Gessel 3 point shooting


HB Legend
Oct 25, 2002
I'm a big fan of Mikey G. I think he runs the offense very well, is a good "court General" if you will, but his lack of outside shooting really hurts us at times.

I seem to recall people saying he was more of a shooting guard in high school. Was he a better outside shooter back then? Perhaps his injury contributed to the lack of outside shooting this season but he didn't shoot very well from deep last year either.

I think Mike is an all Big Ten guard if he can develop a 3 point shot. Has there ever been a precedents where a poor 3 point shooting guard developed one between his junior and senior year?
Posted from Rivals Mobile
We're going to be good next year. Gesell made huge strides the last 10 games. Going to be the leader next year.
Originally posted by longliveCS40:
I'm a big fan of Mikey G. I think he runs the offense very well, is a good "court General" if you will, but his lack of outside shooting really hurts us at times.

I seem to recall people saying he was more of a shooting guard in high school. Was he a better outside shooter back then? Perhaps his injury contributed to the lack of outside shooting this season but he didn't shoot very well from deep last year either.

I think Mike is an all Big Ten guard if he can develop a 3 point shot. Has there ever been a precedents where a poor 3 point shooting guard developed one between his junior and senior year?

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Just recently? Matt Gatens went from a .331 three point shooting year as a junior to a .410 three point shooter as a senior.

His overall field goal percentage went from .395 to .469.
Gessel will never be better shooter than he is now. He releases the ball on the way up and unless that changes, he is stuck at that unpredictable jump shot.
Mikey's percentages have gone down a bit since his freshman year. He passes up a lot of open threes to take a step or two inside the arc, where it seems like he's more comfortable, so that's probably a big reason why that percentage is down. I don't think he has to be a 40% shooter to be effective but I think he can be a 33-37% shooter back there if he really busts it this summer. A lot of it for him is just confidence right now. He's confident from 17 feet, perhaps a little too confident and I don't think he hits enough of them to justify passing up those 3 pointers all the time. I'm sure we'll see plenty of the Anthony and Mike combo in the backcourt, particularly early on but I wouldn't be surprised if those guys are both starting all year. I think you lose a guy like White and it's hard to imagine how you're going to replace all he brings, but I think we will be just fine scoring wise, but can we defend? I think Anthony helps a lot in that regard and I could see him playing 25-30 minutes, especially because Anthony is an underrated shooter You put Jok and Uthoff out there as well with MG and AC, you've got a pretty solid shooting lineup out there.
His injury still seems to be affecting him too. It looks like he's really having to push the ball to get it there from beyond the arc right now and looks a lot less comfortable shooting 3's than he used to (though he hasn't ever been a knockdown shooter for us). I think he shoots a respectable but not a deadly percentage next year with some offseason rehab and practice.
Saw him play in high school. Was definitely point guard. South Sioux had a really good shooting guard who ended up playing baseball. Kid was a much better outside shooter than Gesell. Mike had point guard mentality then and like to drive more than shoot outside. .