's played a lot of basketball in his life for only being in 2nd year of competitive B-ball at Iowa.
Well you apparently dont follow Iowa basketball if you thought Pat M. hadn't played last year. He backed up Joe Weiskamp and often was paired with JoeT. At college level, PMAC is not high experience guy but he is 21 years old going on 22 in March, so he's played a lot of basketball in his life for only being in 2nd year of competitive B-ball at Iowa.
Under 15 mpg.
Who knows? Maybe the refs will actually call offensive fouls on their bigs when they bowl us over. Or call the bumping and holding we usually experience from their back court. Nah!
I don't hate them...I just want better than what Fran is able to give and already know how this chapter of the book will end because of what I posted. That's cool if you are fine with it.
If you don't hate the team then please don't post rubbish about them.