I don't want this to take anything away from Grip and the loss of his father...but my brother was killed in a workplace accident last Wednesday, and many of the things he wrote resonates with me.
I had gotten in late tuesday night from a 6 day trip to Mexico with my wife and some friends...enjoying the high of just being together and enjoying ourselves...and Wednesday morning, sitting at home at the table and getting the call from my dad with the news. I couldn't believe what i was hearing. I kept saying no. No no no no...this couldn't be happening...i had just text him the night before about Christmas in a few weeks.
He loved the Hawkeyes and when able, would attend at least the ISU meet, and others. We tried to do B1G's when it was in IC and the Trials, but he was ill both times. The last meet we saw together was fOSU last year, and plans were made for OK St this year.
I'm not sure why i felt the need to share this, but this board has been a great getaway for me over the many years and for some reason, knew that it would OK to share. I know we've all been through something similar in our lives and needed the escape for a while and would like to think that despite everything, HR is really just a big Griswold family (with PSU fans being Cousin Eddy, naturally)
Thanks HR.
I had gotten in late tuesday night from a 6 day trip to Mexico with my wife and some friends...enjoying the high of just being together and enjoying ourselves...and Wednesday morning, sitting at home at the table and getting the call from my dad with the news. I couldn't believe what i was hearing. I kept saying no. No no no no...this couldn't be happening...i had just text him the night before about Christmas in a few weeks.
He loved the Hawkeyes and when able, would attend at least the ISU meet, and others. We tried to do B1G's when it was in IC and the Trials, but he was ill both times. The last meet we saw together was fOSU last year, and plans were made for OK St this year.
I'm not sure why i felt the need to share this, but this board has been a great getaway for me over the many years and for some reason, knew that it would OK to share. I know we've all been through something similar in our lives and needed the escape for a while and would like to think that despite everything, HR is really just a big Griswold family (with PSU fans being Cousin Eddy, naturally)
Thanks HR.