Hey, call me fat, I'll own it, but has anyone noticed Nikki Haley's side view....

I'm actually not voting for her because of her side profile.
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I'm actually not voting for her because of her side profile.
one time, for some awful reason, i was in this physics competition at NASA my sophomore or junior year of HS. The guy that set it up was like "Texans are ****IN DUMB. The Iowans ALWAYS win. Like these guys were TOTAL morons"

Well anyway I was partnered with this hot chick. And we were discussing something and i missed a step and she corrected me and I was going to say "Oh no, I've been outsmarted by a ........Texan".. but she cut me off and was like "outsmarted by a woman???" and I was like... uhhhh how the **** do I get myself out of this one?

That's why I'm not voting for Nikki Haley.
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Don't know who she is but after looking her up I'd let her have a ride.

She's got a bit of that wicked witch of the west look. Those facial features are common in the south.
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