Herb Hoover is Iowa proud of him?


Scout Team
Nov 29, 2015
Great humanitarian but awful president. Whats Iowa think of him?

Indiana loves Ben Harrison
He would have had to do something in 1932 too, so doubt it. Good man, poor leader. Republican’s Jimmy Carter.
True but....FDR takes over 3 years into the great depression and it's firmly established that the depression isn't "his fault". Hoover was saddled with it even though I think it can be argued it really wasn't "his fault".

The U.S really didn't come out of the great depression until the build-up and resultant economic boost to WW2.
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Similar to what others are saying, I don’t think the depression was his fault. Nor do I think it was W’s for that matter.
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I'm not going to dispute his record as POTUS, but HH was far more than just a good man. The rest of his resume is quite impressive.

Yes and no. We tend to forget that he was the secretary of commerce under Coolidge and was elected president in large part because he was seen as a major architect of the booming ‘20s economy.

But he does also get unfairly blamed for the Depression as well because many of the factors that caused it happened on levels that weren’t fully understood by economists of the time.
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Check out the Words Matter Podcast of August 5th. It's an interview with Margaret Hoover, his granddaughter.