Cong. McCarthy's quip regarding the Benghazi hearings and Hilary's poll numbers give Ms. Clinton a lot of legitimacy in her claims Trey Gowdy's boys are on nothing more than a political witch hunt. McCarthy, like a lot of pols, just doesn't understand the need to keep his mouth shut and not speak about such things. You wait and see boyz....Hilary will teach the GOPers how to exploit this political faux then they can get outraged at her (and Bill) all over again.
If the Dems win in '16, hopefully they will sent Congressman McCarthy a huge "Thank-you!"
What a dumb sob he is.........jeebus keeerist!
If the Dems win in '16, hopefully they will sent Congressman McCarthy a huge "Thank-you!"
What a dumb sob he is.........jeebus keeerist!