Hillary campaign pretty tight so far


HB Legend
Gold Member
Oct 1, 2001
When will she open herself up to questions from the press and/or regular citizens? I know its early but access has been very tight so far. There was a story on her visit to a Chipotle restaurant and she spoke to no one except the lady who took her order. I believe they recognize this as Hillary's weakness. Even today in Iowa she has a roundtable discussion with a group of citizens but that tightly controlled. What's Hillary afraid of?
I think her campaign strategy will be similar to a football team playing Prevent D to start the 2nd quarter.
there are photos of her with her outfit tight all the way up to her neck, head to toe covered, either she is now some sort of muslim, or she has a skin condition, or she is truly scared of the sunlight and the outside
Originally posted by aflachawk:

There was a story on her visit to a Chipotle restaurant and she spoke to no one except the lady who took her order.
Didn't she go in there for a Burrito? or for a "Bowl?"

That did not look like much of a campaign event ... at least not in the old-fashioned sense.

Hillary eating a burrito ... Upon reflection, that seems kind of campaign-like in its own right ... and she never even had to do anything except walk in and buy it. Her campaign handled all the publicity details.
When you're the rubber stamp nominee, the only thing that can bring you down from that is what comes out of your own mouth.
Can some of the Republicans explain why she's not their ideal candidate?

There is no real difference between Hillary Clinton and a conservative Republican. Consider just these ten things.

there any real difference between Hillary Clinton and a conservative
Republican on foreign policy? Both the support the United States
imposing sanctions on other countries, a form of economic warfare. Both
support the United States' incessant meddling in the affairs of other
countries. Both support an interventionist foreign policy. Both think
the United States should police the world.

Is there any real
difference between Hillary Clinton and a conservative Republican on the
welfare state? Both think Social Security should be "saved" so that
future generations of the elderly can be supported by the young. Both
support the government providing unemployment benefits so that those who
work can support those who don't. Both support WIC, TANF, federal job
training programs, food stamps, and housing vouchers.

Is there
any real difference between Hillary Clinton and a conservative
Republican on health care? Both support socialized medicine-Medicare and
Medicaid-for the aged and the poor. Both feel that it is the job of
government to ensure that no one is denied insurance because of a
preexisting condition. Both feel that is the job of government to make
health care more affordable. Both support the National Institutes of
Health giving grants for medical research. Both favor federal
HIV/AIDS-prevention initiatives. Both think that the government should
regulate medical devices, medical schools, physicians, drugs, and
hospitals. Both oppose genuine medical freedom, including the right to
sell one's organs. Oh, but Republicans oppose Obamacare. Sure, but only
because it is a Democratic program. When Bush was the president and they
controlled the Congress they supported Bushcare, the Medicare
Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003.

there any real difference between Hillary Clinton and a conservative
Republican on foreign aid? Both support taking billions of dollars from
American taxpayers and giving it to the bloated, corrupt governments of
other countries. Both support more foreign aid for Israel than for any
other country. Both think it is the job of the United States to provide
disaster relief in other countries after an earthquake or typhoon. Both
have no problem with the United States bribing foreign governments with
cash and military equipment to get them to obey U.S. dictates.

there any real difference between Hillary Clinton and a conservative
Republican on education? Both think that all children should recite the
Pledge of Allegiance. Both support the federal student loan program,
Pell Grants, the National School Lunch Program, Head Start, and the
federal Department of Education. Both believe that some Americans should
pay to educate the children of other Americans. Oh, but conservative
Republicans support educational vouchers and Clinton opposes them. And
you think their support of vouchers is a good thing?

Is there any
real difference between Hillary Clinton and a conservative Republican
on victimless crimes? Both support anti-discrimination laws. Both
support laws against gambling, drug use, prostitution, and insider

Is there any real difference between Hillary Clinton and
a conservative Republican on the drug war? Both oppose the legalization
of marijuana for both medical and recreational use. Both want to
continue to fund the DEA. Both think it is the duty of government to
lock people in cages for possessing substances the government doesn't
approve of.

Is there any real difference between Hillary Clinton
and a conservative Republican on the military? Both support the empire
of U.S. troops and bases that encircles the globe. Both would insist
that U.S. troops bombing, invading, and occupying other countries are
defending our freedom. Both support the continued stationing of U.S.
troops in Germany, Italy, and Japan even though World War II ended 70
years ago. Both believe that the U.S. Navy is a global force for good
instead of evil. Both support drone strikes even if they do cause a
little "collateral damage." Oh, but conservative Republicans want to
increase the defense budget. And you think that is a good thing? Ok,
I'll grant you that there might be a slight difference between Hillary
Clinton and conservative Republicans on the military-she is not as bad
as they are.

Is there any real difference between Hillary Clinton
and a conservative Republican on taxes? Both support refundable tax
credits like the earned income credit that allow some Americans to
receive tax refunds when they paid no taxes to begin with. Both believe
that tax reform should be revenue neutral. Both want tax loopholes that
allow some Americans to keep more of their money eliminated. Both
support making "the rich" pay their fair share via a progressive tax
system. Both believe that the government is entitled to a portion of
every American's income.

Is there any real difference between
Hillary Clinton and a conservative Republican on the national security
state? Both support the CIA, FBI, FISA, DIA, TSA, and NSA. Both support
government spying and covert activities. Both support the Patriot Act.
Both support the Department of Homeland Security even though the United
States already has a Department of Defense.

The choice is clear for 2016. Vote for a conservative Republican. Vote for Hillary Clinton.

That is elephant-worthy right there!
Originally posted by ottumwan in tx:

"pretty tight" and "Hillary" in the same sentence....
Originally posted by ottumwan in tx:

there are photos of her with her outfit tight all the way up to her neck, head to toe covered, either she is now some sort of muslim, or she has a skin condition, or she is truly scared of the sunlight and the outside
It hides her GARGANTUAN hips.

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