Game time Friday?

The networks will take their pick. I assume we will get a 7ish start while Gonzaga/NDSU gets the west coast prime time spot
Wouldn't mind a late game, and I think the rest of the board would agree with me.
I'm thinking it'll be one of the games in the 3:00 to 6:00pm window areas since it's a west coast game. They usually save the prime time slots for the brand name schools.
Originally posted by Hawk-A-Doodle-Doo:
Ol' Doodle's sources are telling him the game will be at Eleventy-Four O'Clock.....though Doodle is not sure if that's Central or Pacific.
I don't know why that made me laugh so loud
3 hrs after the first beer is opened

This post was edited on 3/15 6:52 PM by 4th & 9 inches

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