Harry Reid is retiring


HB King
Gold Member
Jan 30, 2008
Just saw Chuck Todd discussing it with Jose Diaz Balart on MSNBC. One of the things mentioned was that he felt like he'd be a drain on resources for other Democrats running for the Senate. Stepping down in a year with a presidential election boosts the chances of the Dems retaining the seat.
Republican Dan Coates of Indiana also announced he was leaving the Senate in 2016 this week.
That's a crock. He's retiring because he's hoping to avoid corruption charges.
Originally posted by lucas80:
Just saw Chuck Todd discussing it with Jose Diaz Balart on MSNBC. One of the things mentioned was that he felt like he'd be a drain on resources for other Democrats running for the Senate. Stepping down in a year with a presidential election boosts the chances of the Dems retaining the seat. 
Republican Dan Coates of Indiana also announced he was leaving the Senate in 2016 this week. 
I believe it means Reid is as high on the Dems retaking the Senate as they sound in public statements
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Harry Reid won a close election last time, and
he would not win again. He knows that he is
The guy would be 77 years old when sworn if he had won. I don't think we need to read much into this. Now if Chuck Grassley runs again, thats going to need some explaining. Grassley will be 83 in 2016 when his term is up.
It's always good to see the tool put back in the toolbox, especially the biggest tool.
Originally posted by naturalmwa:
The guy would be 77 years old when sworn if he had won. I don't think we need to read much into this. Now if Chuck Grassley runs again, thats going to need some explaining. Grassley will be 83 in 2016 when his term is up.
He needs to be in Congress. Why should full-blown dementia be a disqualifier? Don't demented people deserve representation too? With apologies to Roman Hruska.
Harry Reid understands that the Democrats will
not control the Senate for awhile and there will
probably be a Republican President after the
debacle of Obama. He is a now a nobody.
Originally posted by pepsicock:
Originally posted by BubsFinn:
That's a crock. He's retiring because he's hoping to avoid corruption charges.
crook and a damn drunk
Harry Reid, the Mormon, is a corrupt drunk?
I really, really hope that Cliven Bundy runs as an independent to fill the seat.
Originally posted by lucas80:
I really, really hope that Cliven Bundy runs as an independent to fill the seat.
+1 He could represent the dementia demographic and entertain the rest of us.

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