Gang of Black teens beats man in NYC

Good for those dudes. We need heroes out there on the streets like this. Also, why was that lady wearing a mask?
Good for those dudes. We need heroes out there on the streets like this. Also, why was that lady wearing a mask?
It’s New York could be any number of reasons for the mask. She could be a far lefty, could be of more of an international feel and wears one when under the weather, might have some smelly stuff in it to not have to smell street side garbage.
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Good for those dudes. We need heroes out there on the streets like this. Also, why was that lady wearing a mask?
Especially 2 of the last 3 to kick the guy.
They stood back until the guy on the ground wasn’t moving at all and then each gave him another kick/stomp to really teach him a lesson.

Not taking away from anything the fist few people did to break up the altercation and taking down the original POS good on them. But I also want to point out the other POS people.
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Good on them for stepping in, crazy New York has gotten to this in the first place.

There was another report our of New York yesterday. An assailant had waited until a 68 year old lady had walked up a short flight of steps and then proceeded to push her down, fracturing her skull.

You couldn't pay me enough to live in New York right now.
Hopefully these heroes are prosecuted as aggressively as Daniel Penny has been for his heroism!
…For attacking a middle aged white woman randomly, then tending to her afterwards. The type of video FOX “News” and the usual far right propagandists won’t show you:

Data backs it up. If that means I have to watch less athletic people put a ball through a hoop I'm OK with that.

It shouldn't be this way, but at some point you have to go back to the liar liar quote

"Quit breaking the laws assholes".
I have no sympathy for violent criminals.

Data still need to be interpreted correctly.