Here are Bill Plaschke's tweets...


HB Legend
Sep 12, 2013
...during and after the Iowa State loss to UAB.

"Iowa State slamming things on bench, McKay actually walked off toward tunnel...this team has issues, showed the whole game..."

"Many of Iowa State's players walk off without shaking hands...classless ending to a classess effort..something wrong in that locker room."

Now, I understand some internet posting Iowa State fans are disputing the accuracy of these statements.

Plaschke is an LA Times Sports Columnist and though he does appear on ESPN'S "Around the Horn" he is hardly the kind of Shock Jock that Iowa has recently encountered.

This post was edited on 3/19 3:37 PM by DanL53
Re: Here's are Bill Plaschke's tweets...

Plaschke is a douche. But it sounds like maybe McKay and some others walked off while Niang and Thomas and others stayed and shook hands. Probably much ado about nothing.
Re: Here's are Bill Plaschke's tweets...

Originally posted by StormHawk42:
Plaschke is a douche. But it sounds like maybe McKay and some others walked off while Niang and Thomas and others stayed and shook hands. Probably much ado about nothing.
I can't agree with that. The team stays to congratulate the other team. All of 'em.
McKay walked off after their bad loss at KSU, didn't he?

Highly doubt Plaschke is making this stuff up
Plaschke is a blowhard. I have followed the Lakers for years and the stuff he comes up with is meant more to get a reaction than to be accurate.
What? Doubting the sportsmanship of the Mayor's choir boys? Incredible... Unless, of course, you've noticed this same act the classy way the Ames team played in Iowa City...or the way the Ames boys forgot to shake hands after another loss or two this season. Hey, no big deal. Hoiberg can do no wrong, and the Ames boys are awesome. I know, because they keep telling us so. But I guess that 14 seed they played today forgot to bow down.
While I wouldn't condone acting like that on the bench; I have had this talk with my dad, who played football and basketball at Illinois State, and we cannot for the life of us figure out why it's so important to line the guys up to shakes hands.

You spend all game "battling" against these guys and then are just supposed to turn off that aggression and calmly shake hands........seems un-needed.
It is called Sportsmanship. You are supposed to shoe it before, after, and during the game. If tou can't win or lose with class you aren't upholding the long tradition of what sports are supposed to be all about.
Originally posted by HMBAltoSax:
While I wouldn't condone acting like that on the bench; I have had this talk with my dad, who played football and basketball at Illinois State, and we cannot for the life of us figure out why it's so important to line the guys up to shakes hands.

You spend all game "battling" against these guys and then are just supposed to turn off that aggression and calmly shake hands........seems un-needed.

It's sportsmanship. I can recall things like Coaches coming up to Iowa seniors before a game and shaking their hand, wishing them well.

I doubt anyone else noticed but there was a game, one of the first we played this year, where Woody and an opposing big were roughing each other up pretty good...but at the free throw line Woody kind of gave the guy a tap like, "Hey..", and that fellow turned, smiled and tapped Woody back. Then they both started laughing and for a second it looked like a bro hug was coming. Just for a second.

And believe it or not years ago Lute Olson used to be a part of a charity golf event at Finkbine, and other coaches...especially Bobby Knight, would show up to play and support it.

I would ask what is wrong with expecting players from each team to shake hands at the end of a game? It does seem like a good lesson, especially for little kids growing up, to understand that it is still just a game.

I don't know, maybe it's an old guy thing.
Originally posted by HMBAltoSax:
While I wouldn't condone acting like that on the bench; I have had this talk with my dad, who played football and basketball at Illinois State, and we cannot for the life of us figure out why it's so important to line the guys up to shakes hands.

You spend all game "battling" against these guys and then are just supposed to turn off that aggression and calmly shake hands........seems un-needed.
I'm kind of surprised the post-game hand shake completely stumped you and your dad. It's traditional for amateur athletics because good sportsmanship is a value that is honored at that level of competition.
So if it is so universally important why then do NCAA football players not have a mandatory handshake after the game? Granted a lot of them take it upon themselves to still greet players on the opposing team they know but nobody is lining them up to make sure every kid gives a half-hearted "Good game"...........

I'm not saying there is no merit I just think it's funny that on a message board full of hatred and vitriol we are judging a 20 year old kid on letting emotions get the best of him.
You gotta shake hands and congratulate the other team just out of peer respect for your opponent and yourself... I've been in those situations before after a tough loss and our coaches still made us shake hands to show that we respect our opponents and the sport... Kudos to Niang, Thomas and the others that stayed and shook hands because it was a tough loss to go through and you truly have to have inner strength to suck it up and show respect to the other team
Originally posted by DanL53:

Originally posted by HMBAltoSax:
While I wouldn't condone acting like that on the bench; I have had this talk with my dad, who played football and basketball at Illinois State, and we cannot for the life of us figure out why it's so important to line the guys up to shakes hands.

You spend all game "battling" against these guys and then are just supposed to turn off that aggression and calmly shake hands........seems un-needed.

It's sportsmanship. I can recall things like Coaches coming up to Iowa seniors before a game and shaking their hand, wishing them well.

I doubt anyone else noticed but there was a game, one of the first we played this year, where Woody and an opposing big were roughing each other up pretty good...but at the free throw line Woody kind of gave the guy a tap like, "Hey..", and that fellow turned, smiled and tapped Woody back. Then they both started laughing and for a second it looked like a bro hug was coming. Just for a second.

And believe it or not years ago Lute Olson used to be a part of a charity golf event at Finkbine, and other coaches...especially Bobby Knight, would show up to play and support it.

I would ask what is wrong with expecting players from each team to shake hands at the end of a game? It does seem like a good lesson, especially for little kids growing up, to understand that it is still just a game.

I don't know, maybe it's an old guy thing.
When Indiana played a Big 10 team on their (the opponents) court, Bob Knight would go up to every senior on the opposing team and congratulate them.
Originally posted by 83Hawk:
Originally posted by DanL53:

Originally posted by HMBAltoSax:
While I wouldn't condone acting like that on the bench; I have had this talk with my dad, who played football and basketball at Illinois State, and we cannot for the life of us figure out why it's so important to line the guys up to shakes hands.

You spend all game "battling" against these guys and then are just supposed to turn off that aggression and calmly shake hands........seems un-needed.

It's sportsmanship. I can recall things like Coaches coming up to Iowa seniors before a game and shaking their hand, wishing them well.
When Indiana played a Big 10 team on their (the opponents) court, Bob Knight would go up to every senior on the opposing team and congratulate them.
I remember Bobby Hansen talking about Bobby Knight doing that with him, He said Knight told him that "You could play for me" and Bobby really appreciated it.
I don't know who Plaschke is but he sounds like a douche. I watched it and while I didn't count heads, it looked like most of the ISU player went through the handshake line. I know Niang went back and talked with at least one UAB player after the line. Mountain out of a molehill, sounds like.
Plaschke, like all other print media dinosaurs, will do anything to get people to read anything he writes. He's a regular on those ESPN argument shows. None of his points are terribly original or insightful.
Re: Here's are Bill Plaschke's tweets...

Originally posted by StormHawk42:
Plaschke is a douche. But it sounds like maybe McKay and some others walked off while Niang and Thomas and others stayed and shook hands. Probably much ado about nothing.
Couple of ISU fans who were there said four Cyclone players, including McKay, didn't go through the formal handshaking line. But on TV you could see McKay hugging several of the UAB players after the game, even if he didn't do the handshake thing. And the Greek kid, the freshman, was crying, so probably not in a handshaking mode. I think the other two were DejeanJones and Hogue, the two seniors.

I don't really give a shit one way or the other, except it's just one more thing for critics to rag about. Not that their play wasn't enough.

Have no idea about problems in the locker room.
Plaschke is an outright liar. One if the worst humans in sports.

Eh, UAB players were running around the court. Much ado about nothing.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by HMBAltoSax:
While I wouldn't condone acting like that on the bench; I have had this talk with my dad, who played football and basketball at Illinois State, and we cannot for the life of us figure out why it's so important to line the guys up to shakes hands.

You spend all game "battling" against these guys and then are just supposed to turn off that aggression and calmly shake hands........seems un-needed.
Got to say, man, both you and your dad are wrong. Can not for the life of you figure out why it's important? Really?
Originally posted by Wordel:

Originally posted by HMBAltoSax:
While I wouldn't condone acting like that on the bench; I have had this talk with my dad, who played football and basketball at Illinois State, and we cannot for the life of us figure out why it's so important to line the guys up to shakes hands.

You spend all game "battling" against these guys and then are just supposed to turn off that aggression and calmly shake hands........seems un-needed.
Got to say, man, both you and your dad are wrong. Can not for the life of you figure out why it's important? Really?
If it is SO important why do they not mandate it for ALL NCAA sports? I just think its ludicrous for anyone on a message board to judge these kids without having walked in their shoes much less claim they are classless.

I have seen plenty of Iowa players, football for instance, leave the field in a huff after a bad loss but I don't see people piling on them. I'm just saying cut them a break.
This post was edited on 3/19 11:47 PM by HMBAltoSax
Originally posted by HMBAltoSax:

Originally posted by Wordel:

Originally posted by HMBAltoSax:
While I wouldn't condone acting like that on the bench; I have had this talk with my dad, who played football and basketball at Illinois State, and we cannot for the life of us figure out why it's so important to line the guys up to shakes hands.

You spend all game "battling" against these guys and then are just supposed to turn off that aggression and calmly shake hands........seems un-needed.
Got to say, man, both you and your dad are wrong. Can not for the life of you figure out why it's important? Really?
If it is SO important why do they not mandate it for ALL NCAA sports? I just think its ludicrous for anyone on a message board to judge these kids without having walked in their shoes much less claim they are classless.

I have seen plenty of Iowa players, football for instance, leave the field in a huff after a bad loss but I don't see people piling on them. I'm just saying cut them a break.

This post was edited on 3/19 11:47 PM by HMBAltoSax
It's just the classy thing to's about manning up and taking your medicine. Not required and not that big of a deal but I really can't see our crew doing that...can you?
Meh...nothing to see here. Just cause a couple knuckleheads skipped it shouldn't blackball the entire team.
Plashke is a Tool anyway. Should stick to the NBA and shut his piehole. Not going to let any controversy distract me from enjoying the ISU loss immensely.....The rest is just pointless.
Certainly do not condone poor sportsmanship, after all it is just a game. What I find peculiar is the fans that are chastising some ISU players for their treatment of bench chairs and completely overlook Fran McCaffery's childish behavior on the bench. Why is it when Fran behaves this way it is because he has passion; however, when some ISU players behave this way they are branded as poor sports? Just askin! Seems like a double standard. We need to remember these coaches and players are on a big stage and just a Fran shows his displeasure when things go awry others do as well, in this case they happen to be some of the ISU players.
Originally posted by oakhawk:
It is called Sportsmanship. You are supposed to shoe it before, after, and during the game. If tou can't win or lose with class you aren't upholding the long tradition of what sports are supposed to be all about.
Reading this thread, I can't help but remember the way Hawkeye fans -- and Coach Fry -- defended Bielema's douchebag act with Jim Walden.
Lone, I don't recall what was printed, I really dont. However, Brett's comments were not warmly received inside - the verbal dressing down and extra exercise was - lets say a learning moment for Brett.

I'm sure some would contend he has since forgotten the what was taught.

That said, tough loss for a team that would have been fun to watch play another game or two....or more. I was pulling for an all IOWA sweet 16, naturally with the good guys winning.
Well, after reading some posts on the Cyclone forum (which this was the first and hopefully the last time I ever had a reason to visit that site) I've come to my conclusions.

I feel bad for the Iowa State players who exhibited the sportsmanship to stay after the game and shake hands. The teammates that left should have thought of them.

Some UAB players were celebrating on the court while the handshake line took place. They weren't any better than the Iowa State players that stormed off. But there was a handshake line and kudos to players on each side that participated.

It seems the two that left (others did but were seen giving a nod, hug, or something to a UAB player first) were the same two that left after the KSU loss. Hogue and I think McKey?

In the scheme of things it isn't the end of the world, but I hope it is never something we encounter at Iowa. Especially repeatedly. Players should be reprimanded for that.
Re: Here's are Bill Plaschke's tweets...

Originally posted by Lone Clone:

Originally posted by StormHawk42:
Plaschke is a douche. But it sounds like maybe McKay and some others walked off while Niang and Thomas and others stayed and shook hands. Probably much ado about nothing.
Couple of ISU fans who were there said four Cyclone players, including McKay, didn't go through the formal handshaking line. But on TV you could see McKay hugging several of the UAB players after the game, even if he didn't do the handshake thing. And the Greek kid, the freshman, was crying, so probably not in a handshaking mode. I think the other two were DejeanJones and Hogue, the two seniors.

I don't really give a shit one way or the other, except it's just one more thing for critics to rag about. Not that their play wasn't enough.

Have no idea about problems in the locker room.
I think for the most part they went thru the line, but also some of the UAB guys were not there because they were celebrating with other fans and team mates.

When players do like Detroit did with Thomas and Lambeer and others against the Celtics years ago, left the court in defeat with about 1 or 2 minutes to go, then I'll call that bush league.
Originally posted by MTHawkeyes43:
Certainly do not condone poor sportsmanship, after all it is just a game. What I find peculiar is the fans that are chastising some ISU players for their treatment of bench chairs and completely overlook Fran McCaffery's childish behavior on the bench. Why is it when Fran behaves this way it is because he has passion; however, when some ISU players behave this way they are branded as poor sports? Just askin! Seems like a double standard. We need to remember these coaches and players are on a big stage and just a Fran shows his displeasure when things go awry others do as well, in this case they happen to be some of the ISU players.
I thought this was about the players, not the coaches. Try and stay on topic.
I would bet dollars to donuts that the head coach over there (what's his name again?) has tried to teach sportsmanship to his players. But when some of those players are BB vagabonds who are enrolled in college for only one reason, well, you reap what you sow.
Originally posted by BGHAWK:
Originally posted by MTHawkeyes43:
Certainly do not condone poor sportsmanship, after all it is just a game. What I find peculiar is the fans that are chastising some ISU players for their treatment of bench chairs and completely overlook Fran McCaffery's childish behavior on the bench. Why is it when Fran behaves this way it is because he has passion; however, when some ISU players behave this way they are branded as poor sports? Just askin! Seems like a double standard. We need to remember these coaches and players are on a big stage and just a Fran shows his displeasure when things go awry others do as well, in this case they happen to be some of the ISU players.
I thought this was about the players, not the coaches. Try and stay on topic.
It seems to me that it is about poor sportsmanship/behavior; therefore, I am on topic. Sorry you have poor reading skills and cannot make connections.

This post was edited on 3/20 10:41 AM by MTHawkeyes43
Originally posted by MTHawkeyes43:

Originally posted by BGHAWK:

Originally posted by MTHawkeyes43:
Certainly do not condone poor sportsmanship, after all it is just a game. What I find peculiar is the fans that are chastising some ISU players for their treatment of bench chairs and completely overlook Fran McCaffery's childish behavior on the bench. Why is it when Fran behaves this way it is because he has passion; however, when some ISU players behave this way they are branded as poor sports? Just askin! Seems like a double standard. We need to remember these coaches and players are on a big stage and just a Fran shows his displeasure when things go awry others do as well, in this case they happen to be some of the ISU players.
I thought this was about the players, not the coaches. Try and stay on topic.
It seems to me that it is about poor sportsmanship/behavior; therefore, I am on topic. Sorry you have poor reading skills and cannot make connections.

This post was edited on 3/20 10:41 AM by MTHawkeyes43
No, you are not on topic. You are simply engaging equivalent retaliation. Something that confuses conversations. A ploy used when people want to stifle communication, end the discussion of an issue, because they have no firm foundation to "defend" their side.
Originally posted by hawkfan55:
Since Dejean-Jones only played 5 minutes, he probably wasn't in the best mood.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
This is the real story. What happened here? At one time he was the focal point of the offense. Something must have been going on, and I didn't hear that he was injured?
Originally posted by HMBAltoSax:
So if it is so universally important why then do NCAA football players not have a mandatory handshake after the game? Granted a lot of them take it upon themselves to still greet players on the opposing team they know but nobody is lining them up to make sure every kid gives a half-hearted "Good game"...........

I'm not saying there is no merit I just think it's funny that on a message board full of hatred and vitriol we are judging a 20 year old kid on letting emotions get the best of him.
They are games, and I don't believe they are mandatory in any sport except wrestling. But it shows maturity and the realization your world did not end when the buzzer went off.
Originally posted by the24fan:
Meh...nothing to see here. Just cause a couple knuckleheads skipped it shouldn't blackball the entire team.
Plashke is a Tool anyway. Should stick to the NBA and shut his piehole. Not going to let any controversy distract me from enjoying the ISU loss immensely.....The rest is just pointless.

I completely agree except that these guys have a history of doing this and Fred is apparently ok with it.
Originally posted by Lone Clone:

Originally posted by oakhawk:
It is called Sportsmanship. You are supposed to shoe it before, after, and during the game. If tou can't win or lose with class you aren't upholding the long tradition of what sports are supposed to be all about.
Reading this thread, I can't help but remember the way Hawkeye fans -- and Coach Fry -- defended Bielema's douchebag act with Jim Walden.
Guess we will see if the ISU players will be made to write an apology letter as Bret was by Iowa.
Originally posted by DanL53:
Originally posted by MTHawkeyes43:

Originally posted by BGHAWK:

Originally posted by MTHawkeyes43:
Certainly do not condone poor sportsmanship, after all it is just a game. What I find peculiar is the fans that are chastising some ISU players for their treatment of bench chairs and completely overlook Fran McCaffery's childish behavior on the bench. Why is it when Fran behaves this way it is because he has passion; however, when some ISU players behave this way they are branded as poor sports? Just askin! Seems like a double standard. We need to remember these coaches and players are on a big stage and just a Fran shows his displeasure when things go awry others do as well, in this case they happen to be some of the ISU players.
I thought this was about the players, not the coaches. Try and stay on topic.
It seems to me that it is about poor sportsmanship/behavior; therefore, I am on topic. Sorry you have poor reading skills and cannot make connections.

This post was edited on 3/20 10:41 AM by MTHawkeyes43
No, you are not on topic. You are simply engaging equivalent retaliation. Something that confuses conversations. A ploy used when people want to stifle communication, end the discussion of an issue, because they have no firm foundation to "defend" their side.
Wow I guess I overestimated your ability to read. I wrote that I certainly do not condone poor sportsmanship. In addition, I do not have a side. I was merely pointing out the obvious double standard being applied. It is you who is trying to obfuscate my point because it is you who condones Fran's behavior and loathes the ISU players behavior. On the other hand, I find both the players behavior and Fran's behavior (when he acts unsportsman like) to be abhorrent. Show me some of your moral outrage concerning Fran unsportsman like behavior.

The truth is character is not measured by what an individual does when life is going well.

It is at this point that you call me a troll because I refuse to sip on the Fran McCaffery kool-aid. So let it rip DanL.

This post was edited on 3/20 12:32 PM by MTHawkeyes43

This post was edited on 3/20 12:34 PM by MTHawkeyes43
Originally posted by Lone Clone:

Originally posted by oakhawk:
It is called Sportsmanship. You are supposed to shoe it before, after, and during the game. If tou can't win or lose with class you aren't upholding the long tradition of what sports are supposed to be all about.
Reading this thread, I can't help but remember the way Hawkeye fans -- and Coach Fry -- defended Bielema's douchebag act with Jim Walden.
So the rationale/defense is IA did it so that makes it right for ISU to do it? That seems to be your implication. You're reminded of BB and HF; your reply reminds me of how my parents dealt with that kind of defense....I was still disciplined even if the neighborhood kids did it too and weren't disciplined.

If ISU players walked off, it's wrong on its own face. If IA players walk off, it is also wrong. These are not co-existent.

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