Hey, @fsu1jreed

Dr. Spaceman

HB Heisman
Jun 22, 2009
We need to know if you are in for the FBL dynasty baseball league. No one has been able to reach you via email.
We need to know if you are in for the FBL dynasty baseball league. No one has been able to reach you via email.

I sent an an bad. I'm in..............sorry, things have been really shitty.

Also, fantasy baseball sounds horrible.

A Dynasty league is actually awesome, it makes you do your homework...........and I'll have plenty of time for that since I recently lost my job.
I sent an an bad. I'm in..............sorry, things have been really shitty.

A Dynasty league is actually awesome, it makes you do your homework...........and I'll have plenty of time for that since I recently lost my job.

Well shit.

I sent an an bad. I'm in..............sorry, things have been really shitty.

A Dynasty league is actually awesome, it makes you do your homework...........and I'll have plenty of time for that since I recently lost my job.

Sorry to hear that. The good news is you don’t suck, which is more than most of these jamokes can say.
I sent an an bad. I'm in..............sorry, things have been really shitty.

A Dynasty league is actually awesome, it makes you do your homework...........and I'll have plenty of time for that since I recently lost my job.
Best wishes in a non phony Ts and Ps way. I hope you have that thing licked soon.
I'm getting close.........thanks guys. And thinking about talking to a lawyer about some shit that went down.

Give me a call. I probably can’t represent you but I can talk with you about it and let you know if there is a case for someone to take on. Before I got into the health law side of the business I was an administrative law judge of employment issues and also did some general civil tort work as an assistant AG.
Give me a call. I probably can’t represent you but I can talk with you about it and let you know if there is a case for someone to take on. Before I got into the health law side of the business I was an administrative law judge of employment issues and also did some general civil tort work as an assistant AG.
My take is that he was referring to med mal. Not something to dabble in as a plaintiff's attorney.
Ah, I don't equate "health law" with med mal. Carry on.

Same experts and same cases just in one case the Doctor has his license disciplined and in the other it quickly settles because the insurance always caves if there’s a real case.
Same experts and same cases just in one case the Doctor has his license disciplined and in the other it quickly settles because the insurance always caves if there’s a real case.
Well what you described I don't think of as "health law" either. I get it though, you believe you have the wherewithal to prosecute a plaintiff's med mal case. Good luck.
Okay, here's the situation which has me thinking about calling a lawyer.

I had plastic surgery with skin graft the Friday before Thanksgiving and he put a wound vac on and he said that I would only need ~10 days for the wound vac to do it's job. Well, because I wasn't on IV antibiotic any longer the hospital (because my insurance company was pushing them) discharged me the day before Thanksgiving to go home (I should have went to a skilled nursing facility in hindsight). They made an appointment with my pain management doctor the following Tuesday. On Monday I was getting 2 percocet 10's/ q6, 2mg IV Dilaudid/ q6, and 5 mg Valium/ q4.

For starters, the didn't titrate me down off the Dilaudid like they should have, but also when they gave me the discharge papers they didn't give me any pain killers or muscle relaxers. When I brought it up the PA she said it was against the law, which is complete bullshit.......they can prescribe 72 hours worth (I could have stretched those out to Tuesday). Ironically the CEO of the hospital was my advocacy agent (they come by every week or so to see if you need anything, are you having problems, etc.) and had a pharmacy background so I called him and he said the same thing, that I can get 72 hours worth, but it was after 5pm at this point and there were NO doctor's there (they were already on vacation). He said he was going to call one in but it might be an hour or so, so I waited and never heard anything. So I called him back and got his secretary (he had already left) and told me to go on home and my Mom or Sister could come pick up the prescriptions when he got it handled.

Well I never heard shit from them, so by Thursday night my spasms were a 9/10 and ripped the seal of thee wound vac so it was I did my best to bandage it the next 7 days. What made it worse is that I went through withdrawals the first 2 days (probably from the Dilaudid)......and for those who have never went through them, they were worse the the spasms. I was able to get in with my plastic surgeon the next day and my spasms had not only ripped the graft, but reopened the flap of skin so so they immediately admitted to the hospital and I've been here since. Now there's a possibility that it would have happened anyways, but it's highly probable I would have been good to go had they gave me those scripts.

If I could have healed the graft I could have been back at work by mid-December, but because of this they couldn't wait any longer so the Engineering Director brought my termination letter two weeks ago. I can't be mad, they gave me 13 months off and on to get healed up (I've been in a hospital 10 out the last 13 months), when they could have terminated right after my FMLA ran out back in April.

To be honest, though I do think they should compensate me, I would do it more to make them change their discharge protocols.

When I get some time I'll tell you about the Doctor's over writing my plastic surgeon's orders and sometimes just arbitrarily changing my medications to where the nurse would have to page the doctor to change it back. I've never seen such a disconnect between the doctor's in any other hospital setting.