Gov. Reynolds endorses Miller-Meeks in Iowa's 2nd District


HR King
May 29, 2001
Republican congressional candidate Mariannette Miller-Meeks landed an endorsement from the highest office in the state this week. Governor Kim Reynolds announced Tuesday that she would support Miller-Meeks in her campaign for the Republican nomination in the fight for Iowa's 2nd Congressional District.

The seat is open due to Rep. Dave Loebsack choosing not to see reelection.

“Mariannette Miller-Meeks is the conservative fighter southeast Iowa needs in Congress. I am proud to call her a friend and announce my support for her campaign,” Gov. Reynolds said in a statement. “We share a never-quit attitude, and I know that she’ll always go to the mat for the needs of Iowans. I am eager to join her on the campaign trail and help make the case to voters across the 2nd District.”

The seat has been held by Loebsack since 2007. Loebsack announced in April he would not seek reelection in 2020. He has since endorsed Democrat Rita Hart to replace him.

While the Democratic nomination process has been quiet, the Republican nomination is hotly contested between Miller-Meeks and LeClaire businessman Bobby Schilling. In a statement about Reynolds endorsement, Miller-Meeks said her legislative record "championed" Reynolds' priorities in the 2019 session. She referenced the passage of a bill that banned most abortions after a fetal heartbeat was detected which was struck down in January 2019. She also mentioned her work to pass a bill that set up a children's mental health system in Iowa and a pro-gun rights resolution aiming to add a 2nd Amendment protections to the Iowa Constitution.

In addition to her recent term in the Iowa Senate, Miller-Meeks, a 65-year-old ophthalmologist, said in the release that she and Reynolds met while Reynolds was the lieutenant governor in the Terry Branstad administration. Miller-Meeks was asked by Branstad to lead the Iowa Department of Public Health from 2011 to 2014.

“I’m honored to receive the endorsement of Gov. Reynolds, who I consider one of the state’s strongest leaders and a friend,” said Miller-Meeks. “I will channel her strong leadership qualities promoting rural economic development, fair trade deals, skills training in apprenticeships and I will continue to advocate for healthcare and veterans issues.”

Reynolds endorsement comes a month after The Cedar Rapids Gazette reported that Miller-Meeks landed the financial backing of Eric Branstad and his father Terry Branstad, former Iowa governor and current ambassador to China. While both are giving money to the campaign, only Eric Branstad can endorse as the ambassador cannot endorse a candidate.

Challenger Bobby Schilling said the endorsement didn't shake his support of the governor or his confidence in his chances.

"This fight will not be won by endorsements. It will be won by the ground game which is how we will win this primary," Schilling said. "The people out there within Iowa's 2nd district know that my opponent has tried three times unsuccessfully to win this district."

He said that while big establishment endorsements are nice to have, he compared his approach to the campaign to elect Donald Trump to the White House in 2016.

Related: Bobby Schilling calls Illinois a cautionary tale

"Donald J. Trump didn't have the big endorsements coming through. I like to think I'm quite a bit like the Trump camp," Schilling said. "We will continue to work our tail off and never, ever give up."

On the Democratic side, state senator and former lieutenant governor candidate Rita Hart and Syrian-American engineer Newman Abuissa are working for the nomination.

Both Republicans and Democrats will have a primary election in June 2020.
Miller-Meeks needs to give it up. After she lost one of the other many times she's run, as a consolation prize, she was appointed to be the head of a major state department.
I was told she basically never left her office or talked to anyone for the entire time she was there.
Miller-Meeks needs to give it up. After she lost one of the other many times she's run, as a consolation prize, she was appointed to be the head of a major state department.
I was told she basically never left her office or talked to anyone for the entire time she was there.

The IDPH was the governing agency for us as EMS providers. I met with her, as part of a group on many occasions. I don’t like her politics or her stance on the issues, so I won’t vote for her, but she certainly left her office.
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1. 4th time might be the charm!
2. 65 is pretty old to start a second career in
I’ve met her, and she isn’t a lunatic. She doesn’t hate gay people, which will make it hard to run as a Republican in Iowa. Ashley Hinson will have no issue going there.
Miller-Meeks needs to give it up. After she lost one of the other many times she's run, as a consolation prize, she was appointed to be the head of a major state department.
I was told she basically never left her office or talked to anyone for the entire time she was there.

I have little doubt that she is on the autism spectrum.