George W. Bush. The smartest man that ever lived.


HB Legend
May 12, 2009
North Liberty
Makes sense to me.

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort and sanctuary to terrorists, including Al Qaeda members."-Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY), October 10, 2002
"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime.... He represents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation.... And now he's miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction.... The threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real."-Sen. John Kerry (D-MA), January 23, 2003
"Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass destruction technology, which is a threat to countries in the region, and he has made a mockery of the weapons inspection process."-Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), December 16, 1998
"If Saddam rejects peace and we have to use force, our purpose is clear. We want to seriously diminish the threat posed by Iraq's weapons of mass destruction."-Pres. Bill Clinton, February 17, 1998
In a recent interview with Fox News’ Megyn Kelly, 2016 presidential hopeful Jeb Bush was asked whether, knowing what he knows now, he would have still invaded Iraq if he were president after 9/11. Bush appeared to answer the question as if he were asked what he would have done given the intelligence at the time. Mr. Bush said he, too, would have invaded Iraq and reminded everyone that Hillary Clinton would have done so as well.
Bush later revised his answer to fit the proper context but his initial response to a question no one asked was the correct response to a question not enough people have asked in the aftermath of the Iraq war.
It is obvious to anyone with common sense that any man or woman who was elected President of the United States in 2000 would've reacted the exact same way. And this is not just speculation. Almost every prominent politician and possible presidential candidate supported President Bush and the overall consensus was that Saddam Hussein had WMDs.
When Bush defenders and fair-minded people point out the fact that Ted Kennedy, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry and most senators and congressmen all agreed that something needed to be done in Iraq, Bush haters, left with no legitimate response, can only muster up one reply - Bush lied and manipulated them to go along with his evil scheme.
Let's not forget about British Prime Minister Tony Blair and much of the international community as well. They too were duped by Bush's lies. If this is their only defense, how well does this speak to the intelligence and integrity of Hillary Clinton, John Kerry and countless others?
Barack Obama, apparently the most brilliant president we have ever had, must use executive action because he cannot convince his opponents or the American people to go along with most of his proposals. But an idiot like George W. Bush can convince the entire world to do his biddings? Those people with the most intense hatred of George W. Bush have always tried to have it both ways when it comes to the former president. Depending on their agenda, he’s a blue-blooded, Harvard-Yale elitist one day and a moronic, unstable wanna-be Texas cowboy the next.
Talk to anyone with an abnormally irrational hatred for George W. Bush and they are certain of two things: (1) Bush is evil, a liar and murderer and (2) He is a moron. A blundering idiot with the intelligence of a developmentally-challenged earthworm. To these folks, these two things are indisputable. However, there is a major problem with their assessment.
We could never convince the true haters that Bush did anything right or that he is not pure evil, but even those people in the most advanced stages of irrational Bush hatred must learn that they cannot have it both ways. The aforementioned characteristics are mutually exclusive and simply cannot coexist.
If President Bush lied about WMDs and tricked the American people, the United States Congress and many of the world's leaders, then I think we must take the moron label off the table. In fact, not only can a man who manipulated the world’s elite and even possibly masterminded 9/11 not be a moron, it is fairly safe to say that he may be the smartest human being who has ever lived. A man with intelligence so unfathomably vast it surpasses the collective brainpower of Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi, Tony Blair and all others he was able to manipulate combined.
I don't think any of us believe George W. Bush is the smartest human being who's ever lived. So, that only leaves one possible scenario - the truth. And the truth is that George W. Bush reacted to Iraq based on the intelligence he received combined with the fact that Saddam Hussein was restricting access to weapon’s inspectors.

You don’t have to like George W. Bush. You don’t have to believe he was a good president. But you do need another excuse to support your bizarre and unfounded hatred of the man. The fact that he did what anyone else in his shoes would have done just doesn’t cut it.
Makes sense to me.

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort and sanctuary to terrorists, including Al Qaeda members."-Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY), October 10, 2002
"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime.... He represents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation.... And now he's miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction.... The threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real."-Sen. John Kerry (D-MA), January 23, 2003
"Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass destruction technology, which is a threat to countries in the region, and he has made a mockery of the weapons inspection process."-Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), December 16, 1998
"If Saddam rejects peace and we have to use force, our purpose is clear. We want to seriously diminish the threat posed by Iraq's weapons of mass destruction."-Pres. Bill Clinton, February 17, 1998
In a recent interview with Fox News’ Megyn Kelly, 2016 presidential hopeful Jeb Bush was asked whether, knowing what he knows now, he would have still invaded Iraq if he were president after 9/11. Bush appeared to answer the question as if he were asked what he would have done given the intelligence at the time. Mr. Bush said he, too, would have invaded Iraq and reminded everyone that Hillary Clinton would have done so as well.
Bush later revised his answer to fit the proper context but his initial response to a question no one asked was the correct response to a question not enough people have asked in the aftermath of the Iraq war.
It is obvious to anyone with common sense that any man or woman who was elected President of the United States in 2000 would've reacted the exact same way. And this is not just speculation. Almost every prominent politician and possible presidential candidate supported President Bush and the overall consensus was that Saddam Hussein had WMDs.
When Bush defenders and fair-minded people point out the fact that Ted Kennedy, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry and most senators and congressmen all agreed that something needed to be done in Iraq, Bush haters, left with no legitimate response, can only muster up one reply - Bush lied and manipulated them to go along with his evil scheme.
Let's not forget about British Prime Minister Tony Blair and much of the international community as well. They too were duped by Bush's lies. If this is their only defense, how well does this speak to the intelligence and integrity of Hillary Clinton, John Kerry and countless others?
Barack Obama, apparently the most brilliant president we have ever had, must use executive action because he cannot convince his opponents or the American people to go along with most of his proposals. But an idiot like George W. Bush can convince the entire world to do his biddings? Those people with the most intense hatred of George W. Bush have always tried to have it both ways when it comes to the former president. Depending on their agenda, he’s a blue-blooded, Harvard-Yale elitist one day and a moronic, unstable wanna-be Texas cowboy the next.
Talk to anyone with an abnormally irrational hatred for George W. Bush and they are certain of two things: (1) Bush is evil, a liar and murderer and (2) He is a moron. A blundering idiot with the intelligence of a developmentally-challenged earthworm. To these folks, these two things are indisputable. However, there is a major problem with their assessment.
We could never convince the true haters that Bush did anything right or that he is not pure evil, but even those people in the most advanced stages of irrational Bush hatred must learn that they cannot have it both ways. The aforementioned characteristics are mutually exclusive and simply cannot coexist.
If President Bush lied about WMDs and tricked the American people, the United States Congress and many of the world's leaders, then I think we must take the moron label off the table. In fact, not only can a man who manipulated the world’s elite and even possibly masterminded 9/11 not be a moron, it is fairly safe to say that he may be the smartest human being who has ever lived. A man with intelligence so unfathomably vast it surpasses the collective brainpower of Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi, Tony Blair and all others he was able to manipulate combined.
I don't think any of us believe George W. Bush is the smartest human being who's ever lived. So, that only leaves one possible scenario - the truth. And the truth is that George W. Bush reacted to Iraq based on the intelligence he received combined with the fact that Saddam Hussein was restricting access to weapon’s inspectors.

You don’t have to like George W. Bush. You don’t have to believe he was a good president. But you do need another excuse to support your bizarre and unfounded hatred of the man. The fact that he did what anyone else in his shoes would have done just doesn’t cut it.

speaking of shoes
Makes sense to me.

Of course it does.

How that whole post is supposed to reflect that GWB was the smartest man that ever lived, really doesn't help your standing amongst your contemporaries. Very little would help it, but this really doesn't help!
He's smart alright. He got the American schmucks to crave war in the ME so he and his cronies could make untold billions at taxpayer expense. The taxpayer has accepted the Patriot Act much in the same way Germany accepted The Enabling Act after Goerring admitted to burning down the Reichstag.
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He's smart alright. He got the American schmucks to crave war in the ME so he and his cronies could make untold billions at taxpayer expense. The taxpayer has accepted the Patriot Act much in the same way Germany accepted The Enabling Act after Goerring admitted to burning down the Reichstag.

That was a 3-point-shot-from-the-NBA-line post at the end.
Of course it does.

How that whole post is supposed to reflect that GWB was the smartest man that ever lived, really doesn't help your standing amongst your contemporaries. Very little would help it, but this really doesn't help!

Didn't read the article, did you? You're looking a little foolish right now.
He's smart alright. He got the American schmucks to crave war in the ME so he and his cronies could make untold billions at taxpayer expense. The taxpayer has accepted the Patriot Act much in the same way Germany accepted The Enabling Act after Goerring admitted to burning down the Reichstag.

You mean he got the American Congress (Republicans AND Democrats) to go along with him.
You mean he got the American Congress (Republicans AND Democrats) to go along with him.

I see, so, that's better somehow?

No, I didn't read the article. I have no desire to. George W. Bush is a flunkie. Not only is he not smart, he's dangerously dumb. Presidents like Obama and Bill Clinton are even more dangerous because they aren't dumb at all. They're extremely smart and articulate and still corrupt and therefore dangerous.

You, like a handful of others like you, are looking for ONE THING. You are literally content with a downward spiral of "which side is worst." You seem to be obsessed with pointing-out how much worse the other side is. Not how yours is good, or better, but how theirs is merely worse. You KNOW that your side is corrupt and totally owned by corporate interest. It has no interest in honoring it's constituency other than just pandering to it. But, that doesn't bother you. All you want is for the Democrats and "The Left" to feel shame for how their side is, by your measure, WORSE and more corrupt and incorrigible than yours. You guys are like our rival Wolfpack fans in Raleigh. They are more obsessed with our losses than their wins. It's never about holding these leaders accountable. It's about throwing mud at the rival constituency. It's pathetic.
Of course it does.

How that whole post is supposed to reflect that GWB was the smartest man that ever lived, really doesn't help your standing amongst your contemporaries. Very little would help it, but this really doesn't help!

Actually, since George Bush is quite intelligent and extremely well-informed, the post is much to my liking. We Republicans need to fight back against the vicious hyperbolic attacks on President Bush with a little hyperbole of our own.

The entire campaign impuning Bush's character, honor, honesty, and understanding of the World has been ludicrous. It's bizarre that the Democrats would adopt this strategy at the same time that they hold out complete idiots (Idiots on steroids to be more precise) as examples of everything that America represents.

I applaud the title of the thread! After 6-8 years of listening to lies and blaming and more blaming, I found the title to be refreshing.
I see, so, that's better somehow?

No, I didn't read the article. I have no desire to. George W. Bush is a flunkie. Not only is he not smart, he's dangerously dumb. Presidents like Obama and Bill Clinton are even more dangerous because they aren't dumb at all. They're extremely smart and articulate and still corrupt and therefore dangerous.

You, like a handful of others like you, are looking for ONE THING. You are literally content with a downward spiral of "which side is worst." You seem to be obsessed with pointing-out how much worse the other side is. Not how yours is good, or better, but how theirs is merely worse. You KNOW that your side is corrupt and totally owned by corporate interest. It has no interest in honoring it's constituency other than just pandering to it. But, that doesn't bother you. All you want is for the Democrats and "The Left" to feel shame for how their side is, by your measure, WORSE and more corrupt and incorrigible than yours. You guys are like our rival Wolfpack fans in Raleigh. They are more obsessed with our losses than their wins. It's never about holding these leaders accountable. It's about throwing mud at the rival constituency. It's pathetic.
You should either read the article or not comment on it because you are out of context. Also Obama isn't smart at all, he is no more intelligent than Bush and that's being generous. He is probably far far dumber. Don't mistake being articulate with being smart. They are by no means the same thing.

I do agree about the two major parties spending more time demonizing each other than doing anything good though.
You should either read the article or not comment on it because you are out of context.

I may be out of context, but I did state fully that I hadn't read the article... don't intend to.

As far as smarter?
That's subjective and the bar is pretty low. How does one measure that anyway... objectively, that is?

"Don't mistake being articulate with being smart. They are by no means the same thing."

Good point. I disagree, however, that being inarticulate and fumbling with words and making nonsensical statements, a lot, is not an indication of one's intellect, or calls it into being suspect. And, in the case of GWB, it's glaringly obvious how inarticulate can imply being dumb. I'm not insisting Obama and Clinton are geniuses, but one was a Rhodes scholar and didn't come from family wealth to get him into schools like Bush.

"I do agree about the two major parties spending more time demonizing each other than doing anything good though."
The president's transcript was published in 1999 by The New Yorker magazine. It showed that Mr. Bush, who graduated in 1968, had a cumulative grade average of 77 in his first three years at Yale and a similar average under a nonnumeric rating system in his senior year.

Mr. Bush received one D in four years, a 69 in astronomy, and his grades improved after his freshman year, the transcript showed.
Don't know. I thought the subject line was about Dubya and his smarts (in this case, lack thereof). Start a post about Obama and I'll dispute that as well.
President Obama will never release his transcripts, and his GPA has nothing to do with it. He doesn't want anyone to see them because they list him as a foreign student. I'm not a birther. I'm saying he lied to get favorable admission.
President Obama will never release his transcripts, and his GPA has nothing to do with it. He doesn't want anyone to see them because they list him as a foreign student. I'm not a birther. I'm saying he lied to get favorable admission.
I think you are correct, and I'm not a birther, either. Same deal as Fauxcohontas Warren.

Not sure why Democrats are so reluctant to share their biographical information with the people they want to represent, but it's fairly common. If you will remember, John Kerry wouldn't release any of his academic records, either. However, he didn't do as well on his officer qualification tests as Dubya. And there's a reason one Yale grad did his post-graduate work at Boston College and the other did his at Harvard.
President Obama will never release his transcripts, and his GPA has nothing to do with it. He doesn't want anyone to see them because they list him as a foreign student. I'm not a birther. I'm saying he lied to get favorable admission.

No one releases their transcripts, nothing can be gained no matter how great their grades were.

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