Have you ever caught food poisoning while traveling?

Not food poisoning, but some kind of stomach flu. We were visiting relatives in Denver and the young niece was not feeling well. She was sitting on my lap with her head buried on my shoulder, sat straight up and barfed all over me. The fun started about 2 am. From 2 am until 10 pm that day, I had half of a piece of toast, could have sh!t through a screen door. Ex-wifey (no pic) got it about mid-afternoon that day so we had to delay our departure another day. Ex-sister-in-law (no pic) drew the short straw. She got it the morning we left to drive back to KC. She laid on the back seat puking into a garbage can the whole nine hours. Miserable. At least it was her car that smelled like a college bar bathroom.
Not me, thankfully, but some friends of ours were in Spain and got food poisoning from the meal the night before their flight home. Needless to say, it was not an enjoyable flying experience.
I got food poisoning from a meal on a Delta flight. Some of you are old enough to remember when airlines actually served meals on shorter flights. Fortunately for me, the flight landed before the full effects hit me.

I've had food poisoning 4 times. The feeling is unique and unmistakable. It's undoubtedly a survival mechanism for the body because there's an aversion to eating that food for a very long time.
Wife and I took our children with us on a ski trip to New Hampshire when they were tiny. We had adjoining rooms, and my wife's sister stayed in one room with the kids so we could enjoy some alone time. Fancy, all-inclusive, place. We're not sure what it was, but after one fantastic day of skiing we both woke up in the middle of the night puking like neither of us had ever puked before. Spent two days with not enough energy to even get out of bed, while the sister patiently baby sat.

We finally started driving home, and perhaps fifteen minutes down the road my son (maybe 3?) started projectile vomiting all over the backseat. I had to lift him out and set him naked in a snow drift while we cleaned the car as best we could. The thing we most remember is when we stopped the car and opened the back door, he was in his car seat surveying the puke all over the place, and he just said, "Dirty!" as if he was providing us with new information. And that he was laughing while standing naked in the snow.

To this day I cannot eat stuffed grape leaves.
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Wife and I took our children with us on a ski trip to New Hampshire when they were tiny. We had adjoining rooms, and my wife's sister stayed in one room with the kids so we could enjoy some alone time. Fancy, all-inclusive, place. We're not sure what it was, but after one fantastic day of skiing we both woke up in the middle of the night puking like neither of us had ever puked before. Spent two days with not enough energy to even get out of bed, while the sister patiently baby sat.

We finally started driving home, and perhaps fifteen minutes down the road my son (maybe 3?) started projectile vomiting all over the backseat. I had to lift him out and set him naked in a snow drift while we cleaned the car as best we could. The thing we most remember is when we stopped the car and opened the back door, he was in his car seat surveying the puke all over the place, and he just said, "Dirty!" as if he was providing us with new information. And that he was laughing while standing naked in the snow.

To this day I cannot eat stuffed grape leaves.
That sounds like a virus and not food poisoning if you had it and your kid had it a few days later.

Could have caught the virus from food, but also pretty easy to catch just from travel if you aren’t careful with keeping your hands clean.
Second to last day of family vacation in Jamaica when I was 17.. started to feel something coming on. Next day I was sick as a dog, could hardly stand, and we had to travel back to Iowa. Got into Omaha and the tires were slashed, so that took an additional 5 hours to just get on the road and a 2 hour car ride. Brutal time.
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This year in Gulf Shores AL. I got sicker than hell. Went to urgent care three days into trip. Had some kind of virus. I was really impressed with the care I received.
This year in Gulf Shores AL. I got sicker than hell. Went to urgent care three days into trip. Had some kind of virus. I was really impressed with the care I received.
I’m not sure what your virus has to do with this food poisoning thread.
I got food poisoning from clam chowder near Boston while on vacation years back. It ruined an evening but i was better the following morning after hydration with seltzer water.

It didn't ruin our vacation, but it did give me a bad memory.
I don't know if it is considered legit food poisoning, guessing just a bug, but I have had like 3 or 4 times in the last 20 years probably where I'll go like 3 or 4 days where LITERALLY any time you would normally just fart throughout the course of a day, I'd have to go drop some straight up water butt piss instead.......stomach didn't hurt, nothing else out of the ordinary but didn't fart for multiple days.
Yes, in Ukraine. Thought a bread with caviar on it was a sweet pastry. It had been left out. Felt pretty bad for a few days. Others ate it as well. The weather was really hot, no AC and it sat on the table for a long time. Only took a bite.
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Not food poisoning, but came down with tonsilitis while in Leningrad in 1985, which was a particularly challenging thing since you couldn't really drink the water in Leningrad due to giardia parasite. (Thankfully, I'd bought a samovar in a tourist shop and was able to continually boil a supply of it. Equally thankfully, on the first night i sensed it coming on, by sheer dumb luck I was seated at some variety show next to a woman who was an American doctor, and she had a purse full of Cipro.)
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Sorry to hear about your illness, but the important thing is how were the Stones? Was this in that new arena they just built?
I usually eat in the airport before we come home from Mexico and it takes me out for at least a week afterwords, never fails
Arizona, Subway. Havent ate there in 12 years. It's so bad that if a Walmart has a Subway I actively avoid that entrance because the smell makes me want to gag or throw up
Yes, before a flight back from Europe. Didn't know it was full on food poisoning until about 2-3 hours in. It was a miserable 7 more hours. Paced in front of the toilet the whole time. Got a lot of weird looks. Awful.
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My wife and I went to Vegas Friday night. We were suppose to go back home Monday. Finally this afternoon we are heading home.
Saw The Rolling Stones Saturday night. Sunday morning it hit me. I guess you can call it a weight loss program.
I did spend some time in a hospital.
In the summer of 2021 I went to Vegas with a couple buddies. We were flying out of MSP, so we went out for dinner and a couple drinks. It was an early flight, so we didn't hit the booze hard at all. We found a bar somewhat close to the hotel we were staying at. I ordered a rueben.

Fast-forward to about 2AM and I'm having cold sweats, shaking, and shitting my brains out and puking. That keeps going until about 6AM. We got our stuff together and took the shuttle to the airport, and I proceed to hit the bathroom like another 3 times before we reach our gate. The only thing going through my mind is how shitty (pun intended) the flight is going to be. Then on the flight I didn't have to leave my seat once. Apparently I had gotten everything outta my system. It was not fun though, and I can only assume it was something I ate either at that bar, or earlier in the day.
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Not me, but several years ago we went to the Dominican with 2 other families. Great resort and fun week, the last night we all went to a Brazilian steakhouse type place and my wife ordered the vegetarian option. Later that night she said she wasn't feeling right, and in the morning she said she felt terrible. The flight back was miserable as she was freezing and sick. She missed a day or so of work and finally went to the doctor and she had salmonella. They put her on some meds and the state department called her at home to find out where she had eaten. As soon as they heard Dominican they didn't care anymore, just wanted to make sure it wasn't somewhere here. She missed the entire week of work and it took a while to feel right.
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In high school, I went to the Long John Silvers on the CVille strip and got the fish and shrimp basket. Woke up in the middle of the night puking and shitting uncontrollably. Was sick for a couple of days. 2 weeks later I went back to that place and got the same thing and had the same results. Not sure if it was grease or salmonella.

Never went back and those were the only times I ever ate at a LJS. CSB.
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In high school, I went to the Long John Silvers on the CVille strip and got the fish and shrimp basket. Woke up in the middle of the night puking and shitting uncontrollably. Was sick for a couple of days. 2 weeks later I went back to that place and got the same thing and had the same results. Not sure if it was grease or salmonella.

Never went back and those were the only times I ever ate at a LJS. CSB.
That's pretty good you could go back again two weeks later. I had a friend who got the flu during the night after eating Happy Joe's Taco Pizza, and you could almost make him gag just by talking about taco pizza years later.
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That's pretty good you could go back again two weeks later. I had a friend who got the flu during the night after eating Happy Joe's Taco Pizza, and you could almost make him gag just by talking about taco pizza years later.
I was in HS, it was just me testing a theory that it was a one off, which it wasn't. To this day if I see a LJS, it brings back bad memories.
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I got food poisoning from a meal on a Delta flight. Some of you are old enough to remember when airlines actually served meals on shorter flights. Fortunately for me, the flight landed before the full effects hit me.

I've had food poisoning 4 times. The feeling is unique and unmistakable. It's undoubtedly a survival mechanism for the body because there's an aversion to eating that food for a very long time.
I would suspect you got food poisoning before you got on the plane. That would be an insanely short time for it to set in.
In the 2000s I had a business trip to Paris. On the overnight United flight I ate the food and when we arrived at our hotel I started to feel really bad. Long story short I never left the hotel, hell I barely left the bathroom. It took 3 days for the symptoms to fully pass. Luckily my colleagues got me a local doctor that made a house call to the hotel as I was in no shape to move. Horrible experience that I attribute to the small side salad United served me.
I always thought food poisoning was an excuse people used when they didn't want to hang out, until I got it. Berkeley had a restaurant called Bake Sale Betty's. This place had a line that went totally around the block for their signature Chicken Pot Pies.

Wife and I spent like 3 hours waiting to get them. I spent a solid 8 hours in a puddle of sweat on the bathroom floor with intermittent puking and shitting waiting for it to pass.

Just the thought of chicken pot pies makes my mouth water like I'm going to hurl 16 years later.

Wife had a it a few times after and I would need to leave the house because the smell of it would make me dry heave.
2 different visits to Puerto Vallarta. May have been Noro one time. 2 winters ago I was sitting in the first row of comfort plus and very shortly after takeoff I bolted to the 1st class lav, thankfully no one was in it... massive puke. I don't puke quietly. When I sat down the f/a brought me a garbage bag, not one of those small barf bags...
I try to call it food poisoning but my family calls it an overdose of cole slaw.

We were coming back from a trip west and spent the last night in Nebraska. Went to a local place and their special was fish, chips, with cole slaw. All five of us ordered it but everyone else left their slaw. Along with my greasy fish and fries I ate 5 helpings of slaw.

No pic held it over my head for a long time she was the one who took the walk of shame to the front desk and ask for a late check out AND more toilet paper.

Everyone held it over my head because they had to use the bathroom in the lobby area.
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In high school, I went to the Long John Silvers on the CVille strip and got the fish and shrimp basket. Woke up in the middle of the night puking and shitting uncontrollably. Was sick for a couple of days. 2 weeks later I went back to that place and got the same thing and had the same results. Not sure if it was grease or salmonella.

Never went back and those were the only times I ever ate at a LJS. CSB.
Did you eat the cole slaw?
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Yes, in Mexico City.

🤮 🤮 🤮
You drank the water!!


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