Gas was $1 less per gallon under Trump. A vote for Kamala is a vote to keep this $1 gallon "stupid tax" on gas due to the useless green energy push.

Jim Carrey GIF
Want to pay less each month for gas, vote Trump. If you want to pay more, vote Kamala.
VOTE ENERGY INDEPENDENCE!!! Global fuel demand is basically the same, but we're choosing to pay over $1 more per gallon for no reason?!?!?!??!
Plus, the Trump tax cuts will expire under Kamala, so you'll be paying more in tax.

Desperation, thy name is Trump Cult.
Want to pay less each month for gas, vote Trump. If you want to pay more, vote Kamala.
VOTE ENERGY INDEPENDENCE!!! Global fuel demand is basically the same, but we're choosing to pay over $1 more per gallon for no reason?!?!?!??!
Plus, the Trump tax cuts will expire under Kamala, so you'll be paying more in tax.

Republicans added a gas tax in Iowa. The best part was Republicans on this board calling it a needed tax.
Want to pay less each month for gas, vote Trump. If you want to pay more, vote Kamala.
VOTE ENERGY INDEPENDENCE!!! Global fuel demand is basically the same, but we're choosing to pay over $1 more per gallon for no reason?!?!?!??!
Plus, the Trump tax cuts will expire under Kamala, so you'll be paying more in tax.

Want a strong economy? Vote Harris. Get ready to wrap your mouth around the barrel this November:

Republicans added a gas tax in Iowa. The best part was Republicans on this board calling it a needed tax.
That’s because gas taxes are primarily a regressive tax that hurts middle and lower income families. Those taxes are fine. No issues. If a tax hits corporations and the wealthy that’s where cons have an issue.
Want to pay less each month for gas, vote Trump. If you want to pay more, vote Kamala.
VOTE ENERGY INDEPENDENCE!!! Global fuel demand is basically the same, but we're choosing to pay over $1 more per gallon for no reason?!?!?!??!
Plus, the Trump tax cuts will expire under Kamala, so you'll be paying more in tax.

Under Trump we were standing in line for the chance to buy toilet paper like slobs in the USSR.
Want to pay less each month for gas, vote Trump. If you want to pay more, vote Kamala.
VOTE ENERGY INDEPENDENCE!!! Global fuel demand is basically the same, but we're choosing to pay over $1 more per gallon for no reason?!?!?!??!
Plus, the Trump tax cuts will expire under Kamala, so you'll be paying more in tax.

Hey can you remind me which POTUS brokered a deal with OPEC to reduce their oil output? We might find the answer to your gas price outrage problem there.

Gas here is under $3/gallon right now I don’t recall any measurable period of time during trump’s presidency when I was paying under $2/gallon, if ever. When was that?