Get Your Weather Forecasts!! (subscription required)

Joes Place

HB King
Aug 28, 2003

Just $99/year, and you can have your Trump/Heritage Foundation Weather forecasts!!! That's less than $0.30 a day!!!
Want more than just tomorrow's weather? For +$49.95 you can get long range forecasts, too!

Emergency warnings for floods, tornadoes, etc? Those require a premium subscription....
Don't forget, your tax dollars would still be paying for the satellites, radar, and other infrastructure that collect all the information. But private companies will get to charge you for it again!

Plus, he'll get to draw in the hurricane lines he wants.

And when the New Trump/Heritage Weather Service says there was no "hurricane" or "tornado" or "flood" in your area, there's no need for disaster assistance.... Because you live in a "blue" area....
Not when the NWS is privatized.

Those places will pay, too, and pass that cost along to you.


Sources like local news, online weather forecasters, storm chasers, etc - will have to begin paying for access to the data. The Weather Channel, Accuweather, etc will have to pay millions if not billions to keep access to the resources they use currently.

Does anybody believe The Weather Channel could afford to pay for launching new weather satellites? For the hurricane hunter fleet? For the upkeep and replacement of the nationwide doppler radar network? Is a private company going to have the resources and technical knowhow to maintain the severe weather siren networks nationwide? The weather radio system?

Privatizing those resources would cause catastrophic damage to what amounts to being the best public service weather forecasting and data network in the entire world. It would DESTROY it. This is quite possibly the most asinine thing I've ever heard a political party ever come up with.

Imagine the 2020 derecho bearing down on Cedar Rapids, and the ONLY access a person could have had to warnings was a single entity that required each citizen to have some sort of subscription based source to the myriad of warnings the public received beforehand.

It boggles the mind to think that anybody - let alone a political party in the USA - could possibly believe this was a good idea.
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So I’ll pay more for local news?
Is that the only source of weather info for you? You never got a tornado warning on a phone? Never looked at Apple weather? Never heard a siren go off in the distance? Seems bizarre for someone in Iowa, but maybe you are like 87 years old. If so, I guess congrats…you may only have to watch extra commercials.

All of the above ways people consume weather would be at risk of being “free” if we privatize…and I’m a hard core capitalist. There are a few things like the NWS, ATC, etc. that should be provided by a government to maintain our safety.
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Is that the only source of weather info for you? You never got a tornado warning on a phone? Never looked at Apple weather? Never heard a siren go off in the distance? Seems bizarre for someone in Iowa, but maybe you are like 87 years old. If so, I guess congrats…you may only have to watch extra commercials.

All of the above ways people consume weather would be at risk of being “free” if we privatize…and I’m a hard core capitalist. There are a few things like the NWS, ATC, etc. that should be provided by a government to maintain our safety.
At risk of being free. So we can’t even predict that it won’t be. Let’s get butt hurt over this.
The NWS budget is a little over $1B per year - it's a pinprick in the overall budget. The economic benefit of the service they provide far, far outweighs that cost - let alone the public safety benefits their service provides.

We all know what this is really all about...
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I turn on WHO and get my weather every morning. And if I need national I’ll see what Dylan Dreyer has rocking.
Yes. Because currently the NWS gives the data they've collected out to the public. That won't happen if the NWS is privatized. They will have found another way to socialize the costs, but privatize the profits.
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Yours must be. Spell out Jesus fvcking Christ you pussy.
Your spelling of Jesus fvicking Christ is about as good as your understanding of our nation's Civics, and your courage. And you call me a pussy? Trump is hoping to grab you, btw. jfc

Be on the lookout!
So this is all because NWS had the audacity to embarrass Trump, right?


And the far right, if back in power in 2025, will gut our government of competent civil servants and replace them all with lackeys. It's literally in their plan. And it would more than likely erase American advantages as a world power when all of our government functions become based on "loyalty" to a person or party and not at all based on "merit".