Go to bourbon?

Never had a drop in my life. What am I missing? I had some bourbon flavored cake last Christmas, but, I found it uninspiring. I've had bourbon flavored sauces, but those are different. The flavor is there, without the bite of the alcohol.
Everyday is Makers. Not quite every day is Knob Creek smoked maple.
Elijah Craig or Evan Willams if I'm going to drink bourbon but usually I'm drinking scotch.
Thread already nailed my favorites

Never cared for Makers

Bullet and cedar ridge are excellent.

Knob Creek is the best. I used to drink scotch until I discovered Knob. It's got a strong flavor but if you like the taste of booze it's perfect
Just cracked the Jim Beam Black last night. Very good. Usually a maker's guy. And to the guy that says he puts water in it... You're doing it wrong.
I enjoy Jim Beam but have heard Knob Creek is very good (never tried). Whatcha got?
I guess I am lucky, because Mr. Beam has for 30 years been my favorite, I've tried most all of them but for my "Iowa value" palate, Beam is as good as any.......and usually the CHEAPEST and most ready to buy. (However, there are several Scotches out there that are pretty tempting...but most of those have to be purchased across the pond. )
Weller Centennial, when that runs out, Eagle Rare 101, when that runs out, Wild Turkey 12 yr, when that runs out Four Roses single barrel.

Pours like PVW and PHC are not go to bourbons, they are special times pours. Here's to some special times.

My bourbon stores are plentiful.
Bulliet is also my favorite, but Jim Beam is not bad at all for the price point.
My favorites are Blantons and Woodford Reserve

Lots of good Ryes these days also. Have to say Templeton is my favorite but I want to splurge it's Whistle Pig
Don't have a bourbon but I find a nice Pendleton Whisky on the rocks to be very smooth.
I only drink Pappy Van Winkle 23 Year.

I'm disappointed it took someone this long... bunch of poors.
In all seriousness, I always have Bulleit and Bulleit Rye in the cupboard. Both are pretty damn good for the price. I occasionally buy Knob Creek, Woodford Reserve, or Blanton's.
I only drink Pappy Van Winkle 23 Year.

I'm disappointed it took someone this long... bunch of poors.

If I had it, i wouldn't drink it. I would sell it for a stupidly high price to someone with more money than sense.
If I had it, i wouldn't drink it. I would sell it for a stupidly high price to someone with more money than sense.

I've had it. It's good. Definitely worth the $90 it used to go for. Not worth the $900 +/- it currently goes for.
Cedar Ridge, but if said store doesn't carry them then it's then Knob Creek or Maker's Mark.