Have you ever flown in a helicopter?


HB Legend
May 8, 2005
What type of helicopter? What was the situation?

I've flown in tons of planes of all types, but never a helicopter.


How about you?
My step mom was a flight nurse/paramedic for 15 years. Every now and then they would take up family for a joy ride. Been up maybe 8 times. Fun trips all around.
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When I was in the Coast Guard, they had a Christmas party for the military families in the South Florida area at Coast Guard Air Station Miami. Santa arrived in a helicopter and they gave people helicopter rides throughout the day.

Probably only cost the taxpayers about a quarter of a million dollars.
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What type of helicopter? What was the situation?

I've flown in tons of planes of all types, but never a helicopter.


How about you?

Rode this helicopter to within a few hundred feet of the summit of the Matterhorn in Switzerland. It was awesome. Best $100 I spent that trip.

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When I was a little kid - probably about 7 - my parents took us to St. Louis for a few days and we did a helicopter flight around The Arch. I was terrified approaching the helicopter because the rotor blades were so loud, but once we got up in the air it was pretty cool. Except when the pilot banked really hard and it felt like I was going to fall out of the helicopter and into the river.
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We took a helicopter tour of the Big Island back in March. It was amazing and I now want my own.
Kauai tour.

A couple months later a helicopter from the same company (which was the highest rated for safety on Kauai) crashed and everybody on board died.
Worked as a maid on the south rim at the Grand Canyon. A helicopter ride was part of our employee package. First time in a helicopter. Have flown out of GTMO and all over Haiti several times in a Chinook. Flew out of the DR into Haiti post earthquake on a Blackhawk. The absolute best helicopter trip was post tsunami in Sri Lanka. I had to charter a helicopter to get around. Had a former Sri Lankan air force pilot as my pilot. And the whole copter to myself. It was one of those "bubble" helicopters that you could see out below your feet.
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I’ll second Kauai. Napalii coast and Waimea Canyon were breathtaking. There was a section inland where you fly into the side of a mountain with shear cliffs on three sides and the cloud layer on top of you with waterfalls all around. That’s as close to a non-sexual orgasm I’ve ever had. Mrs. Dragon (no pics) pretty much did have an orgasm however it was because she was drooling all over our 25 year old pilot from New Zealand and she couldn’t get enough of his Kiwi accent.

First time though is when I flew for Airwolf. Back in the 80’s we took out some Contra rebels like it was nobody’s business.

I haven't but my wife got to ride in what was described as a jet helicopter(?) when she worked for a oil exploration company in Denver.
Also a cousin flew them in Vietnam and then trained crews coming over from the States (in Thailand I think).
I flew in a army helicopter for work looking for marijuana grows and meth labs. No doors on the helicopter, so I was shitting myself.
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Haven't flown yet, but on the bucket list. I've gone into risk aversion phase because I have kids. I start to think of traveling with my wife like the President/VP. We can't do stuff together like take helicopter rides because if the chopper goes down then we are both lost. When the youngest turns 18 I think I'll do all sorts of stuff like chopper rides, sky diving, hang gliding....come to think of it, I may join the army.
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What type of helicopter? What was the situation?

I've flown in tons of planes of all types, but never a helicopter.


How about you?

Yes when I was a kid my parents put me on a helicopter ride. I don't remember where though.

I do know that at the Elkhart County fair every year they have one.

2nd largest county fair in the nation if you ever want to come up. But be prepared for traffic similar to a large sporting event if you go on the weekend.
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I've done it a few times. Last summer I took a ride around Pikes Peak. My boss has a helicopter and likes to take people on tours of the area.
Kauai, no doors and only four passengers, I checked my seatbelt every time he tipped it sideways. Dropped down right next to a waterfall for lunch. Expensive but worth it.
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Sydney, Australia - the first 30 mins or so were work related, and then final 2 hours or so the people hosting me flew us up NW of the city to a river bed where there was a pub, so we dropped down and had lunch. Then flew straight east and came back down the coast into the harbor. Ridiculous. This was 2001 so I had no camera phone or anything I could easily carry.
Haven't flown yet, but on the bucket list. I've gone into risk aversion phase because I have kids. I start to think of traveling with my wife like the President/VP. We can't do stuff together like take helicopter rides because if the chopper goes down then we are both lost. When the youngest turns 18 I think I'll do all sorts of stuff like chopper rides, sky diving, hang gliding....come to think of it, I may join the army.

Pic of travelling wife?
When i was a kid in the 70's my dad lived in Berkley. We flew into SFO and took a helicopter to east bay. Seemed like it was on of those big navy type crafts.
Wait, wut?

Fred Harvey. Mind numbing job in one of the world's most incredible locations. Was required to do 16 rooms a day. Was paid $5.00/room for every room over 16. I could do 20 in an 8 hour shift no problem. Can't remember my hourly rate. Guessing it was minimum wage. Worked every day I could 6-7 days/week if possible. Spent any off days hiking and any off hours people watching. Great experience. Glad to have done it.