Happy International women’s day!!

  1. My next door neighbor married to a Korean woman. She is a wonderful person and friend.
  2. I also have a Nigerian friend who is a woman. She is a wonderful person.
  3. I do business with a Chinese woman who now lives in LA. She and her family are very nice. She wanted me to help spearhead a class action lawsuit. I declined.
  4. I know a woman from Venezuela. She and her husband are very driven business people. We did business once and I would like to work with them again.

I could go on and on but it would become more redundant than it already has.:confused:
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I made it 44 years with some how not knowing an "International Women's Day", or men's day, existed. It's going to have zero impact on my life, but cheers to all of you who celebrate these things!
I made it 44 years with some how not knowing an "International Women's Day", or men's day, existed. It's going to have zero impact on my life, but cheers to all of you who celebrate these things!


Is this what you're trying to say?

And comrade Putin weighed in by thanking Russian women for ‘taking care of the home and staying beautiful.’

The dude gets it. :D:D:D:D:D:D
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It's actually a great lead in for marketing purposes if you want to be a rainmaker. We have a great event planned at a race track. Last year we had a symposium at a shooting range and also had person teaching how to arrange flowers - we called that Guns & Roses Symposium.

Of course, it appears most people on here are ham & cheesers that toil in cubicles & go to IT meeting -- where your company counts you as overhead and not a revenue center.

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