Harris rated the#1 most liberal on the hill

Extremist of the extreme.
They didn't just delete this. They deleted all of the 1 year rankings a couple of years ago because they didn't think single year provided good data.

Schimming July 23, 2024, quote

On a Zoom call with reporters, ahead of Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign visit to Milwaukee the same day, Wisconsin Republican Party chairman Brian Schimming said Harris “in fact was rated as the most liberal member of the United States Senate.”

GovTrack email July 23, 2024
Josh Tauberer <>

10:44 AM (1 hour ago)

to me

Hello Tom,

We have the following statement:

One of's foundational principles it to enable the American public to make data driven decisions based on the best information we can provide. We previously published two types of legislator "Report Card" statistics: one type based on two-year Congressional sessions and the other type based on single calendar years (at the end of the first year of a two-year Congress). The statistics page that you are referring to was based on a single calendar year. Several years ago we discontinued creating new single-calendar-year "report cards": We determined that the limited data available in a single year was not sufficient to create a reliable portrait of the activity of legislators, particularly given the ebbs and flows of the legislative calendar, and therefore did not serve as a useful tool to our users and the American public. We subsequently took down the previously-published single-calendar-year statistics for the same reason.

We hope that the other analyses that we have are useful for you and the American public, including:
On our main page for VP Harris, the same cosponsorship ideology analysis is presented based on her entire tenure in the Senate and is the most reliable cosponsorship ideology analysis relevant to your question:
Our biennial report cards based on complete two-year data for each Congressional session: (scroll down under Report Cards)
To confirm what we said in the past, on a page we no longer publish for the reasons described above, I would recommend using the Internet Archive:
You can also read what we told the press when it became of interest much later in the year, e.g.:
Additionally, to answer your specific question:
There was no other year or time period in which we reported she was the most liberal. At the time, there were at least two other places on the website where we had the same analysis over other time periods (see the links above), and they had other rankings. Consequently, the claim that we ranked Harris most liberal is cherry-picking.
Thanks for your inquiry,
- Joshua Tauberer
- Founder,

Google search

On July 23, 2024, of
“govtrack kamala harris most liberal senator”:

End Wokeness is a known disinformation account likely run by Posobiec.
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Looks like they removed all Congress member rating pages. OP fails once again.

This is interesting.

The page was deleted between July 10th and the 24th of this year.

Asked why the pages weren't removed when single-year report cards were abandoned years ago, he said, "I was focused on more impactful aspects of our work."

Webpage that rated Kamala Harris the 'most liberal' senator in 2019 suddenly disappears


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