GOPer- Cadets have to say "So help me god" because


HB King
Aug 16, 2005
Hell, Michigan
there is no freedom from religion.

GOP lawmaker: Air Force cadets must pledge to God because there is no 'freedom from religion'

A republican congressman has introduced legislation that would force cadets at the Air Force's Academy to say "so help me God" during their oaths every school year. He said the legislation is necessary because Americans don't have "freedom from religion."

Rep. Sam Johnson (R-TX) said the bill, called the Preserve and Protect God in Military Oaths Act of 2015, would protect the religious freedom of American troops.

"Our Constitution's very First Amendment protects every individual's freedom of religion. But our servicemen and women who protect our county with their lives are seeing that freedom under fire," he said in a statement.

The U.S. Air Force Academy announced in 2013 that cadets would not be required to say "so help me God" while reciting the Honor Oath.

The oath, which the cadets recite at the beginning of every school year, reads: "We will not lie, steal or cheat, nor tolerate among us anyone who does. Furthermore, I resolve to do my duty and to live honorably, so help me God."

Johnson said the Air Force's Academy only made the end of the oath optional "because of one radical atheist group's demands!"

"Let me be clear: Americans have the freedom of religion - but not freedom from religion. That's why I am introducing legislation that requires Congressional approval before any change would be made to military oaths," he continued.

"The moral foundation of our country is in serious danger if we allow radical groups to dictate whether or not we can freely express our religious beliefs! It's time to take a stand."
I clicked that link thinking it had to be an onion piece. I'm going with that site making it completely up. There is no way that any person smart enough to be elected to Congress is stupid enough to say what he was quoted in saying.
Because conservatives are so stupid this piece of ideological nonsense guarantees the nutjob re-election for life.
There are no atheists in fox holes.

Of course, there are no Air Force officers in fox holes, either, so there's that......
Originally posted by theiacowtipper:
I clicked that link thinking it had to be an onion piece.  I'm going with that site making it completely up.  There is no way that any person smart enough to be elected to Congress is stupid enough to say what he was quoted in saying.
As a con, I would never say a few Republicans are smart enough to never say some stupid stuff. Luckily Dems have their idiotic pols who make up stupid stuff. ( see Joe Biden)
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Biden has said some stupid things, but to my knowledge has never disrespected an elected office by submitting legislation that was this nonsensical.

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