Going green at the olympics


HB Heisman
Sep 17, 2006
Remember when you lefties thought it was conspiracy that the world economic forum and the elite were going to limit your meat consumption? It looks like the Olympics was a test on a global scale, it is a failure. (check out the cardboard beds in the first link as well)

"Athletes competing at the 2024 Paris Olympics have voiced concerns about their quality of food — or lack thereof — and their living spaces.
According to 'BBC,' French newspaper 'L'Équipe' reported athlete's claims of food shortages, specifically eggs and grilled meats. With a lack of food available, the organization went so far as to ration eggs on Wednesday."

"Paris 2024 intends to use the Games as an opportunity to highlight how creative and sustainable food can be produced at a major international event, as is highlighted in its “Food Vision”."

"The world’s most-developed nations will be told to curb their excessive appetite for meat as part of the first comprehensive plan to bring the global agrifood industry into line with the Paris climate agreement."