Half of All Export-Import Bank Benefits Go to Ten Companies

What does the Export-Import Bank do and should I be for or against it?
It's a govt guaranteed but not funded bank. Provides low interest rate financing of our exports to foreign buyers. So foreign company buys a Boeing plane, finances it with the Ex-Im Bank at a lower rate than they would get privately. Uber-cons are against it because in theory it takes business away from banks.
What does the Export-Import Bank do and should I be for or against it?

it does very little anymore as its charter ran out in 2014. It hasn't been renewed as of yet so it is not allowed to engage in new business. however it can finance legacy business.

the bank was started by FDR.

it does sound as if it serves to finance underfunded or nefarious govt purchases - but since FDR started it has to be on the up and up..