I have read and listened to a ton of stuff on this case and it doesn't paint a very good picture for the Manning family. I don't think its a stretch to look at the Manning's and realize that this is a cultivated situation where dad has done everything to keep the family image squeaky clean and when something/one interferes with this the blame goes to the other party not the family or kids. All of this could have been avoided multiple times but the Mannings are the ones not letting this die. All Peyton would have had to do is suck it up give an old "kids will be kids, and i'm sorry" speech and this would be all over. Hell they had it over but Archie had to blab about it in his book to sell a few more copies (BTW don't read it....its freaking awful).
This was a family brought up to be perfect and when things didn't work out they turned to intimidation and slander instead of responsibility....I don't think anyone really cares about Peyton farting in some SA's face or putting his junk on her head, it was rude and classless but he was 20.....its easily forgivable in this culture. The issue is the cover up and what seems to be a systematic history of intimidation and lack of accepting any kind of responsibility for actions that are unbecoming of a person who wants to be widely loved by everyone.
Of a more personal opinion I found it very interesting as I attended a few Superbowl parties to see so many women (and some men for that matter) rooting on Peyton and despising Cam Newton before, during, and after the game. The argument always centered around all these bad things they believe Cam had done while at junior college, Auburn, and now with Carolina while the only thing they can remember about Peyton is Papa John's commercials and SNL. What isn't amazing to me is how social media has affected our opinion of two guys that both did dumb things in college and how that's affected them in their careers so far but that people are willing to dig for bad info about Cam(which is readily available) but aren't willing to look under the surface at a guy like Peyton. The question is why? Are we more prone to look at a black athlete like this or is it as simple as we WANT to like Peyton and Cam makes for an easy heel with his showboating?
For me it wasn't an interesting Super Bowl for teams I like. I root for KC so Denver isnt my cup of tea but I was happy to see Ferentz get a ring. I don't care for Carolina but I do have many friends in Charlotte and they have nothing but nice things to say about how that team and organization have poured their hearts back into the city and have done things the right way to get where they are and to get support. Cam is a part of that whether we like that or not as fans of the collective NFL. What I enjoyed most about the Super Bowl was seeing people's reaction to both players that IMO are cut from the same jock cloth.