have your political


HR All-State
Sep 16, 2022
have your political views changed since the age you were able to vote?

I always considered myself a lifelong Democrat but in recent years I find myself more right leaning on a bunch of issues.
below the candidates I voted for in each election

2000 GORE (still think he won)

2004 KERRY (wasn't the best candidate but I think we had the 2000 election stolen)

2008 & 2012 OBAMA (most charismatic candidate in my lifetime)

2016 Clinton (again not the best candidate but certainly more qualified than Trump)

2020 Trump (thought he did a good job as far as the economy is concerned in his 1st term, although could do without the infantile demeanor)

2024 will reluctantly vote for Trump over Biden

I think part of getting older is realizing that the 2 party system has done us no favors as a country, & we really need a 3rd legitimate option. I am happy to admit when I am wrong & I see no possible way that Biden can win if everyone is being honest with themselves about his cognitive state.
have your political views changed since the age you were able to vote?

I always considered myself a lifelong Democrat but in recent years I find myself more right leaning on a bunch of issues.
below the candidates I voted for in each election

2000 GORE (still think he won)

2004 KERRY (wasn't the best candidate but I think we had the 2000 election stolen)

2008 & 2012 OBAMA (most charismatic candidate in my lifetime)

2016 Clinton (again not the best candidate but certainly more qualified than Trump)

2020 Trump (thought he did a good job as far as the economy is concerned in his 1st term, although could do without the infantile demeanor)

2024 will reluctantly vote for Trump over Biden

I think part of getting older is realizing that the 2 party system has done us no favors as a country, & we really need a 3rd legitimate option. I am happy to admit when I am wrong & I see no possible way that Biden can win if everyone is being honest with themselves about his cognitive state.
I don't believe you.
You voted for Clinton over Trump but you're voting for a convicted felon this election? Are we missing a TBI in this timeline?

1988 Bush
1992 Bush
1996 Dole
2000 Gore
2004 Kerry
2008 Obama
2012 Obama
2016 Clinton
2020 Biden
2024 Biden
My POTUS votes. I turned 18 in 1976.
1976 Carter
1980 Reagan
1984 Reagan
1988 Bush
1992 Clinton
1996 Perot
2000 Bush
2004 Bush
2008 McCain
2012 Romney
2016 Did not vote
2020 Jorgensen

2024 will vote for Chase Oliver
You voted for Clinton over Trump but you're voting for a convicted felon this election? Are we missing a TBI in this timeline?

1988 Bush
1992 Bush
1996 Dole
2000 Gore
2004 Kerry
2008 Obama
2012 Obama
2016 Clinton
2020 Biden
2024 Biden
Not only is he a convicted felon, he's a lifelong grifter, rapist, and deadbeat who has already told us he's aiming to attack our constitution, fire qualified government worker and install his unqualified toadies into powerful government positions, betray our european and asiatic allies, kow-tow to Putin and Kim Jung Un, destroy our economy with idiotic tarriffs, trample on womens rights, not to mention using his position to continue his grift on the federal government and betray our allies to Putin. But Biden is old. Only an unAmerican idiot could even consider voting for Trump over Biden.
1988 Bush
1992 Clinton
1996 Perot
2000 Bush
2004 Bush
2008 (Mickey Mouse) write in
2012 (Mickey Mouse) write in
2016 Trump
2020 Decided not to vote
2024 Ugh..... deciding if I vote 3rd party or sit it out.
I don't think my political views have changed much. I've never been too far to either side, and am always hoping for a decent 3rd party choice. If anything's changed, it's my distrust of both major parties and their candidates. I'm WAY more cynical as I get older. As for who I voted for in each presidential election:
1992: Ross Perot
1996: Clinton
2000: Bush Jr
2004: Bush Jr
2008: Obama
2012: Obama
2016: Gary Johnson
2020: Biden
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have your political views changed since the age you were able to vote?

I always considered myself a lifelong Democrat but in recent years I find myself more right leaning on a bunch of issues.
below the candidates I voted for in each election

2000 GORE (still think he won)

2004 KERRY (wasn't the best candidate but I think we had the 2000 election stolen)

2008 & 2012 OBAMA (most charismatic candidate in my lifetime)

2016 Clinton (again not the best candidate but certainly more qualified than Trump)

2020 Trump (thought he did a good job as far as the economy is concerned in his 1st term, although could do without the infantile demeanor)

2024 will reluctantly vote for Trump over Biden

I think part of getting older is realizing that the 2 party system has done us no favors as a country, & we really need a 3rd legitimate option. I am happy to admit when I am wrong & I see no possible way that Biden can win if everyone is being honest with themselves about his cognitive state.
If you thought Trump did a good job on the economy, you really weren't paying attention.
2000 - Gore
2004 - Kerry
2008 - McCain
2012 - Romney
2016 - Trump
2020 - Trump
2024 -Kodos

I will admit between 2004 & 2008 my views changed dramatically. I finished school and started working commissioned sales during that time. The decision makers I sold to influenced me greatly to this day.
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Not only is he a convicted felon, he's a lifelong grifter, rapist, and deadbeat who has already told us he's aiming to attack our constitution, fire qualified government worker and install his unqualified toadies into powerful government positions, betray our european and asiatic allies, kow-tow to Putin and Kim Jung Un, destroy our economy with idiotic tarriffs, trample on womens rights, not to mention using his position to continue his grift on the federal government and betray our allies to Putin. But Biden is old. Only an unAmerican idiot could even consider voting for Trump over Biden.
No lies detected. Just the facts.
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04- Bush
08- McCain (RIP... I liked him)
12- Romney (I still would vote for this guy)
16- Johnson
20- Biden

Our choices this year are absolutely terrible. I was really, really hoping someone would step up as a 3rd party moderate who wasn't bought out by lobbyists, could remember where he/she is, not a puppet, and not a felon at the last second... I'm still waiting.
1988 - Didn't vote
1992 - Perot
1996 - Dole
2000 - Gore
2004 - Kerry
2008 - Obama (coin toss for me)
2012 - Obama
2016 - Clinton
2020 - Biden
2024 - Undecided

Not gonna lie, hoping something dramatic happens on either side for the upcoming election. Not sure I can stomach voting for either of the current clowns.
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My views have certainly changed although I feel like a lot of time I was just trying to fit into one party or another.
I feel like sometimes I took on views that I never felt fully comfortable with just so I could fit with one party or the other.
08 - Bob Barr
12 - Obama
16 - Clinton
20 - Biden
24 - Biden

My voting hasn't changed much but several of my views have gotten more left wing as a professional hazard of cleaning up after the housing market collapse for bottom dollar while Wells Fargo were the only ones hiring in Iowa if you had a degree but no professional experience. Not as rosy about capitalism and definitely not the version society has embraced since the late 70s where you privatize anything the public likes that you can possibly privatize and the way the housing market functions generally favors investors over like housing everyone and where builders don't have enough incentive to build the practical modest housing like what went up after WWII. I lost count of how many times, when I was negotiating mortgage short sale offers for the bank, a homeowner who didn't want to deal with the mortgage default process would authorize a realtor to handle everything for them and it would take us two months of back and forth to sus out that the "buyer" was the realtor themselves or an associate of a realtor who didn't actually list the property and tried to get lowest offer possible approved to flip the thing shortly after closing. Absolute scumbags who don't see what's wrong with what they're doing even after it is explained.
1992: GHB (R)
1996: Dole (R)
2000: GWB (R)
2004: Kerry (D)
2008: Obama (D)
2012: Romney (R) (I literally decided this one while staring at the ballot. Oh to have this quality of choice every time.)
2016: Johnson (L)
2020: Biden (D)

I definitely used to be very conservative and have moved to the solid middle as I've aged and started to see that the world isn't so black and white. I probably lean slightly right still, but I don't see myself voting for a Republican candidate at the national level for a long time. Its more of a cult than a political party at this point. Even when the cult leader is gone, the damage will probably take at least a decade to repair (if it ever can be repaired).
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My views have changed considerably. I was a hard core Republican voter until Trump came along. I listened to Rush almost every day from age 17 through my 30’s. I’m 52 now and will vote 50/50 R or D depending on the candidate on the ballot.

1992 Bush
1996 Dole
2000 Bush
2004 Bush
2008 McCain
2012 Obama
2016 Johnson
2020 Biden
I may have voted for Bush, vs Clinton, considered it. Otherwise voted for Dems.

‘If You Are Not a Liberal When You Are Young, You
Have No Heart, and If You Are Not a Conservative
When Old, You Have No Brain’-19th century jurist.
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Bush - because I knew Clinton cheated on his wife before most
Biden in 24
My principles have remained the same. They have always been way to the left of any viable political party, but I vote for Democrats against Trump 100% of the time.
2004 - Bush
2008 - McCain
2012 - Romney
2016 - Johnson
2020 - Biden
2024 - Biden

I was a moderate Conservative after college, but I couldn't accept the social views of the party any longer when people I knew acted like same-sex marriage being legalized was the end of the world. At that point, I would rather not be associated with people that don't think others are morally equal to them.
Not only is he a convicted felon, he's a lifelong grifter, rapist, and deadbeat who has already told us he's aiming to attack our constitution, fire qualified government worker and install his unqualified toadies into powerful government positions, betray our european and asiatic allies, kow-tow to Putin and Kim Jung Un, destroy our economy with idiotic tarriffs, trample on womens rights, not to mention using his position to continue his grift on the federal government and betray our allies to Putin. But Biden is old. Only an unAmerican idiot could even consider voting for Trump over Biden.
Here folks is a perfect example of someone with TDS. 😳
I was independent until Trump and figured that was temporary but I’ve also just gotten more liberal as I’ve aged.

Going back through history, the lasting landmark legislation that actually went to benefit people all came from strong liberal politicians. Social security, Medicare, Civil Rights, Voting Rights, ACA. Republicans’ solutions to everything is tax cuts, which naturally only helps the wealthiest.

And that’s without getting into the social issues, which conservatives are nearly always on the wrong end of.