Great Live Musical Performances

That's some fine guitar picking there. Almost everything else is in the background.

The drums in the middle were great too.

Did Jimmy mean the toss his pick at the end or did it break?
I love when the drums and symphony kick in.
I think he ditched the pick to fingerpick the ending
I guess I'd have to differentiate between best concert performances based on the posts thus far, vs best musical performances I've seen.

For a variety of reasons, I've never been a live concert person for the most part - single biggest reason being deaf in one ear and not liking being in places where the sound can get deafening. (I realize not all concerts are like this)
This might be my favorite song of Billy Joel; his band at this time was top shelf...


I'm not a Kansas afficionado, but I don't think I've ever seen a band where one guy does so much and some other guy is there because of his hair
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