Gang of Black teens beats man in NYC

This is false. Most violent crimes are intraracial...for example, in 2018 80.7% of white murder victims were murdered by a white person, while 15.5% of white murder victims were murdered by black is almost 90% of black on black homicide--with white people committing about 8%
Fair point of clarification. Yes, mixed race crimes.
Are we supposed to be happy about this? I mean great, some people came to help a defenseless woman who was being attacked for no reason. Seems like a pretty low bar to celebrate to me? Bigger question and concern is why are random white women being attacked on the streets of NYC?
Because we stopped locking up mentally ill people and allow them to remain on the street.
This is false. Most violent crimes are intraracial...for example, in 2018 80.7% of white murder victims were murdered by a white person, while 15.5% of white murder victims were murdered by black is almost 90% of black on black homicide--with white people committing about 8%
Felon in possession....another "coincidence?"

Because we stopped locking up mentally ill people and allow them to remain on the street.
Or maybe we could pass some legislation that would enable more mental healthcare facilities for a nation that sorely needs them. Oh well. It's easier to complain.
  • Haha
Reactions: Here_4_a_Day
Or maybe we could pass some legislation that would enable more mental healthcare facilities for a nation that sorely needs them. Oh well. It's easier to complain.
I'm guessing those facilities would have locks on the doors, correct? And did in the past? You are correct, I probably should have said we stopped treating the mentally ill and just allow them to roam unchecked on the streets.
We need to start a gofundme to pay people in jail to daily ass rape guys like this when they get caught. Of course, that assumes he will even be tried by whatever loser DA is tasked with the job of prosecuting him.
Agreed. And the legislators, DA’s and judges who tolerate these violent, repeat offenders need to be in prison right alongside scum like this.
…For attacking a middle aged white woman randomly, then tending to her afterwards. The type of video FOX “News” and the usual far right propagandists won’t show you:

Stupid TV's M.O.

Take an incident, loop it and run it over and over. Propaganda. Drill it into the feeble minds salivating to be fed.