Germany Suspends Schengen, Immigration Repercussion Across The Entire EU


HB Legend
Jun 14, 2005
For the first time in EU history, Germany is at the forefront of immigration suspension. Other EU countries will follow.

Schengen Zone

The Schengen Area (English: /ˈʃɛŋən/ SHENG-ən, Luxembourgish: [ˈʃæŋən]) is an area encompassing 29 European countries that have officially abolished border controls at their mutual borders.

Immigration Crackdown

Reuters reports Germany Tightens Controls at All Borders in Immigration Crackdown.

Germany’s government announced plans to impose tighter controls at all of the country’s land borders in what it called an attempt to tackle irregular migration and protect the public from threats such as Islamist extremism.

The controls within what is normally a wide area of free movement – the European Schengen zone – will start on Sept. 16 and initially last for six months, Interior Minister Nancy Faeser said on Monday.

The government has also designed a scheme enabling authorities to reject more migrants directly at German borders, Faeser said, without adding details on the controversial and legally fraught move.

The restrictions are part of a series of measures Germany has taken to toughen its stance on irregular migration in recent years following a surge in arrivals, in particular people fleeing war and poverty in the Middle East.

Recent deadly knife attacks in which the suspects were asylum seekers have stoked concerns over immigration. The Islamic State group claimed responsibility for a knife attack in the western city of Solingen that killed three people in August.

Polls show it is also voters’ top concern in the state of Brandenburg, which is set to hold elections in two weeks.

Scholz and Faeser’s centre-left Social Democrats (SPD) are fighting to retain control of the government there, in a vote billed as a test of strength of the SPD ahead of next year’s federal election.

“The intention of the government seems to be to show symbolically to Germans and potential migrants that the latter are no longer wanted here,” said Marcus Engler at the German Centre for Integration and Migration Research.


From Eurointelligence …

It is almost comical that as Mario Draghi presents his report on the future of Europe, Germany has the brilliant idea to re-impose border controls and suspend the Schengen system of passport-free travel. The German government has come under pressure to crack down on immigration by trying to stop refugees at the border. Nancy Faeser, the interior minister, said the reason was to protect Germany against Islamic extremism, following a series of murders and attempted murders committed by immigrants in the last few weeks. The Schengen rules require an over-riding national security interest.

The collateral damage will be huge. Austria already said it will not take in any immigrants rejected by Germany. So Austria will almost surely do the same and close its border. Nobody to the east and south-east of Germany has the physical capacity and political willingness to absorb immigrants. The Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia and Croatia will all do the same. We assume that Switzerland, not a member of the EU but a member of Schengen, will follow. Italy has no border to close, but France does. Germany has now become an active participant in the beggar-thy-neighbour refugee policies of EU member states. Except that when Germany plays this game, it has much more serious consequences. This is a serious threat to the whole idea of Schengen. This is where the unravelling of Europe could be starting.

Annalena Baerbock, the foreign minister, warned her colleagues not to endanger the EU’s migration deal, and not to succumb to the illusion that European countries can solve the refugee problem at a national level.

The border closures do not come with a change in current laws. The German border guards will have to take in anybody who mentions the word asylum. But a majority of immigrants do not. FAZ notes that Friedrich Merz wants to go much beyond the current rule. He wants the police to be able to even reject people who claim asylum. The argument he uses is that Germany’s borders only with safe countries, so it is technically impossible [
lol] for anyone to claim asylum at a German land border. He also maintains that law and order within Germany have a higher priority than Germany’s obligations under international law.
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A country has to have borders they can control. And it is even more important now as Russia will, if it hasn't already, infiltrate people in, in an attempt to cause destruction and sow discord.
A country has to have borders they can control. And it is even more important now as Russia will, if it hasn't already, infiltrate people in, in an attempt to cause destruction and sow discord.
Why isn’t diversity and a flood of people from MENA seen as advantageous?

Nobody steps up to explain why Finland is ok barring entry after a few dozen illegal immigrants, but the US is supposed to welcome millions.

Are the purported benefits lies, or does Germany just not want the benefits?
Why isn’t diversity and a flood of people from MENA seen as advantageous?

Nobody steps up to explain why Finland is ok barring entry after a few dozen illegal immigrants, but the US is supposed to welcome millions.

Are the purported benefits lies, or does Germany just not want the benefits?

The answer is political power. The Democrats want this in spite of the chaos that it creates.
The answer is political power. The Democrats want this in spite of the chaos that it creates.
possibly partially true but i think the true reason is some believe (and could be correctly) that usa need a large underclass (who btw would do far better here for themselves than in their native lands) to keep our economy humming and our place secure in the world. europe thought similarly but their influx was islamic instead of latino and that’s a huge difference